10 Indian Food to Avoid during Pregnancy (No.6 is Dangerous!)

Eating healthy food during pregnancy is one of the key factors of delivering a healthy baby safely and smoothly. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins that are very beneficial for the growth of the baby inside mother’s womb. For you Indian food lovers, you have to be aware that some Indian vegetables should be avoided during your pregnancy as it might be dangerous for your baby.

Here are the list of Indian food to avoid during pregnancy, the reasons and the effects of consuming those, and the recommended food that you should take instead.

Indian food to be avoided during your pregnancy

Here are the list of Indian food to avoid during pregnancy. Check these following out!

1. Raw papaya

Actually, pregnant women should be aware of raw food and should consume cooked food instead. Raw papaya contains Lattex, a substance that could lead to uterine contractions. This contractions might lead to miscarriage during your pregnancy.

Besides, it also has papain and pepsin that can affect fetal development. So, though papaya is a healthy fruit, especially for digestive system, it is advisable for pregnant women not to consume raw and unripe papaya. Also read: Benefits of Papaya Flower for Your Health

2. Eggplant

Eggplant (baingan) is commonly used by most Indian people at home. Eggplant is described as a vegetable that has phytohormones, which is very useful for premenstrual syndrome treatment. However, when it is consumed frequently by pregnant women, it might be harmful. Eggplant might stimulate onset of menses that might finish for more than two years if it is consumed daily so that if it is consumed daily, it could be harmful. Also read: Dangers of Morning Sleep for Pregnant Women

3. Dry fruits and seeds

One of the examples of dry seeds that is harmful for pregnant women is sesame seed. Traditionally, people use it as a tool for abortion. They mix 1 tbsp of it with jaggery and consume it twice a day. Sesame seeds stimulate the uterine muscles and might cause great contractions and lead to discharge of the fetus. This effect is commonly experienced in the early stage of pregnancy. Also read: Side Effects of Longan Fruit for Health

Hence, pregnant women are suggested not consuming sesame seeds, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. However, nuts and dried fruits, such as dates, almonds and raisins are safe to be consumed but in a limited amount, such as 5 – 10 pieces in a day.

4. Fennel seeds

Too much consumptoon of fennel seeds and dhania (coriander) might be harmful during pregnancy. These spices have phytoestrogens that can stimulate uterine contractions.  During menstruation, these spices are commonly used because they are effective in cleansing the uterus, treating hormonal disoder and increase lactations.

However, it is strongly not suggested to consume these spices as it might lead to miscarriage. Besides, taste enhancers are not suggested as it might lead to brain damage to the baby inside the womb. Also read: Dangers of Ice for Pregnant Women

 5. Salad made in store

It is better to make your own salad instead of consuming salad sold in store. The salad sold in store might contain Listeria, one of the food poisoning bacteria. 

 6. Pineapple

Pineapple has been one of the fruits that should be avoided during pregnancy. It contains traces of bromelain enzyme that is advantageous for bringing on labor. Besides, pineapple will also stimulate your body heat after consuming it. Therefore, it is not suggested to consume pineapple during pregnancy as it might lead to miscarriage. Indian people also avoid this fruits during pregnancy to stay safe.

7. Fenugreek seed

This indian herb might stimulate miscarriage if it is consumed during pregnancy. Fenugreek seed might stimulate contractions that might lead to premature delivery. Moreover, this seed might cause allergic reactions too. So, it is better to stay away from these seeds during pregnancy to stay safe.

8. Asafoetida (Hing)

Asafoetida (hing) is not recommended to be consumed during pregnancy. Consumption asafoetida during pregnancy might increase the body temperature that is very risky for pregnant women. It is commonly used in many Indian food, which might cause gas and bloating. Also read: Dangers of Spicy Food For Pregnant Women 

9. Basils

In Biodiversity of India, it is stated that basils are not safe for pregnant women. It stimulates the blood flow to uterus and pelvic area that is leading to contractions. That is why pregnant woman are not recommended to consume basil.

10. Rosemary

According to American Pregnancy website, consumption of rosemary in food preparation is likely safe. However, it is better for pregnant women to avoid the use of this herb to prevent unwanted effects. Rosemary might lead to uterine and menstrual flow effects that might result miscarriage. Thus, that’s all the list of Indian food to avoid during pregnancy.  

What are safe to be eaten during pregnancy?

We have finished talking about the food to be avoided during pregnancy, then what food are safe to be eaten during pregnancy. Here are the safe food to be eaten.

1. Milk and dairy products – include dairy products such as skimmed milk, yogurt, cheese and other food that is rich in protein, calcium and vitamin. It will help you to make the baby inside your womb grow healthily.

2. Fruits and vegetables – include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet to gain amount of vitamin, minerals and fiber in your body. But, please do research that some vegetables and fruits are not safe for pregnant woman. Apples, oranges, and grapes are good combinations of food for your pregnancy diet.

3. Almonds – almonds are rich in folic acid that is very useful for the development of the brain and neurological system of the unborn baby. Besides, it will also supply iron for your unborn baby.

4. Meat and fish – it is the best source of concentrated proteins. Remember that all the meat and fish must be cooked. If you are vegetarian, you can include egg-white for your protein source. It is rich in iron, omega 3 fatty acids that is useful for reducing allergy risk of the baby.

While you are pregnant, it is a must to control everything that you eat and enter your body. Pay attention to these type of food that you should avoid and do research before you decide to eat something. This is not only for you, but also your future baby.

Better taking long time to decide than regretting about it in the future. What is happier than seeing your baby delivered in a healthy condition?

Categories: Foods