12 Foods with High Vitamin K and Its Benefits

Vitamin K is one type of vitamins that is very important for our body. Vitamin K is a type of vitamin that can dissolve in fat and can be obtained from outside sources.

The role of vitamin K is very important, especially for the process of blood clotting, forming a solid and strong bone, and also for preventing heart disease.

Everyone needs vitamin K, including babies and the elderly. The amount of vitamin K which can be consumed varies according to the age. The detail information about the amount of vitamin K that should be consumed according to the age can be seen below:


Male / Female

0-6 months 2 mcg
7 – 12 months 2,5 mcg
1 – 3 years 30 mcg
4 – 8 years 55 mcg
9 – 13 years 60 mcg
14 – 18 years 75 mcg
19 and above 120 mcg / 90 mcg
* pregnant/ breastfeed 75 – 90 mcg

Various types of foods contain vitamin K in certain amounts. Here is a list of foods that contain high levels of vitamin K and its function for your health:

  1. Kale (550 mcg / 125 ml)

Kale is a green vegetable filled with nutrients. Nowadays, Kale can be found easily in Indonesia. The structure of Kale is, it has a shape like green mustard but the leaves are slightly curly. It feels very crisp and fresh, it is often use as a juice ingredient for detoxification drink.

Consuming kale routinely will be good for your body, some of the benefits are:

  • Kale contains very high fiber content and no fat, which makes kale very good for digestion and can be a good ingredient for your daily diet. Read more about Risks of Eating Noodle With Rice
  • Kale contains iron which is very important for the formation of hemoglobin and enzymes in the body, so that the body becomes fresher, fulfill the oxygen needs and maintain liver function.
  • Vitamin K in kale is essential for blood clotting process, maintaining bone health, and maintaining the memory in the brain for Alzheimer patients.
  1. Parsley (520 mcg /125 ml)

Parsley leaf is a typical type of Mediterranean leaf which is very healthy. Usually, parsley leaves are consumed as a sprinkling on the dish and it also can be eaten raw or just like it is. Parsley leaves contain several types of vitamins such as vitamin A, B12, C and K, which obviously is very good for your body health. Read more about Causes of Frequent Vomiting After Eating

Some benefits of consuming parsley leaves are:

Parsley contains all kind of vitamins, support the immune system, heal various nerve problems, and maintain bone density.

  • Parsley can control blood pressure and folic acid which can be found in this leaf is very good for fetal health.
  • Parsley leaf is also very good for the digestive system and inhibit the growth of tumor.
  1. Spinach (480 mcg / 125 ml)

Spinach is a very rich green vegetable, because it contains various types of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, riboflavin, iron, folate, vitamin A and vitamin C. Spinach is very good to be consumed routinely, because it can make improve the immune system and is the source of high vitamin K.

Some of the benefits of consuming spinach regularly are:

  • Vitamin K in spinach is excellent for maintaining bone growth and keeping the cell system healthy.
  • Spinach can be consumed raw or cooked. It can make the digestive system more healthy and can be a very good food for diet. Read more about Causes of Why Your Body Get Tired Easily
  1. Green Mustard (480 mcg / 125 ml)

Green mustard has a very refreshing taste and a bit bitter when cooked too long. Some of the nutrients that can be found in green mustard are vitamin A, vitamin K, Carotene, Flavonoids and Antioxidants. To get the best benefits from mustard greens, it is better to not cook the said vegetable for too long.

Consuming green mustard leaves regularly can provide several benefits such as:

Contains a high amount of fiber so it is very good for lowering cholesterol and helping the absorption process in the intestines.

  • Vitamin K in mustard leaves is excellent for preventing osteoporosis, making the bones denser and preventing various kinds of nerve damages, such as Alzheimer. Read more about Negative Effects of Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach
  • It contains antioxidant substances such as flavonoids, indoles, carotene, lutein, sulforaphane and Zeaxantin. This material is very good for preventing breast cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer.
  1. Beet (350 mcg / 125 ml)

Beets are typical Mediterranean vegetables that became known since 2000 BC. Beets have red yams with green leaves. Beetroot can be consumed as smoothies or as one of the ingredients in your salad. Beets can also be used in a soup, but it should be cooked in a short time only.

Consuming bits on a regular basis can provide several benefits such as:

  • Lowering cholesterol and maintain your health because it contains phosphorus, zinc, fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, manganese and small amount of fat.
  • Bits fruits are excellent for helping blood clotting process, capturing bone fragility and increase nerve strength.
  • Beetroot is also very good to boost immune system and make the production of white blood cells better so that the antibody system becomes stronger.
  1. Green Radish (350 mcg / 125 ml)

Green radish or green turnip has a small tuber size just like potatoes, but it is included in vegetable crosses such as kale and broccoli. It has a crunchy texture and a slightly bitter taste because it contains high amounts of calcium. The consumption of green turnip is strongly recommended as one of the mix in your salad, it will taste better with sesame oil.

The benefits of consuming green radish on a regular basis are:

  • It contains a very high antioxidant material that is useful to prevent various types of cancer such as breast, lung, prostate and ovarian cancer. Read more about How to Get Rid of Sneezing in the Morning
  • It contains Glucosinates that can keep the e nzyme process in order to detoxify naturally from the body.
  • Contains excellent vitamin K to prevent bone fragility and provides excellent response to inflammatory diseases such as tumors and cancer.
  1. Scallion (210 mcg/ 250 ml)

Onion leaves or scallion are typical Asian vegetables that have a refreshing taste texture, it has fragrance smell, and it can be used as a mixture of various kinds of dishes such as soup or noodles. Scallions are different from the types of garlic leaf because these are natural vegetables that have solid circular shapes, strong odor and grow throughout the season.

