10 Ways on How to Whiten Face With Apple

Facial issues are not unfamiliar to some of us. Acne, blackheads, black spots, scars, bare faces are some examples of facial problems that we often experience.

It is undeniable that these problems tend to lower our confidence because the face becomes dull and looks dirty than usual.

Of course we do not want this thing to continue to haunt us is not it? Then, what can we do to make our faces healthy and beautiful again?

Currently, we do not need to bother anymore to think of the right solution because there are various options to treat the face which of course makes it more healthy and beautiful.

This option can be in the form of medical treatment, such as treatment at beauty clinic like laser face bleach and bleach facial syringe. Read more about How to Overcome Cold Allergies in the Skin

We can also choose various beauty products that have been sold freely and certainly safe for consumption, such as bleach facial supplements, bleach facial serum, bleach powder face. The last option we can try is a facial treatment using a variety of natural ingredients, such as using herbs, foliage, fruits, milk, and others.

Facial treatment – especially whitening the face using natural ingredients is one smart choice because of its natural content so that the health of our skin is maintained. In addition, the absence of chemicals also make us not need to worry about the side effects of doing this treatment within a certain time or length.

However, we need to remember that we need painstaking and routine when deciding to use natural ingredients as a form of our facial care because the results will be seen in a long period of time. This is not a problem if our facial health is always guaranteed is not it?

This time, we will discuss how to whiten the face with one of the natural ingredients – exactly the fruit, which is certainly effective to whiten the face in a short span of time. Read more about How To Lighten Skin With Milk

Its small size and elegant color is one of the main attraction for this one fruit. Well what about this fruit yes? Definitely curious right? Let’s find out!

Content of Apples

Apple? Yup, the fruit that has the Latin name Pyrus Malus is one of the fruits that are known to be useful in maintaining our health.

Apples are also one of the fruits that are often used when the diet as a substitute for carbohydrate intake that we usually get from rice. Then, what distinguishes apples with other fruits so often used for facial treatment? Read more about How To Lighten Skin With Milk

The answer is of course on apples. Apples have a high vitamin C and A and make it able to nourish the skin to the maximum, where vitamin C serves to increase the production of collagen which is actually able to maintain skin elasticity and prevent premature aging; and vitamin A that is useful to trigger new cell growth and prevent the coming of various skin problems.

Apples also contain malad acid (malic acid) which serves as an exfoliator to remove dead skin cells so that the face will look more bright and white.

Not to forget the presence of Alpha Hydroxy Acid on the apple that serves to reduce wrinkles on the face and prevent premature aging. And finally, the high content of anti-oxidants in apples serves to repair damaged skin cells on the face. Read more about Types of Vegetable Salad for Diet

Green apples are the most common type of apples for our facial treatments. Why not red apple? The answer, of course, to the uniqueness of the green apple, the more dense texture and higher water content than the red apple.

Not only apple meat that we can use to maintain our facial beauty, but also apple skin. Apple skin? Yup, although it seems trivial, apple skin is able to keep skin pH balance balanced so that we will avoid the skin is irritated and burned due to exposure to UV light. Increasing skin color and clean skin to the fullest are some examples of utilizing apple skin for our facial treatment. Read more about  How to Make Your Skin Darker Without Tanning

How to Whiten Face with Apples

Then, how to use apples as our facial care? Well after this, we will discuss how to whiten the face using apples are processed as a mask that is certainly easy to make. We can also combine apples with other natural ingredients so that our results can be more leverage.

One thing we need to remember is to prepare apples that we will use only moments before use because apples are highly oxidized and blackened which indicates that the apple has lost its useful content.

Well, how about how to make this apple mask? Let’s see:

1. Apple

Using apples without mixing with other natural ingredients can also be used to whiten the face. How to make this mask is very easy, which is to boil a few pieces of apples until soft until the texture resembles porridge.

This ready mask can be used on all parts of the face and need to stand for approximately 20 minutes to dry. The use of this mask on a regular basis will be more healthy and soften the face periodically. This mask is also safe to use on dry skin types.

2. Apple and Pomegranate

Blending apples with pomegranate as a mask is one of the right choices because this mask is safe for all skin types. In addition, pomegranate is also useful to protect the epidermal tissue from exposure to sunlight and trigger the regeneration of skin cells on the face. Read more about  Effects of Stress in Skin

The ingredients we need to make this mask are 2 teaspoons of shredded apples, 1 teaspoon of pomegranate juice, and 1 teaspoon of yogurt that we will mix evenly. This ready mask can be used on all parts of the face and need to stand for 20 minutes to dry.

Afterwards we can rinse this mask using warm water until the back clean. Read more about Tips for Skin Care During Pregnancy

3. Apple and Honey

The addition of honey on this mask is very effective to whiten the skin because honey is able to moisturize the skin and the presence of anti-bacterial substances that work to nourish the skin and cleanse the skin to the fullest.

The material we need to make this mask is 1 apple that has been mashed and then mixed with 1 tablespoon honey until evenly distributed.

