16 Regular Foods that Cause Sinus Infection (Be Careful!)

The causes of sinusitis can be various. It also depends on which person with sinusitis. Because sometimes the causes that experienced will different with the others.

Regular Foods that Cause Sinus Infection

But you need to know that there are several types of food that you should avoid because these foods will actually cause your sinus disease to recur or even get worse.

1. Fried Foods

The first food that triggers sinusitis that you should avoid is fried foods. As we have seen, eating fried foods too often can lead to a number of conditions which will certainly have a bad impact on us.

Many people are not aware of this effect because they are already “addicted” to eat these fried foods. As for those of you who have had a history of sinusitis or have some signs that indicate that you have sinus disease, then you should avoid eating fried foods and understand well the dangers of consuming fried foods.

2. Greasy Foods

Eating greasy foods will also trigger sinusitis. Actually, this explanation is a series with the first explanation which means that fried foods will certainly be greasy.

Therefore, if you are someone who is indicated to have sinus disease then you should stay away from eating greasy food, especially if the used oil is dirty that used by sellers who sell various kinds of food on the roadside, although not all of them are like that.

3. Ice Cream

Eating hot foods is also not recommended for those of you who are known to have had sinus disease. As we know that someone who has sinus disease causes their nose to become blocked due to mucus.

In other words, if you eat cold food like ice cream, then you can make the production of mucus in your body more so that it will cover your respiratory tract more and will certainly make you more infected.

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4. Chili Sauce

Eating chili sauce are very delicious because it can sweat you and it will pride yourself when manage to finish it. But not for those of you who suffer from sinusitis it is mandatory to limit or avoid it.

In addition to being a taboo for hemorrhoids, you should stay away from spicy foods because it can cause sinusitis that you experience will be even worse.

5. Pepper Contained Foods

Consuming foods that contain lots of pepper is not recommended for those who suffer from sinus disease. It because the pungent smell of the pepper can interfere with your nose, which at that time was in an inflammatory state.
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6. Yogurt

Maybe yogurt is a powerful stress-relieving food, but consuming yogurt is also not recommended for those of you who have sinus disease. same as with consuming milk, if you consume thick foods it will cause thickening of mucus or phlegm in your respiratory tract. Therefore, someone who has sinus disease will be advised not to consume thick foods.
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7. Preservatives Fruits

You also need to be aware because you are not recommended to consume fruit which contains preservatives. If you still force to eat the fruit, then you will experience some conditions that will certainly disturb you and also can make your sinus disease more severe.

 8. Mustard

Do you know mustard? Mustard is one of the spices that becomes a distinctive spice on the Europe. The color of the mustard is yellow and some are also brown.

Mustard is very delicious to use as a sauce, but not for those of you who suffer from sinusitis. You should even avoid this sauce so that it doesn’t cause your sinus disease to get worse.

9. Fish-Cake

The fish-cake is also included in one type of food that you should avoid when you are indicated to have sinus disease. The fish-cake does contain several substances that might make your disease recur, especially if fried using dirty oil.

10. Mixed Fruit (Rujak)

Eating rujak is also not recommended. Why is that? Because in the salad there are several types of ingredients that’ll make your sinus disease and your inflammation getting worse. Because of it, you are not recommended to consume rujak while suffering from sinus disease.

11. Butter

Butter is also not recommended to consumed for those of you who suffer from sinus disease. The butter you use in exchange of oil or used in other things is still not recommended because it is feared it can cause your sinusitis to recur

12. Cireng

Who doesn’t know cireng? Cireng is a type of fried food that is widely sold in our schools, especially in elementary schools. Indeed, the taste of cireng itself is very tasty, but cireng is one of the foods that are should be never consumed by someone who have sinus disease because it can cause their sinusitis to get worse.

13. Seblak

For this one food is indeed a prima donna for those who like spicy. But you also have to know that you are not allowed to consume seblak because it can cause your sinus disease to worsen which causes the inflammation that you experience will also get worse.

14. Cheese

Cheese is also included in the type of food that must be avoided for those of you who suffer from sinusitis. Cheese belongs to the type of dairy products which milk itself is forbidden to consume because it can increase the amount of mucus in our body so that it will clog our respiratory tract.

15. Nutmeg

Nutmeg also includes to prohibited food for those who are indicated to experience sinus disease. Because consuming nutmeg is feared to cause a recurrence of their sinus disease.

16. Mayonnaise

The last food that prohibited for those who suffer from sinus disease is mayonnaise. Same as with yogurt and other products from milk, mayonnaise is not recommended because it is feared it can cause pain in the cheeks or other parts of sinusitis sufferers.

That is a list of foods that cause sinusitis that must be avoided or limited by sufferers. If you already have a risk of sinusitis, be aware of these foods or drinks so that they do not cause sinusitis.

Categories: Foods