Eating scallions regularly can improve health benefits such as:

  • It contains excellent flavonoids as a source of antioxidants and prevents all types of cancer and tumors.
  • It contains Alisin that can prevent blood vessel thickness, lower blood pressure and keep blood vessels healthy.
  • It contains vitamin K which is essential for blood clotting process, preventing infection and all radical dangers
  1. Brussels Sprouts (130 mcg / 125 ml)

Brussels sprout is a cabbage that has a very small size and becomes one of the typical German vegetables. These vegetables contain a variety of rich nutrients such as iron, potassium, protein, fiber and vitamins. Brussels also contains vitamin C which is very good for maintaining body health and preventing damage to active cells in the body.

Consuming of sprouts daily can provide several benefits such as:

  • It contains excellent fiber to maintain healthy digestive system, lower cholesterol and maintain heart health.
  • It contains excellent folic acid for pregnant women to prevent birth defects such as spina bifida.
  • It contains excellent vitamin K to keep blood clotting process and provide nutrition for body cells so that the oxygen requirement in the body is fulfilled.
  1. Broccoli (100 mcg / 125 ml)

Broccoli is a vegetable with a crisp and very refreshing taste. Broccoli has a natural green color that contains antioxidants to prevent cancer such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, and prostate. Broccoli is also very good for keeping the heart healthy. Broccoli is good to be consumed after slightly cooked, as a soup, or as a mix ingredient for your green smoothie.

The benefits of broccoli for your health are:

  • Prevent various types of cancer because it contains antioxidant substances and maintain the immune system.
  • Lowering cholesterol because it contains excellent soluble fiber for the process of saturated fat in the body.
  • It contains excellent natural vitamin K to prevent bone fragility and prevent osteoporosis for postmenopausal women.
  1. Asparagus (60 mcg / 125 ml)

Asparagus is one type of lily plant group that has unique texture and has a good taste. Asparagus can be eaten raw or slightly cooked. Asparagus is a very fresh vegetable with that will not break when it is cooked. Asparagus is very good for children up to the elderly.

Some of the benefits of consuming asparagus on daily basis are:

  • It contains excellent high fiber and protein to support the immune system and maintain the digestive process.
  • It contains some excellent anti-inflammatory compounds to maintain blood sugar levels for diabetic’s patients and maintaining the health of heart.
  • It contains excellent vitamin K which is playing an important role in blood clotting process and strengthens bone density.
  1. Romaine (60 mcg / 250 ml)

Romaine is a type of vegetable that has a shape like green mustard but the leaves have upright texture and a crunchy taste. Romaine is a type of vegetable that grows in the highlands and requires cold air to get the best nutrition. Romaine can be consumed raw as a salad or eaten with bread.

Consuming romaine can provide several health benefits such as:

  • Vitamin K content in romaine is very good for keeping the memory system for Alzheimer’s patients.
  • Contains very high Folate so it is good to prevent allergies and some allergic diseases such as asthma.
  • Vitamin A in romaine is excellent as a source of antioxidants and maintains eye health.
  • Very well consumed by people with uric acid to prevent the danger of uric acid.
  1. Soybeans (50 mcg / 125 ml)

Soybean is included as one type of food that provides nutrients in a very rich amount. Soybeans can be processed into various types of cuisine such as tempeh, tofu, milk, and miso. Soy is a very high source of protein so it is very good for children’s growth process and as energy sources. Read more about How to Treat Thalassemia During Pregnancy

Consuming various types of soy products on a regular basis is very good because:

  • It contains protein, insoluble fiber, complete vitamins and minerals to maintain good health.
  • It contains vitamin K which plays a role for blood clotting process, keeps oxygen in body cells maintained and supports brain memory power.
  • Soy also contains excellent phytoestrogens to keep the hormone balance system in women.

Vitamin K1, K2, and K3

There are three types of vitamin K which are K1, K2, and K3. Each type has different function and can be found in different types of vegetables. Here are more detail information about those three vitamins:

  1. Vitamin K1

Vitamin K1 is a group of all-natural vitamin K type found in all types of green vegetables, and some other specific color vegetables. This type of vitamin K is very natural, can be absorbed by the body and does not cause toxins. Absorption by the body will be better if consumed with the type of food with healthy fats like salmon and lean meats.


  • Can be absorbed directly by the liver in the body and helps the blood clotting process in the body so it remains healthy.
  • Slows the growth of cancer cell tissue, especially the type of lung cancer in accordance with research ever published in the International Journal of Oncology in September 2003.

To get the various benefits of foods containing vitamin K should always be consumed with unsaturated fats. Vitamin K deficiency cases are very rare, but if vitamin K deficiency can put you at risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, heart disease and osteoporosis. Read more about Tips to Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss

  1. Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 is a type of vitamin obtained from the process of fermentation in the body or processing in the digestive tract by bacteria. Then vitamin K2 will be directly absorbed by the body through blood vessel channels, bones and all types of tissues in the body except the liver.

Function: Helps reduce the risk of heart disease and also to protect the heart to stay healthy. Reduce the risk of artery hardening disease so as to prevent heart failure. It also helps absorption process of calcium, protects the bone density , and protects the nervous system so it can reduce and prevent the risk of Alzheimer.

  1. Vitamin K3

Vitamin K3 is a highly recommended type of synthetic vitamin K because it can cause toxic reactions and side effects to the body. It can be used only under your doctor’s recommendation.

Also read:

Those are complete explanation about how many benefits of vitamin K and their subs.

Categories: Vitamin