Pre-Menopause: Definition, Symptoms, Duration of Pre-Menopause

Have you ever heard of this term, Pre-menopause? Actually, this is a natural event that will definitely happen to all women. Pre-menopause is a condition in which women show signs of entering menopause. Then, then there is the post-menopausal period. All this will be experienced by women who are in their late teens.

However, what do you actually mean by menopause? Menopause is a condition in which a woman no longer experiences menstruation or menstruation. So she no longer gets a monthly visit every month. If she has sex, she can no longer get pregnant. Because the eggs or ovum are no longer produced by the ovary. There are many menopausal symptoms that you need to know.

You need to know, all the women in the world only have a little more time. Unlike men who have lots of tadpoles or sperm. The egg production that is owned by women is only once a month. So, the quantity is very little and very small. Do not be surprised if a pregnant woman is very much looked forward to.

So, health and life are truly guarded even from the food, like a ban on spicy food because there is a danger of spicy eating for pregnant women. Food content is also noticed because of the danger of lacking iodine that can affect children.

If she has entered menopause, her ovaries will no longer be able to produce eggs. Even though the woman has intercourse, she cannot get pregnant. In addition, the woman also no longer experiences menstruation. Some of the female organs are also not as good as they were when she was not menopause. For example, a part of the breast has begun to relax. The part of the vagina is not as thick as before.

Understanding Pre-Menopause

Before a person enters menopause, she will enter the pre-menopausal period. Then, she will experience menopause. After that, she will only undergo a period of post-menopause. Pre-menopause itself is a period where there are signs that a woman will enter.

In normal women, usually, this period will take place within ten (10) to fifteen (15) years before the woman enters menopause. What if you count with the calculation of mathematical calculations, usually the normal menopause period of women is mostly in their fifties and above.

So, the pre-menopausal period is at the age of thirty-five years to forty years. This value is very important for every woman to know. The goal is that they are ready to enter menopause. In addition, by understanding when they entered menopause, they can estimate how long their fertile period will stop.

To find out when this pre-menopausal period comes, each woman must know what symptoms will appear. There are quite a number of symptoms that indicate that he is entering pre-menopause. Broadly speaking, each of these women will show physical symptoms as well as mental changes.

Symptoms and Signs of Pre-Menopausal Period

To find out when you enter the pre-menopausal period, you must understand what signs will appear. That way, you can understand at what age your fertile period stops.

This can be taken into consideration for intimate relationships that risk the appearance of children. So, what are the signs that appear? Check out the following reviews: 

  1. Changes in Menstrual Period and Duration

It is one sign or symptom that is quite real and visible. There is a change in the menstrual period. Normally, women experience menstruation every month.

However, if they have entered the pre-menopausal period, it will change their menstrual period. Even some people have no menstruation at all for several months. In addition, sometimes they may also experience mild to severe bleeding during the menstrual period.

  1. Cold Sweat

Cold sweat can be a trigger for health problems. There are many reasons for someone to sweat.

For example, there are reasons for sweaty palms and feet, the cause of sweating temples, the cause of sweating hands, the cause of sweaty feet. Cold sweat or commonly referred to as hot flashes is one of the symptoms experienced by women who experience pre-menopause.

At night, they feel cold sweat for no reason. Actually, the symptoms of cold sweat are common symptoms for those who experience pre-menopause. 

  1. Different Mental Conditions

In addition, women need to be aware of when they enter the pre-menopausal period such as the existence of mental changes that are quite influential in her life, for example, feeling frequent stress until depression.

Sometimes, she is also easy to feel disappointed with things that are mild. Mood changes or moods are very disturbing for the day. In addition, it becomes easier to feel anxious and easily irritated.

Do not worry, there are several ways to deal with stress that are super effective and must be known. The important thing is you know the cause of the stress.

  1. The Miss V Section Becomes Drier

Signs or symptoms that arise when someone experiences or enters the pre-menopausal period are the vagina becomes drier.

This can happen because during the pre-menopausal period, there is a decrease in estrogen production. This will cause the vagina become drier. The best step if this happens is to use vaginal lubricants. Or you can also consult with your doctor, so you can get treatment quickly and accurately.

  1. Sleep Difficulty

Symptoms that appear in women who are experiencing the next pre-menopausal period are experiencing sleep problems. Sometimes, they can sleep but it will be very easy to wake up at night. This woman often feels that her sleep is not very deep.

Things like this will appear in women who experience pre-menopause because they are in a phase where hormone fluctuations and hot flashes or cold sweat are emerging. It is important to know the causes of insomnia so you can know how to deal with insomnia.

Further reading:

Factors Affecting the Length of Pre-Menopause

The length of a person experiencing menopause is different. There are people having 7 years, some have 10 years old, some have 15 years old. The longer the menopause period, the more the woman has a good level of health.

With a long period of pre-menopause, it means that the female organs possessed by the woman are also well guarded. Because there are several factors that make a person’s pre-menopause become longer such as:

  1. Do Not Smoke

Women’s health can be seen from the pattern of her life. A woman who has good habits, she also has good health. For women who do not smoke or are not exposed to cigarette radiation, they will have a longer period of pre-menopause.

It is because the nicotine in cigarettes causes damage to the body and feminine health or reproductive organs. If you want to have a long fertile period, then stay away from cigarettes.

Although now many types of cigarettes are more attractive, such as electric cigarettes. Do not be tempted because there is a danger of using e-cigarettes so that the side effects of e-cigarettes also need to be noticed.

  1. Female Hereditary Factor

The reason a person experiences a pre-menopausal period or a longer fertile period is due to heredity. If your mother and grandmother have a long fertile period, then you also have the potential to have a longer fertile period.

This is related to a person’s chromosome level that is still the same. But usually, if you do not have a long pre-menopausal time, this might be due to your environmental factors.

You need to know, that giving birth is one of the efforts that can be done so that your fertile period is longer because by giving birth, you need the production of excess female hormones. 

That is what causes women who have children tend to have more fertile female hormones. These hormones include estrogen and progesterone. But make no mistake, because due to excess estrogen, it is also not good for the body. You also need to know, that many effects of the advantages and disadvantages of progesterone hormone.

  1. Never Get Chemotherapy or Radiation

Those who have never done chemotherapy or therapy using radiation tend to have longer fertile period.

It is because therapy uses radiation which is strong medicine that kills tumors and reduces the levels of the hormone estrogen and progesterone in women. That is why women who have chronic diseases tend to have faster menopause.

  1. Do Not Perform Surgical Removal of the Uterus or Ovary

Women who have never had surgery, especially surgery for removal of the womb, are also expected to have a longer fertile period. It is because women who have experienced the removal of the uterus or ovary mean that they have never been able to produce eggs at that time.

That is why most women who have performed uterine enhancements such as the ovary are afraid to not have children.

  1. Stress or Depression

The next factor regarding whether or not a person experiences longer fertility period is caused by stress. For women who are easier to stress or tend to stress have a shorter fertility period.

It is because women who are easily stressed can trigger a decrease in female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.
