14 Functions of Collagen for Our Body

The word collagen comes from the Greek word kola (sugar) and gene (production), so it can be defined as sticky or produce sticker. By its nature, collagen becomes organic structure that can be found in the whole body while helping the formation of bones, joints, teeth, muscles and skin to become strong.

However if a person is lack of collagen, there will be many dangerous things that can happen to the body. Maybe, in the beginning, for some people, the problem is not taken seriously, but if this is not immediately anticipated it will pose a severe threat like experiencing blood circulation disorders that affect the heart until it causes stroke.

What is collagen?

There are 28 types of collagen found in the body. However, collagen type I to V is the most commonly found. Well, collagen is actually one of the human body protein compounds that measure approximately 30% of all proteins present in the body.

However, as long as it turns out collagen also has some form of vitamin or intake that not only works for beauty, but also works for health and body. As for the function of collagen for health and body some of them are:

  1. Good for Brain

Collagen network strongly supports the nutrients in the brain. If collagen network is thinning, the cranial nerves in the brain can’t get the nutrients that can cause dizziness, forgetfulness, memory loss, and even insomnia. Read more about Dangerous Effects of Not Having Enough Sleep

In addition, central nervous inhibition of brain cells can occur so it is difficult to concentrate, experience anxiety and easily experiencing depression. Thus, to make this network can be maintained, additional collagen intake is needed so that the brain can work well.

2. Good for Hair Growth

Collagen in hair has a function to strengthen the hair roots and stimulate it to grow back. But by consuming collagen, then the hair regeneration can occur more quickly. Hair loss can soon be replaced by new hair, and hair roots become stronger because of the sufficient nutritional hair roots. Read more about  Lists of Foods to Eat for Healthy Hair

3. Eyes Health

As you get older, collagen in the cornea will decrease, causing the cornea to become stiff. In fact, collagen in the eye can serve to optimize the senses of vision in order to function normally. Of course this is not good for eye health because the muscles in the eye must remain flexible in order to work properly.

Therefore, consuming collagen regularly can overcome the lack of collagen in the eye so as to restore vision. Because if the eye lack of collagen happens, it will result dry eyes, spontaneous tears, fatigue, lack of transparency of the cornea, opacity lens, to cause cataracts and other eye diseases. Read more about  How to Get Rid of Sleep Marks Under Eyes

4. Teeth

Collagen also has a function on the teeth as can give strength to the teeth. But if a person lacks of collagen, the teeth can lose calcium, gums can have problems, teeth easily separated, even susceptibility to tooth decay and toothache. Read more about Ways to Heal Faster After Wisdom Teeth Removal

5. Bones’ Strength

Collagen has a function that is almost as important as calcium in bone. It’s because collagen serves as a glue so that the bone can adhere to the joints. In addition, bone structure can be created because there is a combination of collagen and mineral called hydroxyapatite.

Both of these, work in the body for the structure, flexibility and strength of the bones which can make the body feel better. In order for bone health can be well maintained until the old age, then collagen can also be consumed regularly.

Therefore, osteoporosis which is included as bone disease can be prevented by consuming collagen. Another additional value of collagen is that it can relieve pain in bone. Read more about Foods that Causes Osteoporosis

6. Muscles

In our muscle, there is a collagen fiber that is not only found in skeletal muscle, but also found in smooth muscle that is in the urinary tract and reproductive organs, and heart muscle. And collagen fiber has a function to strengthen muscles and structures so that muscle survival can be maintained every day.

However if a person lacks of collagen, then what will happen is the person can experience back pain, tingling shoulders, inhibiting reflex areas, muscle contraction is minimal, to lose energy. Read more about How to Prevent Pelvic Floor Muscle Disorder

7. Building Joints

In addition to bone and muscle, collagen can also work for joints. For example, if you are experiencing pain in the joints, then consuming collagen regularly is worth to try. This is because collagen can provide flexibility in the body of the tendon. In addition, collagen can also serve to build cartilage material in the joints. Read more about Risks of Swimming without Stretching

8. Good for Skin Health

One of the biggest functions of collagen is as a supporter for the skin. This is directly proportional to the opinion of dr. Eric from the University of Pennsylvania, that 80% of the weight of human skin consists of collagen. Collagen, which is an adhesive substance, is useful for maintaining skin elasticity.

Collagen is also working with other proteins named elastin after previously providing a structure to the skin so that the skin can maintain its elasticity. Unfortunately when a person’s age is more than 25 years, then the collagen in the body will experience a decrease of up to 15% naturally. And this continues with the age. Read more about How to Exfoliate Skin before Tanning

Therefore, if collagen in the body is reduced, the collagen from outside of the body in the form of serum, supplements, and injection can be a solution.

9. Strengthen Nails

For nails, collagen serves to strengthen the nails so as not to break easily. If there are white spots on the nails, then it’s one sign that someone is short of collagen. However, it can be anticipated by using collagen regularly. Read more about Ways to Eliminate Nail Biting Habit

10. Blood Vessels

The function of collagen in blood vessels is for the formation of blood vessel walls of the veins, arteries and capillaries. Another collagen function is for the benefit of blood flow in order to spread throughout the body as well. As for those done by collagen such as help to strengthen blood vessels, maintain the structure and flexibility of blood vessels.

11. Good for Immune System

Collagen has an important function of the body’s immune system. Even when consuming foods containing collagen, the immune function will rise as a whole more than 100 times. But if the lack of collagen, it can cause the immune system to decline until infection is very easy to happen.

12. Circulatory System

Circulatory system is strongly influenced by collagen, because this collagen has a function of the system. If a person lacks of collagen, it can affect the stability of blood pressure, causing high blood cholesterol, slow blood circulation, to susceptible to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

13. Digestive System

Collagen function for the digestive system is very important. In fact, when a person lacks of collagen, this can interfere with the performance of the digestive system. Disorders that include stomach bloating, lack of absorption of secretions, to get diabetes.

14. Endocrine System

Collagen has a function to the endocrine system. Because the function is so important, so if a person lacks of collagen in the endocrine system will cause disruption in menstruation, breast laxity can cause breast cancer. As for men, will experience impotence, premature ejaculation, and reduced virility.

That’s all the functions of collagen that can be beneficial for your body. As long as it its controlled in proper amount in our body, collagen can be very effective to keep us healthy.

Categories: Body Health
Ibram Fardani: