10 Ways on How to Eliminate Acne with Garlic

Many ways to remove acne scars naturally within 1 week. But women usually do not like when the pimple on his face stayed for too long even trace. They will do so in a way that acne can disappear quickly within 1 night only.

The growth of acne is sometimes unexpected. When the next day there is an important event that we must attend, suddenly acne appears without permission.

This will definitely make the women miserable. The acne should be gone overnight so the next day can come up with perfectly smooth skin without acne. However, do not be haphazard. Read more about How To Overcome Dry Foot Skin

Just because you want to lose acne as soon as possible all the way done without knowing safe or not. Do not be confused, here’s how to get rid of acne with garlic in 1 night is guaranteed to work. You can also add other ingredients so that the benefits received can be maximal. Anything anyway? Let’s see the following.

1. Garlic

How to get rid of acne with garlic in 1 night can only use the kitchen spice without added to any ingredients.

Here’s how:

  • Prepare 1 clove of garlic, then mash until smooth.
  • Apply thinly thin garlic to acne.
  • Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • If the skin feels hot, rinse immediately with water until clean.

2. Garlic and Honey

The benefit of honey for acne is to kill all the bacteria in the acne and make it heal faster. Honey also moisturizes the skin and makes it supple.

  • Prepare 1 clarified garlic cloves.
  • Mix with honey to taste to form a paste.
  • Apply to acne and wait for up to 10 minutes.
  • Wash your face with water until clean.
  • View the results of this mask the next day.

3. Garlic and Lemon

How to get rid of acne with lemon and honey is much done because it proved usefulness. Mix both ingredients with garlic for acne can disappear within 1 night. Read more about  Benefits of Salt Water for Skin Health

  • Prepare materials needed: lemon juice to taste and garlic mashed.
  • Mix both ingredients, do not get too thin.
  • Add honey to thicken.
  • Apply on acne, then let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse face with water until clean

4. Garlic and Tomato

Because the content of vitamin A and vitamin C in tomatoes is very large, the benefits of tomatoes for acne is very much too. Here’s how to make a mask of tomatoes and garlic.

  • Take 1/4 of fresh tomato sections, puree.
  • Mix with 1 clove of garlic which is also smoothed.
  • Mix well to form a mask paste.
  • Apply on facial acne.
  • Let soak for 10 minutes then rinse with water until clean.

5. Garlic and Lime

Just like lemons, the benefits of lime for acne also need not be doubted. Lime has a high enough acidity so it is very powerful to stop the growth of bacteria on acne. It is perfect for getting rid of acne that has just grown overnight. Read more about  How To Smooth Rough Skin Face

  • Take 1 clove of garlic, then puree.
  • Add a little lime juice and add a few drops of water.
  • Stir the three ingredients until smooth, not too dilute.
  • Apply mask to acne, let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse face thoroughly and see the results tomorrow after waking up.

6. Garlic and Aloe Vera

One of the side effects of getting rid of acne with garlic is the skin will feel hot. Well, one of the benefits of aloe vera for acne is to reduce the effects of inflammation or burning sensation in the skin.

  • Prepare smoothed garlic and natural aloe vera gel with a 1: 2 composition.
  • Mix the two ingredients into the container until smooth.
  • Apply mixture of mask to acne on face.
  • Let stand for 15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with water.

7. Garlic and Sal

Salt has great benefits for acne. Like the benefits of salt water for acne that can kill bacteria in acne and eliminate them quickly. Here’s how to make it:

  • Dissolve 1/2 tsp salt into a few drops of water until it becomes a thick paste.
  • Add 1 clove of mashed garlic.
  • Mix both ingredients, then apply to acne.
  • Let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse face with water until there is no mask in the face

8. Garlic and Baking Soda

One of the main benefits of baking soda is to scrape off dead skin cells and replace them with new skin cells. Baking soda is also proven to eliminate acne and does not make the pores become clogged pores. Read more about Ways to Whiten Teeth with Lemon

  •  Take 1 clove of garlic and puree.
  • Combine with baking soda to taste.
  • Add water to form thickened mask paste.
  • Apply a mask to the acne that grows on the face.
  • Allow the mask to sink for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse face with water until clean.

9. Garlic and White Eggs

One of the most prominent acne prick skin masks is with egg whites. Egg whites can shrink the skin’s pore pores and do not make it clogged.

  • Take 1 chicken egg, separate yellow from white.
  • Combine garlic that has been mashed, then shake until the egg white expands.
  • Apply mask to acne, cover with cotton or tissue so as not to drip.
  • Leave until the mask feels dry and tight for about 15 minutes.
  • Rinse face with water until clean.

10. Garlic and Olive Oil

Olive oil has many benefits for the skin, among others is the anti-bacterial content that can get rid of acne quickly. The skin will feel smoother, soft, and supple.

Take 1 clove of garlic and puree.

Combine olive oil until the mask thickens.

Apply a mask to the acne on the face.

Let stand for 10 minutes, then rinse with water until clean.

Side effects

  • Itchy. Do not scratch acne when itchy because it will cause injuries and acne scars.
  • Trigger Black Spots. Use garlic as necessary, because too often use it can trigger black spots. Do not let garlic stick to the skin for more than 15 minutes.
  • The skin is flushed. The content in garlic can cause red skin and inflamed. But this is not long and will soon disappear.
    There are various ways to get rid of acne with garlic in one night. This method does not always work, but it is worth a try. Read more about Foods Containing Vitamin B12

One thing is for sure, do not ever squeeze pimples in the hope you can loose it perfectly. Instead of disappearing within 1 night, acne will actually become smaller than before.

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Kategori : Skin Health