Jock Itch in Groin Area Treatment – Causes – Prevention

Itching is definitely the condition where it completely makes you feel uncomfortable and can possibly make your daily activities be disturbed. Itching can appears anywhere, including groin where it is quite inappropriate to scratch it in public area. Itching on groin can come alongside flaking and redness of the skin.

Read also: Symptoms of Itchy Bumps on Inner Thigh Near Groin Female

Causes of Jock Itch 

There is every reason on the occur of itching on groin area. We have to indicate the reason why it happen so can find the way on how to overcome it. The itching most likely cause by various factors below:

  • Food Allergy – any particular food can lead someone to allergy if that person is diagnosed has an allergy towards food. Allergy of sea food, egg, chicken are the examples. Read also: How to Overcome Cold Allergies in the Skin.
  • Less Clean – a person who does not keep their body stay clean is open a big opportunity for itching on groin to come because of the growth of fungal that happens on moist groin.
  • Wearing tight pants – Skinny jeans is one of everyone’s favorite but it also has bad effect for your groin health because it can lead your groin to irritation.

Jock itch in groin area treatment

So, how the way to cure the itching on groin that you can easily doing at home?

  1. Change Clothes After Exercising

Once you done exercising, do not wear the clothes that as same as you have wore while exercising because it contains sweats that good for fungal to grow.

  1. Choose The Correct Pants Material

You have to ensure whether the pants you wear is has an ability to absorb pants or not. Usually, pants with that ability is more comfy and less damage of fungal growth that caused by sweats production.

  1. Stay Away from Food that Triggers Allergy

If you conscious enough that you have food allergy, do not every try to consume it. You have to be indeed aware with this thing because once you eat it, you will be itching all over your body.

  1. Bathing Routinely

Many people considered bathing is not an important thing. Therefore, they often skip bathing. Bathing is very important to refresh your body and to prevent the growth of fungal.

  1. Go Dry Every Part of Your Body After Bathing

After bathing, by using clean towel, make sure to dry-ing every part of your body to prevent it from become moist so the fungal will not come to your body. You may also read about Foods to Avoid during Jock Itch

  1. Wear Loose Pants

Tight pants can lead to itching, so try another option to wear different kind and form of pants. Loose Pants is the best deal.

  1. Maintain Nutrition

Allergy can happen because of the low of body immunity. The best way to do is to maintain you daily nutrition by consuming healthy food like healthy salad which rich in vitamin and fiber.

  1. Use Salt Water

If you want to get a good result, you can use salt water to wash the itching groin area because salt contains antibacterial that good for skin health. You can instantly feel better once you apply use water on your groin area.

  1. Use Antibacterial Powder

Powder is the most secure ingredient you can apply for groin area. It’s less damage and can be found everywhere. Homeopathic or herbal powder is more effective to help the process of healing. You can get a good result if you routinely use it.

  1. Yogurt

Beside has an ability to whiten grain area, yogurt can also capable to against bacterial that can cause disease for your body. Plain yogurt is the most effective. You can simply consume it one cup per-day. We recommend you to use yogurt that made by sheep’s milk and goat’s milk.

  1. White Union

Besides of white union fact that dangerous for our body, there is also various benefit that it produced. The antibacterial that contains in white onion has an ability to cure itching.

By 2 to 3 choves white union that we chewed and shallowed, we can instantly get the good result. Do not worry to use white union to overcome itching. 

  1. Ice

We never know when will the itching occur so we have to prepare ice to overcome it because ice is way easy to find. You can easily apply it on you groin. You do not need to waste your money on this ingredient.

  1. Mushroom Medication

If you do no want to waste your time on preparing natural ingredient, you can go for mushroom medication. You can easy find it at any drug store but to get it, you need doctor’s prescription. You have to consistently use this to cure itching.

  1. Do not Share Pants to Other

Even though it is your family or friend, do not ever share your pants to others because it is way too risky for you to get a fungal irritation that spread by other.

  1. Immediately Wash Pants After Use It

Whichever pants you use, go immediately wash it after wearing it. Do not repeatedly use it because it contains a lot of bacteria caused by the production of sweat that dangerous for your groin skin.

  1. Honey

Anti fungal and anti bacteria that contained in honey help you to overcome the itching that happens by fungal and bacteria. You can simply use it on groin area, wait for 30 minutes, then wash it.

  1. Cranberry Juice

There is various fruit juice for you health. Try to drink cranberry juice 2 glass per-day without any sugar for a good result of healing the itching. You can drink it until the itching finally disappear. So, that’s about the jock itch in groin area treatment.

These are 17 treatment you can choose to cure the itching that happens on groin area. Happy trying!

Categories: Skin Health