13 Fastest and Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of Corns on Feet You Should Check Out!

Feet corns or corns for short is a disease that occurs on heel, ankles, in-between toes, and on the surface of the foot. In the medical world, this condition is often referred to as clavus. Actually, corns are not particularly terminal illnesses like causes of heart rhythm disorder and the occurrence of symptoms of heart attack in women because both of these could leads to death.

But clavus, is not dangerous. It will not cause death, but it will only make the sufferer feel pain, even though the pain is incomparable to those terminal illnesses. It only causes a problem to our appearance.

Ways to Get Rid of Corns on Feet

Corn is caused by the presence of the HPV virus which causes injury, and brings out shades of yellow around your limbs. But do not worry too much because corn is not a disease that is difficult to cure. It can be treated easily. There are many ways that you can try to eliminate corns, among them are:

  1. Minor Surgery

A relatively quick way to treat corns is minor surgery. Why is it called minor surgery surgery small? Because this procedure does not require a lot of things and sometimes, the patient did not even be brought into the operating room. This minor surgery only aims to remove the core of the corn. If the core of the corns can be removed, then the possibility of healing can be achieved.

In carrying out this procedure, there are two types of surgeries, namely:

  • Minor surgery with a knife: This operation will be carried out using a small knife, of course, a sharp knife, with an acute angle on it’s tip, serves to pry the core of the corn to finally cut loose of the corn. You may not feel pain during this procedure because of anesthesia. Pain will be felt when the anesthesia has lost its function later after the surgery.
  • Cauterization operation: Cauterization is the removal of the core of a corn using electric-current-producing device. Like a soldering iron, so it will burn the corn to make it disappear. Even with this cauterization method there is no need for sutures, especially if the blood does not come out.

If you plan on using the surgical method, it certainly cannot be done alone. It must be done by doctors who are well-experienced. So do not let the doctor choose or even ask his own friend who is not experienced to do the surgery. In fact, it can become an infection later.

2. Using Papaya

Papaya contains a lot of vitamin C and also antioxidants that are good for skin health. It is also proven that papaya is a natural way to treat scabies. Corns can also be treated using papaya by doing the following methods:

First, take papaya which is still quite young and then apply the papaya to the corn, of course using a properly pre-washed papaya. If you can do this treatment continuously, it will result changes slowly, and eventually cure the corns.

3. Use Lemon

Just like papaya, lemon has antioxidants and vitamin C which are good for the skin. To treat corns using lemon, it is very easy to do. You just have to prepare a lemon and cut it in half. Next, apply it to the corn, and if it’s possible, repeat the treatments three times a day. 

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains antioxidants as well as vitamin A which are capable and good for treating corns and nourishing the skin. How to use apple cider vinegar to treat corns is very easy. You just need to soak your feet or other parts with the corns with a solution of apple cider vinegar. 

Let your feet absorb the apple cider vinegar solution for thirty minutes, not too long and not only for a short period of time. After that, put a sterile bandage to the corn, so that apple cider vinegar will easily seep into the core of the fish eye and will help restore the corned skin to it’s normal condition.

5. Garlic

Garlic is not only good as a fastest way to treat tinea versicolor on face, but it turns out it also has benefits for treating corns. Indeed garlic contains very high antioxidants. Even this garlic can be used for medicine for some type of skin disease. Similarly, corns can be treated by using garlic. All you have to do is mashing the garlic and then applying the finely mashed garlic to the corns.

6. Using Pumice Stone

Pumice? Who is not familiar with pumice stone? Pumice is indeed good for treating corns, and it is also believed to be one fastest way to get rid of calluses on hands. But it is not too recommended for those of you who are afraid of using pumice stone, because this method sometime sounds very terrible because you have to apply pumice to the corn until it bleeds to make the corn’s core come out on their own. If you’re brave enough to try, then you absolutely have to!

7. Using Callusol

Callusol can be obtained at the nearest pharmacies so that you can easily look for it and use it according to the instructions written on the packaging.

8. Using Soap and Betel

Soap can be used well to treat corns, because soap has the ability to clean. Betel, on the other hand, contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which also beneficial to treat corns. Betel is actually also one of many natural ways to treat tinea versicolor. Always remember to use clean soap to clean the corn and make it’s core come out on it’s own.

9. Using Cigarettes

There are so many down side of smoking indeed, but that does not mean that cigarettes do not have benefits for humans. Precisely, cigarettes can help restore healing of corns. Therefore, do not underestimate cigarettes. The heat of these cigarettes can help burn the corns so that it helps healing your skin.

10. Using Frangipani Sap

Frangipani is one of the medicinal plants. Frangipani sap has been known to be act as an alternative way to get rid of birthmarks without surgery. The Frangipani sap can be used to treat corns by applying the sap evenly to the part that suffers from the corn. But first of all, always make sure that the corn is clean before applying the sap to the corn area.

11. Using God’s Leaves

Not only frangipani fruit is a medicinal plant, but God’s leave or more scientifically known as Gynura difaricata also have herbal benefits to treat corns. God’s leave can also treat heart disease, and it’s one of many healthy food for our heart’s health.

12. White Vinegar

White vinegar will help smooth the skin that has corn on it, so that the corn will be easy to remove.

13. Baking Soda

Baking soda has the benefit of peeling off dead or dry skin, so that it can peel the corns, and make it easily healed. Baking soda is beneficial to treat corns because it has good antibacterial properties. Therefore, remember to always clean your hands after you apply the baking soda to the corn area to avoid dangers of vinegar and baking soda for health.

Those are 13 fastest and most effective ways to get rid of corns that can be done easily. We hope you find this article helpful.

Categories: Skin Health
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