15 Ways on How To Overcome Oily Face Naturally

Everyone has different skin types. This is very influential on the condition of skin owned, for oily skin to program the production of active oils on the skin. The skin becomes very oily.

In general, facial skin is easier to see such as pimples and blackheads. Both problems are very disturbing appearance because it makes the skin becomes reddened and not smooth.

For that it needs proper handling. One of the proper steps to take care of oily face is to use natural ingredients. Natural ingredients are safer and better to use because they do not contain any negative effects. Well, here’s a review how to cut an oily face with natural ingredients for you:

  1. Tomat

This red fruits contain licopene that allegedly to maintain the elasticity of facial skin. Tomatoes also contain vitamin c in it which is useful to stroke face oil. So you can be able to use tomatoes as a mask. How to provide one ripe tomatoes, then split to be mashed. Once smooth proceed with applying it to the face evenly. Let stand for 30 minutes until the new dried afterwards in rinse thoroughly. Read more about Benefits of Coconut Water For Hair

2. Honey

The next second natural ingredient is honey which can help overcome oily face. Honey is a rich yellow viscous liquid rich in vitamins. Honey comes from bees that bees use as a source of food. How to make honey as a mask is quite easy. Take some spoons of honey and apply on the face evenly. Allow the honey on the face until seeped then after that just rinse face clean.

3. Cucumber

The third natural ingredient is a healthy vegetable called cucumber. This vegetable is rich in water so it can help overcome the oily face. Cucumber can be used as a mask by smoothing it resembles a paste. After that apply on face evenly. If you’ve let the cucumber mask on your face for 30 minutes. If it has been 3 minutes just rinse face clean.

4. Lime

Lime contains high vitamin C content. Vitamin C for the skin is beneficial as a natural skin lightening, overcoming acne and blackheads and overcoming an oily face. Read more about How to Prevent Aging Skin in 20s Naturally

So if you want to make lime as one of the solution of oily face very easy way. First provide one lemon then split into two parts. Squeeze the fruit to get the water. Water from the lime juice just apply on the face evenly and wait up to 30 minutes. Then after 30 minutes just rinse face cleanly.

5. Watermelon

Next is this red berry fruit. This watermelon fruit you can make also as one natural mask to overcome oily face. The way is rip the watermelon fruit that has been cooked and then pure the contents to resemble the pasta. Next apply on your face evenly. If you’ve let mask from this watermelon for 30 minutes on the face. If it’s 30 minutes before rinsed clean.

6. Papaya

The sixth natural ingredient is papaya fruit, the fruit that comes from Mexico is rich in vitamin C and vitamin a in it. Vitamin A is a brightening of facial skin and shrink pores on the face. As for vitamin C plays a role to overcome the oily face.

The way to make papaya fruit as a mask is to smooth the papaya fruit. And apply on face evenly up to 30 minutes. Then rinse with clean water.

7. Egg whites

The seventh natural ingredient is a mask made of egg whites. Masks from egg whites have benefits for the skin to cope with oily faces and tighten facial skin. This white egg mask can also be easily made at home. Read more about How To Get A Good Night Sleep and wake up refreshed

Carany provide a chicken egg. Break the egg and separate it between egg yolks and egg whites. Next after that apply on face evenly and let stand for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes just rinse with clean water.

8. Potatoes

The eight natural ingredients are potatoes that can help to overcome oily face. Potatoes can be used as a skin-safe mask. The way to make the first potato mask is peel the potato skin and rinse thoroughly. Next blend the potato until smooth resembling the pasta. After finely apply a mask of potatoes on the face and let stand for 30 minutes. Then rinse face clean.

9. Yam

The ninth natural ingredient for dealing with an oily face is the yam. Fruit that has a white color also has benefits to brighten the skin. That’s why many skin lightening products are made from jengkang. Read more about  Signs of Miscarriage Without Bleeding

The way to make a mask from the yam is to peel the skin first. After that continue with rinse yam clean. If it is clean then then puree the fruit bengkuang by using a better blender. If it is smooth apply directly on your face and let stand for 30 minutes. After that just rinse face cleanly.

10. Aloe vera

The next plant that can cope with oily face is aloe vera. The content contained in the rod of aloe vera is a gel that is rich in benefits. Aloe vera gel can be applied directly on the face so it can make the skin moist and control the production of excess oil oil.

11. Lemon

Next is the lemon fruit that has benefits to overcome the oily face. The main content of this yellow fruit is high vitamin C. Lemon fruit that is used for the face is water juice. The way is first split lemon fruit, after that just applied to the face evenly. Wait for the spread for about 30 minutes. If it’s 30 minutes just rinse the face of lemon juice until clean.

12. Avocado

The next twelfth natural ingredient is avocado, where the fruits that are rich in this saturated fat can help to overcome oily face. Masks from avocado fruit obtained by smoothing the contents of the avocado fruit. Once smooth and then apply on the face thoroughly. After that just let stand for 30 minutes until the mask is dry. Continue if it is dry rinse face with water until clean.

13. Apples

Apples can also be made as one mask that plays a role to overcome the excess oil on the face. The way to make a mask of apples is to smooth the apple and apply on the face evenly. Leave the mask of this apple for about 30 minutes then rinse with face to clean. Read more about  Factors Causing Food Poisoning

14. Celery

The fourth natural ingredient that can be used to overcome the problem of oily face is celery. Celery can be used as a mask for the face by smoothing it first. If it is smooth just apply on face evenly. To be able to give good results leave on face for 30 minutes. If it has been 30 minutes just clean the face by using clean water.

15. Strawberry

The last natural ingredient that can help overcome the oily face is a strawberry fruit mask. Strawberry fruit can also be used to improve the youthfulness of facial skin. This mask is very good for your face. The way puree the strawberry fruit and apply on the face evenly. Wait until the new mask dries and then rinse with clean water.

Well, that’s some of the benefits of natural ingredients that can be used to cope with oily faces. You can try it at home.

Categories: Skin Health
Kezia Marcellova: