13 Causes and Treatment of Gum Bleeding

Bloody gums can suddenly be adopted by various things. One of the most common causes is gum disease.

In addition, there are many other things, such as brushing teeth too tight, or replace the teeth that are not appropriate.

If the bleeding gums can be frequent, be careful because it can determine more serious conditions, namely periodontitis – one of the symptoms of leukemia or blood cancer and vitamin deficiency.

Various problems that occur in teeth can also cause the gums to bleed out. Gingivitis or gingivitis and periodontitis make the gums more sensitive and susceptible to bleeding.

Gingivitis itself occurs due to plaque on the teeth attached to the tooth ceiling that attaches to the gums. Plaque is formed from the debris of food debris and bacteria attached to the teeth. Plaque formation can be prevented by diligent care and brushing. Plaque that has accumulated can also cause cavities, not just gum problems. Read more about Side Effects of Wolfberry for Health, Side Effect of Excessive Yawning

As the gums continue to bleed, you should see a doctor to find out from the symptoms of gingivitis. Gingivitis that secretes its own blood will usually also be accompanied by symptoms such as swollen gums and pain in the mouth and around the gums.

In addition to gingivitis, bleeding gums from periodontitis are usually the result of gingivitis that is allowed to continue without adequate treatment. Periodontitis occurs due to gum infections, jawbone to infection in tissues connecting teeth and gums. Over time, the teeth can be dated from the gums.

If the bleeding gums are caused by false teeth that are less fit, immediately consult your condition to the dentist or orthodontist to improve the form of dentures that are less fit. Read more about  Effects on Skin from Weight Loss

Another cause of the onset of gum bleeding is the body that lacks vitamins. Lack of vitamin C and K can make gums bleed easily. Try checking the food and drinks you consume daily to improve the condition of your vitamin deficiency.

Have your daily diet include vitamin C and K foods like the following?

  • Food rich in vitamin C: citrus fruits and fruit juice of vitamin C, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, and potatoes
  • Food rich in vitamin K: water celery, kale vegetables, spinach, Swiss chard, lettuce, soybeans, canola oil and olive oil.

Other causes of bleeding gums are usually associated with conditions that are being experienced by the body. In addition to vitamin deficiency, women who are pregnant and experiencing hormonal changes will make pregnant women’s gums become more sensitive. Read more about How to Exfoliate Sensitive Skin Face

The condition of other more serious diseases such as hemophilia or leukemia, can also cause bleeding gums. Consumption of blood thinning drugs such as warfarin, aspirin and heparin, also has one side effect of bleeding gums. Read more about How To Lose Weight While Pregnant

To treat and prevent bleeding gums, several things that can be done include:

Maintain dental hygiene and gum. In addition to maintaining the cleanliness of teeth and gums, routinely checked into the dentist at least twice a year to clean teeth thoroughly, needs to be done. Thus, the dentist can check if there is presence of gingivitis and re-socialize how to maintain proper dental hygiene.

  • Maintain and care for your teeth and gums everyday by diligently brushing teeth and cleaning the plaque between teeth with dental floss.
  • Using an antiseptic mouthwash to minimize the formation of plaque in the mouth. In addition to an antiseptic mouthwash, using warm water mixed with salt can relieve swelling of bleeding gums.
  • Check the equipment you use daily to care for your teeth and gums, such as using a soft bristle toothbrush to choose an electric tooth brush as an alternative to bleeding gums and to clean the tightly fitted teeth with gums more thoroughly. A hard brush book can easily hurt a fragile gum. Read more about How to Maintain Nail Healthy

If the gums continue to bleed even though daily care has been adjusted to the nutritional improvement has been done, consult a dentist. Your dentist may check your blood and perform a thorough physical exam to find out what causes and adjusts the right handling.

Categories: Teeth Health
Kezia Marcellova: