12 Causes of Small Warts on Face You Need to be Aware of

Warts are abnormal skin growth that occurs due to human papilloma virus. Some types of warts that often occur especially in the area of ​​the face of them is filiformis warts with elongated form like yarn and also flat warts to genital warts. Warts on this face though not cause medical problems, but it can lower the confidence and hamper daily activities. Warts which is a skin disease is highly contagious and can spread easily when in direct contact with the patient’s body.

Besides caused by viruses, there are several factors that cause warts on other faces. Thus, here are the causes of small warts on face:

1. Frequently Touching Face

Bad habits such as frequent touching the face and squeezing pimples can cause the growth of warts in the face area. Open wounds because these activities will facilitate the virus about the skin and eventually arise warts. Especially if hand hygiene is not maintained properly.

2. Sharing Equipment For The Face

Using various tools used on the face together such as:

  • Wear the same shaver with others
  • Use the same cosmetics with others
  • Wear the same towel with others

These factors can cause warts to grow in the area of ​​your face. This happens because the various tools may have been infected with the virus that causes warts from others. When used it can cause the virus to move and grow fertile on your face. Also read about Ways to Cut Off Genital Warts by Yourself at Home

3. Using Public Swimming Pool

The use of public swimming pools also causes the HPV virus to spread rapidly. Avoid using a public swimming pool to be the best way to avoid facial warts. But if you still want to use the facility, then immediately clean your body after swimming. Especially the face with antiseptic soap so that the virus can die soon and not breed on your face.

4. Infection

The virus that causes these warts can also be transmitted very quickly if there are infected open wounds on the face such as acne, scratching activity, shaving and other things that cause open sores on the skin. The open wound will allow the HPV virus to attack and eventually arise warts around the face and eyes.

5. Direct Contact With Patients

HPV virus causes condyloma akuminata highly contagious and can occur because of direct contact with the body of warts sufferers. This is what causes children more vulnerable to warts due to various activities in school. Its happen also because the immune system of children who are still fairly low. 

6. Excessive Stress

Excessive stress can also be the cause of facial warts. Some other body parts that arise because of a psychological response. Stress causes the immune system to drop dramatically resulting in various infectious diseases such as one of the warts that occur on the face, neck and other areas. Also read about Best Way to Get Rid of Warts on Hands at Home

7. Bad Nutrition

As we know, bad nutrition will make it easier for viruses to attack the human body. Its including human papilloma virus or HPV causes warts and causes skin tags on the face. Immunity of a declining body will complicate the body to fight the virus attacks. In addition, avoid consuming caffeine, processed fats, refined sugars and other unhealthy foods that can lower the immune system. Its eventually release more inflammatory chemicals such as histamine.

8. Decreased Immune System

There are various causes of small warts on face. The immune system plays an important role in preventing viral infections like the common cold as well as the HPV virus that causes warts and the cause of fish eyes. If the immune system is strong enough, it is likely to get warts. Some types of skin diseases can be minimized because the body can overcome the infection before it manifests on the skin surface. But when the immune system declines, it will arise various health problems caused by viruses such as one wart. 

9. Wearing Alternate Clothes

The use of clothes alternately without washing can be causes of warts. And also some other items such as towels or cloths that have come into contact with warts sufferers can also cause you to get warts. That will attack the infected skin area such as acne scars, eyebrows, scratches and other injuries.

10. Human Papilloma Virus

Human Papilloma Virus or HPV is the main cause of a person can be exposed to warts on the face and other body parts such as soles of the feet, palms, neck even in the genital area such as the vagina and penis. Human Papilloma  consists of more than 100 species. But only a few Human Papilloma Viruses can cause warts such as one type of filiform and several other types of viruses.

Actually, the causes of small warts on face and some other bodies occur due to human papilloma virus that is the main cause of warts. Someone will be more susceptible to this virus if the immune system is owned very low plus the open wounds that are owned, the use of goods together and do not maintain proper body hygiene. As for how to remove facial warts can be done with natural treatments or medical measures such as using hydrogen liquid.

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