Causes of Black Period Blood at Beginning of Period

Menstruation is a normal cycle that every woman naturally experienced. Normally, menstruation is fairly reasonable when the volume of blood that comes out is around 10 to 80 ml per cycle.

However, what if the menstruation or period blood that is supposed to be colored in red turns out to be black? Here are several causes of black period blood at beginning of period you need to know.

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  • Genetic factors

Basically, period blood that is black and not red is normal. This condition occurs because of the content in our urine wall tissue that dominates the color of period blood.

  • Effects of certain drugs

The consumption of certain drugs can affect a woman’s period blood experiencing the changement of its color from red to black. For example, the consumption of contraceptive pills can make the red color that supposed to be the period blood color to become black.

  • Stress and depression

If you experiencing period blood that colored in black, it may happens because the stress and depression you have been suffering from. Stress and depression affect to the period blood that becomes black due to uterine wall that gets thinner.

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  • Excessive exercise

Another causes of black period blood at beginning of period is because excessive exercise. Excessive exercise can also be a factor of the color changement in period blood. Avoid doing exercise excessively if you don’t want it to occur.

  • Puberty

Those who still in adolescence or in puberty age, don’t need to be worry about puberty blood that becomes black because it is quite normal condition. You may also like to read fast ways to get rid of stomach pain during menstruation.

  • Enter menopause

Women over 45 years old who are categorized as those who enter menopause phase may experiencing less period blood that often become black. Apart from its color that change from red to black, this condition is still considered as a normal condition. 

  • Hormonal imbalance

Hormones that imbalance can trigger the problem that relates with period blood to occur. Human mood is considered as the common reason why hormones become imbalance that can affect to the color of period blood.

  • Thyroid Hormone disorders

Thyroid hormone is also one of causes why many women experiencing red period blood to become black.

It also affects to the volume of the period blood itself. You can go to doctor to find out the best treatment to overcome this condition. You may also like to read food contain testosterone hormones might benefit you.

  • Asherman syndrome

Asherman syndrome that strongly relates with our uterus condition can cause the amount of period blood that becomes decreased and it potentially will lead the red color in period blood to turn out become black. 

  • PCOS / Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome can be the reason why a woman experiencing the changement in their period blood color due to the problem that infected ovarian system.

  • Weight loss

Weight that easily fall or rise can affect to the amount of period blood and often becomes black. Try to consult this problem to the specialist in order to find out what are the reasons why you experiencing weight loss.

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  • Stretcthing of the uterus

Black period blood can occur because of the stretching of the uterus. I will usually difficult to return its size to its original size. Therefore, it will affect to the period blood.

These are causes of black period blood at beginning of period you need to know in order to find out the actual reasons behind why you experiencing this condition. Stay healthy, Good People!
