13 Heart Functions Based on the Parts

According to Wikipedia, the heart is a muscular cavity or organ and has the function of pumping blood by continuously contracting rhythmically. The heart itself is a single muscle that has a layer of endothelium. This organ has a size of 300 grams and is about the size of a fist.

This heart organ is the organ that has the most important role in the body. Blood pumped by the heart will be transferred throughout the body which is needed for the survival of other organs. Without the presence of a heart, it is impossible for living things to live and act normally.

The human heart itself has many functions, here we will discuss 8 functions of the human heart:

  1. The heart functions to receive clean blood which has been oxidized from the lungs.
  2. The heart functions to receive dirty blood from the whole body.
  3. The heart functions to pump clean blood passed from the lungs to the entire body.
  4. The heart functions to pump dirty blood into the lungs for the process of oxygenation.
  5. The heart functions to get rid of the rest of the body’s metabolism.
  6. The heart functions to prevent dirty blood with clean blood.
  7. The heart functions to send nutrients throughout the body.
  8. The heart functions to measure the amount of blood pressure pumped. This can be done by calculating the heart rate

Although it looks small because it is equal to the size of a human fist, this organ has such a large function. After knowing the heart function in general, in fact, every part of the heart also has its own functions and benefits for the body. Next, we will discuss the function of the heart according to the part it has.

  1. Atrium

The first part of the heart to be discussed is the porch or atrium, where this section has two parts, right and left. Both have different functions.

  • The right foyer serves to pass dirty blood that enters the right foyer. Dirty blood is meant here is blood that does not contain oxygen, after entering into the right porch cavity; the blood is pumped into the right chamber.
  • Left porch, its function is to receive clean blood from the lungs. Clean blood in question is blood containing oxygen. From this part, clean blood can flow throughout the body.
  1. Ventricle

The function of the right and the left porch is inseparable from the existence of a booth. Same with the porch, the booth also has two parts, right and left which have different functions.

  • The right chamber serves as the part responsible for pumping dirty blood that is passed from the right porch to the lungs. The position of the right chamber is just below the right porch and side by side with the left ventricle. If this function cannot work properly, it will experience the right heart failure.
  • The left ventricle, the thickest part of the heart has the function of pumping clean blood received by the left foyer from the heart. The location is under the left porch and side by side with the right booth. When the heart begins to contract, clean blood from the heart will enter the left porch and then flow into the left ventricle before finally flowing throughout the body. When the body experiences hypertension or high blood pressure this will affect the left ventricular muscle. This part will widen and harden. If this happens then the process of blood flow throughout the body will be disrupted.
  1. Aorta

Aorta is one part of the heart which is the largest artery in the body. The artery itself is a rounder that carries blood from the heart. Aorta itself has three layers of wall namely tunica adventitia, tunica media, and tunica intima. Aorta itself has two functions, namely:

  • Supplying clean blood, clean blood from the lungs is passed to the left porch where it is pumped back to the left ventricle. From this left ventricle, blood is pumped back to the Aorta to be supplied throughout the body.
  • Maintaining blood pressure, the function of the three layers of the aortic wall that has been mentioned is to help the Aorta stretch and prevent the pressure given by the blood flow that is too large
  1. Aortic Valve

The function of one part of the heart is to separate the left ventricles with the Aorta section. Clean blood that will be flowed throughout the body will make the Aorta open and then when it is finished, the Aorta path that was opened will be closed by this valve. If the valve does not function properly it will result in a heart leak which the heart leaks due to valves that do not work properly are more common in adults.

  1. Tricuspid Valve

This section valve has a function to separate the right ventricle with the right porch. There are at least 3 parts of this tricuspid valve. Tricuspid valve, this valve will open when blood containing a little oxygen flows when blood has accumulated in the right foyer. When the ventricle contracts or is called a systole, the valve will close. This happens so that the blood in the right chamber will return to the right foyer.

  1. Mitral Valve

The mitral valve or bicuspid valve has a function to separate the left porch. This valve will close after the left ventricle contracts because it flows blood to the Aorta. Mitral valve disorders often occur in people. Mild symptoms are easily tired and short of breath. This can be done by mitral heart valve surgery.

  1. Atrioventricular Valve

This valve has two parts, the upper and lower parts. This valve has a function to drain blood only on the porch and chambers both on the right and left. The function of the heart valves that experience interference can also make the body disturbed. As a result, if the heart valve does not function properly, then someone will not be able to carry out his activities normally. That is why a heart health check method is needed to better know the heart health.

  1. Pulmonary Artery

This artery is one of the two arteries that have been blocked from the lung stem which has the function to transport or pass dirty blood pumped by the right chamber. This artery has two parts, right and left, where the right artery is longer than the left. If the right function functions to pass dirty blood from the right chamber, the left part of the pulmonary artery functions to pass clean blood to the left porch.

  1. Superior Vena Cava

According to Wikipedia, the main vena cava (vein) has the function to carry dirty blood containing CO2 or carbon dioxide from the entire body to the right foyer. The main vena cava or the large vein itself is one part of the vena cava that carries the dirty blood from the upper part of the body such as the head and both hands.

  1. Pulmonary Veins

This vein is a vein that carries clean blood from the lungs to the left porch. The main basic function of this vein is transporting clean blood or which has been oxygenated in the lungs. This vein is one of the most important parts for circulating blood; the pulmonary vein emerges from the lungs and branches into the pulmonary veins both left and right. Similar to pulmonary attitudes, this vein also has two right and left parts.

  1. Inferior Vena cava

Inferior vena cava or small back vessels are part of the main back vessels where the function is to drain dirty blood from the entire body to the right foyer. If a large vein collects blood from above the body, namely the head and both hands, then the small back vessels will collect dirty blood from the lower part of the legs and waist so that it can be drained into the right porch.

  1. Heart Wall

The heart wall is the outermost layer that protects this main body organ. Heart wall consists of three layers, namely:

  • The epicardium is the outermost layer of the heart. This layer is a layer of connective tissue and fat that serves to mine protection for the heart.
  • The myocardium is a layer in the middle of the three layers of the heart wall. This layer is the thickest layer containing the heart muscle cells.
  • The endocardium is the third layer consists of smooth endothelial cells and has a surface that is elastic or not rigid. Because in addition to coating the heart, this layer also has functions to collect, pump, and regulate blood contractions to the heart.
  1. Pericardium

This part of the last heart is the part that wraps the heart organ. You could say this pericardium is the outermost part after the heart wall. Its function in addition to wrapping the heart, the pericardium will also maintain the location of the heart in the body, maintain flexibility of heart movement, provide lubrication, and resist enlargement that occurs when the heart is entered by blood beyond its normal limits.

Those are the 13 functions of the human heart based on the parts that you can know. Even though the small heart is the center of life where all organs depend on the blood supply given by the heart, it is very important for the body to consume nutritious foods for health. There are several types of foods that are not good for the heart, one of which is of course fast food.

You are also advised to do sports such as following a healthy heart gymnastic movement regularly or finding out the relationship between physical activity and good heart health. Besides that, you also need to reduce your lifestyles such as smoking and alcoholic beverages. Adequate rest (not staying up late) is also one of the best ways to avoid various types of heart disease. A healthy life will certainly have an impact on a healthy body condition as well. Hopefully, this article can help those of you who want to know more about the function of the heart. Keep the spirit!

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Categories: Heart Health