15 Best Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads – Scientifically Proved!

Here we go again in the medicpole.com, verified health information site. If medicpole.com has discussed some
articles like dangers of coconut milk for gastritis patients, enterobius infection symptoms in kids and adult, and how to prevent acne with tomato mask, in this occasion, medicpole.com will talk about best natural ways to remove blackheads. But before we start it, don’t forget to read another medicpole.com articles like fast ways to get rid of pin worms naturally & how to prevent acne with lime.

Blackheads are relatively mild type of acne usually appears on the face area, blackheads can also appear on the neck, chest, shoulders back and arms. The following types of blackheads such as open blackheads, covered blackheads, micro-blackheads (small blackheads that are not visible), and macro-blackheads, giant blackheads, and solar blackheads.

Blackheads are caused by dead skin cells and oils (sebum) which coagulates at the outer end of the skin follicles. As several factors can trigger the appearance of blackheads, the following:

  • Increasing the number of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria on the skin surface;
  • Hair follicle irritation that causes dead skin cells does not fall off regularly;
  • Increased Hormones, occurs during menstruation or adolescence;
  • Taking drugs, such as steroids, lithium, or birth control pills;
  • Excessive use of makeup; and
  • Milk and food with high sugar and fat content.

Then here, 15 best natural ways to remove blackheads 

  1. Toothpaste

Toothpaste is very powerful in overcoming blackheads and pimples, which you easily try. Here is the way to remove blackheads with toothpaste:

  • Prepare toothpaste, try herbs and mint (white).
  • Rinse face with warm water to open pores, then apply toothpaste evenly to the blackheads.
  • Let stand until the toothpaste dries.
  • After that rinse by using cold water until clean.
  1. Lemon

Lemon contains vitamin C and acidic substances that are perfect for removing blackheads and acne. Here is the way to remove blackheads with lemon:

  • Prepare fresh lemon 1 only, split into 2 parts.
  • Rinse face with warm water to open pores.
  • Rub a piece of lemon throughout the face area evenly.
  • Let stand for 5-10 minutes, though feels a little sore.
  • Once seeped, rinse with cold water until clean.
  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has many properties to remove blackheads and acne. Here is the way to remove blackheads with aloe vera:

  • Prepare fresh aloe vera, try to keep fresh.
  • Cut into pieces, then take the gel inside.
  • Wash your face with warm water to keep the pores open.
  • After that apply aloe vera evenly, then let stand until dry.
  • Rinse with cold water until clean.

  1. Papaya

Papaya contains high vitamin E can keep skin freshness and moisture naturally. Here is the way to remove blackheads with papaya and coffee:

    • Puree the papaya fruit to taste.
    • Mix with 1 tsp of coffee, stir until formed pasta dough.
    • Apply evenly throughout the face.
    • Massage slowly to remove blackheads.
    • Let stand until it dries.
    • Then rinse warm water.
  1. Wheat

Wheat can also remove blackheads also can whiten the skin because it contains high vitamin B1 content. Here is the way to remove blackheads with wheat:

  • Prepare the best quality wheat to taste.
  • Mix with warm water to form pasta-like dough.
  • Clean face with warm water.
  • Apply to face area evenly.
  • Let stand about 15-20 minutes.
  • Then rinse warm water until clean.

  1. Egg white

Egg white is very powerful to tighten and remove impurities on the skin naturally. Here is the traditional way to remove blackheads with egg whites:

  • Beat the egg whites to taste
  • After foaming, mix a little lemon juice for the stench does not sting.
  • Use a brush to apply to all parts of the face (like a mask)
  • Massage gently.
  • After a little dry in the face.
  • Then rinse with warm water.
  1. Soybean

Soybeans are rich in soluble fiber that can help remove dirt, black spots, bacteria, and even stubborn blackheads. Here is the way to remove blackheads with soybeans:

  • Puree the soybeans as needed with a blender.
  • Next apply a soft soy bean on the face evenly.
  • Let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Then rinse warm water.
  1. Salt

Salt has a very high iodine content that can help lift blackheads. This following to remove blackheads in the nose with salt:

  • Provide salt to taste, then puree by pounding.
  • Add a little lemon juice until the salt dissolves and mixes.
  • Rub gently into the face evenly.
  • Let stand for a while to dry.
  • Then rinse with warm water.

  1. Lemon peel

Lemon peel is very powerful to remove blackheads naturally. Here is the way to remove blackheads with lemon peel:

  • Blend the peel of the lemon by means of the mashed.
  • Add honey, then mix well.
  • Clean face with warm water.
  • Apply on face evenly.
  • Leave to dry.
  • Rinse with water until clean and drain with washcloth.
  1. Nutmeg

Nutmeg is very useful in keeping skin healthy and can lift the dirt on the face. Here is the traditional way to remove blackheads with nutmeg:

  • Mix the nutmeg powder with milk, stirring to form paste dough.
  • Clean face with warm water.
  • Apply evenly.
  • Massage gently, 1 minute.
  • Allow to dry, then rinse with clean water (cold)

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  1. Baking Soda

Here is the way to remove blackheads with baking soda:

  • Dissolve baking soda as necessary with warm water to stir to form a paste.
  • Apply to the blackheads evenly.
  • Let stand until dry.
  • Then rinse warm water until clean.
  1. Cinnamons

Cinnamon powder to remove blackheads traditionally with lemon and turmeric mix. Here is the way to remove blackheads with cinnamon:

  • Prepare cinnamon powder as necessary only.
  • Mix with lemon juice and turmeric powder, stirring to form a paste.
  • Apply evenly throughout the blackheads.
  • With a fine massage for 10 seconds.
  • Let stand until dry.
  • Rinse with warm water, dry with soft wasps.

Do this routinely at least 3-4x a week / or every day.

  1. Gelatin and Milk

Gelatin and milk can be an effective means to clear blackheads. Gelatin has a sticky properties that can lift blackheads effectively. How to overcome blackheads with gelatin and milk:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of gelatin powder (without flavor) with 1.5 powder milk spoons into an anti-heat bowl.
  • Input to microwave for 10 seconds.
  • Apply evenly using a brush evenly throughout the blackheads.
  • Let stand for 10-20 minutes / until dry to absorb.
  • Then lift the gelatin bit by bit earlier. Look, now the blackheads have all lifted.

Do this routinely at least 3-4x a week / or every day.

  1. Hot steam

Hot steam can help to open the pores on the face and can remove blackheads. Here is the way to remove blackheads with hot steam:

  • Bring clean water sufficiently, try to remove the foam.
  • Pour boiling water into a basin or other container.
  • Approach face right over hot water until exposed to steam.
  • While closing, gently rub the face area especially blackheads.
  • Rinse with cold water until completely clean.

Do this routinely at least 3-4x a week / or every day.

  1. Ice cube

Ice cubes have a cold nature, which can close the pores, so that it can suppress the secretion of excess oil. Here is the steps to remove blackheads with ice cubes:

  • Prepare honey, green tea, and lemon juice to taste.
  • Mix and stir until it becomes one, add a little water.
  • Put into the refrigerator to form ice cubes.
  • Take and rub evenly into the face. If necessary, do until the ice cube runs out.

Do this routinely at least 3-4x a week / or every day.

And that’s the article entitle “15 Best Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads – Scientifically Proved!” By using these kind of ways, surely, your blackheads will disappear in no time.

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Kategori : Skin Health