Effects of Round Ligament Pain When Pregnant

Almost everyone has felt pain. This feeling of discomfort that can touch any part of the body can sometimes be tolerated, but sometimes it isn’t.

Even in some cases, pain can cause symptoms of shock. In women in twins, pain can be felt throughout pregnancy.

Of course, the pain is different levels. Because of that, pregnant women are advised to recognize how pain (especially in the abdomen) is felt, and what actions should be taken to overcome them.

Again, in principle, not all abdominal pain is dangerous. However, some pain can be a sign of a serious problem or problem in the mother. For that, let’s recognize a variety of abdominal pain in pregnancy.

First Trimester

First trimester Pain in the early months of pregnancy is generally not harmful. Read more about Side Effect of Jamaica Cherry for Health (muntingia calabura) 

Usually it is characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and a bit of pain as before menstruation.

The cause is an increase in the hormone progesterone and relaxing which makes the joints of the bones around the uterus stretch.

Although relatively normal, immediately consult a doctor if this pain continues after the pregnancy is 10-12 weeks old. Read more about How to Make Your Hair Grow 10 Inches in A Week Naturally

The presence of gas in the stomach that makes flatulence, and constipation, is also a cause of abdominal pain that is still relatively normal.

Pain that should be watched out is when cramps occur on one side of the lower abdomen, especially if accompanied by bleeding or there are brownish spots.

Pain that generally lasts long is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus).

This pregnancy is caused by a fertilized egg sticking outside the uterus, usually in the oviduct (Fallopian tube).

Severe pain arises from bleeding in the abdominal cavity due to “rupture” of an ectopic pregnancy.

Pain accompanied by bleeding can also occur during a miscarriage. The nature of this pain can be rhythmic (regular) and spastic (accompanied by a feeling of seizure) with increasing intensity. Read more about Side Effects of Using Hair Serum

You should immediately leave for the hospital to get the right treatment.

Second Trimester

Pain in the second trimester that is often felt is pain in the left or right side of the lower abdomen or move from left to right and vice versa.

Increasingly large pregnancies make the ligament (a rope-like structure that maintains the position of the uterus on the abdominal wall) stretching and attracts pain.

However, the cause of this pain is classified as not dangerous. To reduce it, rest in a sitting or lying position. Use a pillow that is rather high. Read more about The Effects of Skin Lightening Cream

Change position suddenly, from sitting or sleeping to standing position, sometimes also cause pain, but not harmful. For that slowly when changing position.

Try to rest on a sturdy object so that some of the burden on the groin moves to the hand and reduces pressure on the abdomen.

If you want to shift your body while sitting, move one leg first, then just lift your buttocks along with the other leg to reduce tension in the abdomen.

Third Trimester

Pain is still often felt in the lower abdomen. This relatively harmless pain is caused by an enlarged uterus which results in pressure on the bladder located in the lower abdomen.

Beware if this pain causes urinary tract infections. Pressure on the bladder can make urine stay longer there resulting in urinary tract infections. Read more about 17 Ways How to Exfoliate Sensitive Skin Face

Complaints that arise can be “stomach cramps”, incomplete voiding (little by little), experiencing pain in the lower abdomen that spreads to the back, sometimes even contracting.

Avoiding the habit of holding back urination and always drinking at least 10 glasses of water per day is strongly recommended to prevent this condition.

Lower abdominal pain can also be felt when the fetus moves. With the greater the fetus, the head, body, and kick of the foot will be stronger.

Strong fetal movements can cause mild contractions (false contractions that do not cause labor or are often called Braxton-Hicks contractions).

What should be watched out is when entering the final months of pregnancy, then there is severe pain in the lower abdomen that does not disappear even after resting. Read more about How to Remove Tan from Feet in One Day at Home

It’s probably a placental abruption sign, which is the release of the placenta from the uterine wall.

You may also experience bleeding that requires the help of a doctor or midwife as soon as possible.

So simply, to distinguish a reasonable abdominal pain with a dangerous one is, if the abdominal pain does not disappear after resting, then there is a possibility that you experience complications of pregnancy that need further treatment.

What is lower abdominal ligament pain during pregnancy?

Lower abdominal ligament pain is sharp or sharp pain in the lower abdomen or groin.

This complaint is very common during pregnancy and is a normal condition. Lower abdominal ligament pain most often appears in the second trimester of pregnancy. Read more about 12 Ways on How to Treat Thrush on Babies

Signs and symptoms

What are the signs and symptoms of lower abdominal ligament pain during pregnancy?

Lower abdominal ligament pain can make you worry and uncomfortable. However, this is normal during pregnancy.

Symptoms include pain such as cramps in the stomach. It usually feels more on the right abdomen, but can occur on both sides. The pain may only be felt for a few seconds. Moving or exercising might trigger pain. As well as:

  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Laugh
  • Roll on the bed
  • Stand up too fast

There may be signs and symptoms not mentioned above. If you have concerns about a particular symptom, consult your doctor.

When should I see a doctor?

You should contact your doctor if you have any complaints of pain during pregnancy. However, seek medical attention immediately if you experience:

  1. Unbearable pain
  2. Pain does not disappear after a few minutes
  3. Fever, shivering
  4. Pain when urinating
  5. Difficult to walk

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can occur due to various causes. Therefore, it is important for your doctor to make sure you do not have other serious conditions, including pregnancy complications such as placental abruption or other diseases such as:

  • Inguinal hernia
  • Appendicitis
  • Stomach, liver (liver), or kidney problems

Pain in preterm labor is also sometimes mistaken for lower abdominal pain during pregnancy.


What causes lower abdominal ligament pain during pregnancy?

A number of thick ligaments will surround and support your uterus along with the development of the fetus and your pregnancy.

One of them is the lower abdominal ligament that connects the front of the uterus to the groin. This ligament will normally tighten and relax slowly.

Along with the growth of the fetus, these ligaments will stretch. Therefore, the ligaments will be more easily tense and injured. Read more about Side Effects of Ginseng Most People Missed Out!

Now, sudden movements can make the ligaments tighten suddenly, like rubber stretched and released suddenly. This is what causes pain.


What should be done to deal with lower abdominal ligament pain during pregnancy?

Depending on the condition of each pregnant woman, the doctor may recommend the following treatments.

  1. Take pain relievers such as paracetamol (acetaminophen). However, always ask your doctor before taking any medication while pregnant.
  2. Exercise so that the core muscles are strong. You can try prenatal yoga or do stretching exercises. Ask your doctor what exercise is safe for you and your fetus.
  3. Try the following movements: position yourself as if you want to crawl, with your palms and knees on the floor. Lower your head and lean the back of your back up.
  4. Avoid sudden movements. For example when you want to stand or sit.
    Move your hips, especially when coughing, sneezing, or laughing so the ligaments are not suddenly attracted.
  5. Compress with a cloth soaked in warm water to relieve pain. Again, ask the doctor first whether this is safe. Because the temperature is too hot can harm the baby. Read more about Natural Tips and Trick to Help Baby Sleep Through the Night in 40 Seconds
  6. Avoid movements that can make the pain worse. Also adjust your daily activities so as not to trigger pain.
Categories: Women Health
Kezia Marcellova: