9 Things You Must Consider Before Making Tatoo

The case of making a tattoo that failed is enough to let down the tattoo owners because those who were so excited might even become insecure because of the mistakes that occurred. If you want to make a tattoo, make sure not to regret later by considering the following things.

  1. Tattoo Design

Make sure that it is something that has a personal meaning whether it is related to the experience that is meaningful and inspiring, or something that is personal. Pictures or quotes may be an option but what is not recommended is the name of the boyfriend.

  1. Tattoo Location

If you want to make a tattoo, do not get misplaced because removing it will be very difficult. Because making tattoos on the face area is still quite taboo for reasons of social and aesthetic consequences, be sure to avoid this location if you are not so sure. Consider which areas of the body you want to tattoo and make sure that you are absolutely sure before the tattoo design is permanently printed there.

  1. Tattoo Size

After knowing what design you want to make, tattoo size is the next thing to consider. If this is the first time, then the most recommended is a small-sized tattoo first rather than a big one. This is also an opportunity to see how the skin reacts after the tattoo procedure is done.

  1. Tattoo Artist

When you want to make a tattoo, do not forget that doing research on tattoo artists is mandatory. If you do not want the results to disappoint and fail, the portfolio of the tattoo artist you want him to handle must first be checked.

Usually, from that portfolio, we can also know whether the tattoo artist is a certified and registered expert or not. If you really are a trusted tattoo expert and the design of the tattoo is to your taste, start to make an appointment to meet and consult in detail first.

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  1. Tattoo Studio

When researching tattoo artists, make sure this is a package with research on tattoo studios. Not all tattoo studios are guaranteed hygiene, sterility, and cleanliness. If you do not want undesirable things to happen such as infections and so on because of the inability of equipment to make tattoos, then choose a tattoo studio that prioritizes high levels of cleanliness and safety.

  1. Self-Ability to Withstand Pain

Do not miss to consider how much your own ability to endure pain. Maybe making a tattoo is a new thing that you will try, but make sure that the body can accept and be able to withstand pain. There are areas of the body such as ankles and ribs that can be avoided for tattooing if you are sensitive enough.

  1. Health Condition

You may be ready with tattoo designs, doing research, and even definitely not afraid of pain. It is just that, before making a tattoo, consider your health condition because the best and recommended is tattooed when the condition of the immune system is good. If you have already scheduled a tattoo session with a tattoo artist but then fall ill, the schedule should be postponed.

  1. Tattoo Risk

The risk of infection, warts arise, and hepatitis is the most common when making tattoos. Even the risk of allergies can occur when the body unwittingly has a reaction to the tattoo pigment. So, know what risk for tattoos can be and whether you really dare to deal with these risks if they occur.

  1. Cost

Perform calculations as wisely as possible because making a tattoo is definitely not cheap. Doing research is not just safe or not a tattoo studio or professional or a tattoo artist who will handle you. Do researches as well as the cost of making tattoos, compare them, then decide how much you are willing to spend to get the perfect tattoo design on your body.

All of these considerations need to be present and before being completely tattooed, all consequences must also be carefully considered so that in the future, there will be no regrets. This is because the removal of a failed or wrong tattoo can be very expensive and you definitely do not want to have to go through it, right?

Categories: Skin Health