Benefits of Red Wine for Teeth According to Research

The researchers say if the polyphenols contained in red wine can help to prevent certain bacteria from sticking to the teeth. Besides, there are also benefits of grapes for the teeth part of the fruit. Research continues to say if there are benefits of red wine for teeth and also health because of polyphenols in wine act as antioxidants. In a recent study, researchers also found more benefits from red grape extract. But before you start drinking red wine, it would be better if you read the information about the benefits of red wine for teeth that we provide below.

Research on Red Wine for Teeth

A recent study has concluded that polyphenols contained in red wine and grape seed extract can reduce the ability of bad bacteria to stick to the teeth. These bacteria cause plaque on the teeth, cavities, and gum disease and other types of dental diseases.

Using antiseptics and antibiotics to treat these conditions can cause unwanted effects, so a researcher at the Spanish National Research Council in Madrid studied other options. He researched oral health and previous intestinal microbiomes. He saw the effects of two red wine polyphenols namely caffeic acid and Coumaric p, grape seeds and red grape extract that are commercially available.

He wanted to see how these ingredients could affect bacteria that attach to teeth. This study was conducted in an in-vitro model and not in animals or humans. They tested concentrations in the range commonly found in grapes.

Basically, humans have protective biofilms that can protect teeth from harmful bacteria. But some bacteria that attach to the teeth can penetrate the film and cause infection of the teeth and gums. This is what causes cavities and several other types of oral diseases.

Benefits of Red Wine for Teeth

The research team found that polyphenols in grapes when isolated can work better than grape extracts in reducing the ability of bacteria to attach to cells. When researchers added probiotics Streptococcus dentisani which are believed to be oral probiotics, polyphenols can work better in holding back harmful bacteria. When polyphenols are digested, digestion will begin and can explain some positive effects.

Results of Red Wine Research

Although the research needs to be investigated further, a researcher at Tufts University Antioxidant Research Laboratory in Massachusetts is pleased with the results. Testing in animals and humans will be needed to draw further conclusions.

Polyphenols can prevent bad bacteria from forming biofilms that are inherently transmitted to the gums and teeth that will physically block attachments or modify bad bacteria so they are not too sticky so they are easier to get rid of.

Researchers say if evidence shows that oral probiotics and phenolic compounds can be a viable strategy for managing 5 oral diseases due to not cleaning the tongue when microbial toothbrushes. The researchers recommend more research into this field in living organisms to continue the research.

The American Dental Association even includes wine as a drink that can be a cause of dull and stained teeth. But in another study found that wine has protective properties against diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders as well as improving intestinal health.

Whereas in 2014, another study published in the journal showed that red wine can help prevent periodontal disease and tooth loss or causes toothless teeth. In the study, grapes in addition to proven grape extract were effective in combating three of the five strains of bacteria that cause mouth disease. Whereas in 2017, research from the University of Pavia in Italy shows that white and red grapes can help prevent the proliferation of streptococci, a type of bacteria that causes cavities, tooth decay, and sore throat. In the study, it was found that red wine can help inhibit Streptococcus mutans, a dental pathogen that produces tooth decay acid and sweet substances called glucans that cause plaque on teeth.

Among polyphenols, resveratrol is probably the one that holds an important point. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Periodontology found that resveratrol could reduce the number of gingivitis-related bacteria by 60% in laboratory tests in mice that performed better than synthetic alternatives.

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Categories: Teeth Health