This mask can be used on all parts of the face and need to stand for approximately 20 minutes to dry. This mask can be done at least once a week. Read more about Effects of Smoking for Skin

4. Apple and Yellow Eggs

How to whiten the face with the next apple is to mix it with egg yolks. Using this mask on a regular basis is very useful to speed up the process of disguise black spots, remove spots, tighten the skin, refresh the face, and make the face look youthful.

The ingredients we need are 1 tablespoon of shredded apple, 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon honey, and 1 tablespoon of flour. All of these ingredients will we mix until blended and need to stand for 15 minutes to dry. This mask can we use a maximum of 2 times a week.

5. Apple and Cinnamon

Blending apples and cinnamon is very effective to brighten the skin and help disguise the former pigmentation and restore skin color as before. In addition, the honey on this mask is also useful to improve skin color, refresh the face, rejuvenate the skin, and prevent premature aging.

The ingredients we need for this mask are 1 shredded apple, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon of wood powder, and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal.

All these ingredients will we mix up with blender help. Masks that are ready we can use on all parts of the face and need to stand for 15 minutes to dry. Afterwards, we can rinse this mask with warm water until clean.

6. Apples and Bananas

Using this mask is routinely able to disguise the former pigmentation, remove spots, improve skin tone and whiten the face.

To make this mask, the ingredients we need are 1 tablespoon of shredded apple, 1 tablespoon of mashed banana, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, and 1 egg whites that we will mix until smooth. This mask can we use on all parts of the face and need to stand for about 15 minutes to dry. This mask can we use at least 2 times a week. Read more about Causes of High Uric Acid at Younger Age

7. Apple and Cucumber

This one mask is touted as the best mask to overcome pigmentation because it is very effective to restore the skin color as before and improve the color and powerful to reduce the spots.

The ingredients we need to make this mask are 1 tablespoon of crushed apples, 1 tablespoons of shredded cucumber, and 1 tablespoon of sour cream that we will mix evenly.

This mask can we use on all parts of the face and need to stand for approximately 20 minutes to dry. Afterwards, we can rinse this mask with warm water until clean.

8. Apple and Oatmeal

This one mask is known to exfoliate the skin to the maximum so that the dirt can be lifted thoroughly so that the more white and bright face.

The ingredients we need to make this oatmeal and apple mask are 1 apple, 1 tablespoon rice flour, and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal that we will mix until smooth.

This ready mask can be used on all parts of the face and neck by massaging it slowly. After this mask, we can rinse it with cold water until our face back clean. Read more about Effects of Using Lime Mask Every Day

9. Apple and Yogurt

Using this mask is the right choice for our facial skin care because using it regularly can whiten, brighten, and soften our face. The ingredients we need to make this mask are a few pieces of mashed apples, 1 tablespoon of yogurt, and a few drops of lemon juice.

All of these materials will be mixed until we are flat and ready to use on all parts of the face until blended. This mask needs to stand for about 20 minutes until it dries before rinsed thoroughly.

10. Apple and Papaya

The addition of papaya in this mask is a plus point in itself because of the high content of anti-oxidants and vitamin A are powerful to improve skin color.

Making this mask is very easy, which is mixing a few pieces of apple and papaya that has been mashed with 1 tablespoon of honey until blended. This mask can we use on all parts of the face and need to stand for 20 minutes to dry.

The Beauty Benefits of Apple

Is apple we can only use to whiten face? Of course the answer is no! There are still many benefits that we can from apples which of course is still associated with improving facial beauty. Hmm … what about ya?

1. Prevent Premature Aging

The high content of vitamin C in apples serves to increase the production of collagen in the skin. In addition, the content of vitamin A serves to protect the skin from free radical attacks so black spots, wrinkles, and other signs of aging does not come to our face. Read more about How To Whiten Teeth with Banana Skin

2. Soften and Maintain Skin Health

Each apple contains 0.4 milligrams of vitamin E in which vitamin E works to protect the skin from free radical attack. Vitamin E is also useful for maintaining healthy skin so the skin always looks young and smooth.

3. Moisturize the Skin

Apples are very effective to moisturize the skin and cleanse the skin to its full potential. The trick is very easy to put a piece of apple on the face and wait until dry then rinse with water until clean. This mask also serves to balance the production of oil on the face.

4. Overcoming Swollen Eyes

Placing pieces of apple on the bottom of the eye is very effective to reduce dark circles and can treat swollen eyes. This piece of apple we need to stand for 10-20 minutes to dry and afterwards we can rinse with warm water.

5. Hair Health

Not only serves to keep face health alone, apples can also be used to maintain and improve hair health. Apples have biotin content that serves to trigger hair growth so that we will not experience baldness since early.

In addition, apples also have procyamidin B2 substance that serves to thicken the hair so that the hair looks more volume. Using apple juice regularly after shampooing is also able to remove dandruff from the scalp. Read more about How to Eliminate Acne with Garlic

Well that was just a few ways to whiten the face with apples. Whitening the face using apples is very easy and interesting is not it? From now on there is also no reason to laze to do facial treatment again right? So, what are you waiting for? Start the beauty from yourself.

Categories: Skin Health
Kezia Marcellova: