11 Ways How to Overcome Cold Allergies in the Skin

The human body always responds to the changes that occur around it. Changes in temperature from normal to cold in some people can lead to allergic reactions which in medical terms is called cold urticaria.

Cold urticaria is a change that occurs in the skin due to exposure to cold temperatures.

The affected skin becomes reddish, swollen, and itchy welts arise. This often occurs in the hands and feet. But you must distinguish it from the causes of itchy feet and legs at night.


Cold urticaria is most common in younger adults. Nevertheless, it can happen to anyone at any age. The affected people can show different symptoms. Some suffer mild reactions, while others suffer severe reactions. Generally symptoms of cold urticaria appear as soon as the skin temperature decreases. They are :

  • Red, itchy welts
  • Hands or feet swelling
  • Lips and throat swelling, for example when drinking ice
  • The worst is anaphylaxis reactions, ranging from shock, racing heart, low blood pressure to fainting

Windy weather and humid conditions can aggravate the symptoms. Full skin exposure, such as swimming in cold water, will cause the worst reactions such as loss of consciousness. The most important is not the temperature of the environment, but the skin temperature. It does not always have to be really cold. Some people even show symptoms even though their skin temperature is still 30 degrees Celsius.


Certain people are sensitive to cold. Cold will stimulate their body to release histamine into the bloodstream causing allergic reactions such as redness and itching. Several things that can trigger cold allergies are as follows.

1. Rainy Season

Rainy season increases the likelihood of allergies. In addition to the cold weather, the growth of mites and fungi is also increasing. These add to the pressure that must be faced by the skin. Speaking of cold weather, it’s important for you to know how to stop running nose in cold weather.

2. Immune System

The immune system affects the emergence of allergic reactions. Itching and swelling occur as a result of the release of histamine in the body. But it should be noted that antibodies are not formed as the body’s response to cold stimulation. The most likely is that when blood vessels constrict due to cold stimulation, it triggers the body’s immune cells to release histamine.

3. Cold Foods and Drinks

They can obviously trigger cold allergies. Contact with cold foods or drinks makes the tongue and throat swell so that it can cause difficulty in breathing. If you are unaware, there are also bad effects of drinking cold water after exercise.

Although rare, underlying health conditions, as well as certain inherited traits, can trigger cold allergies.


Treatment will always be associated with prevention. Below are some steps on how to overcome cold allergies in the skin.

1. Take an Antihistamine

This type of drug is useful to control the release of histamine substances that cause the emergence of redness and welts. Antihistamines should be taken before cold exposure to prevent allergic reactions.

2. Protect the Skin from Cold Temperatures

The body will respond to changes in temperature. Sudden or drastic changes in temperature can lead to cold allergies. Therefore you must keep your body warm and avoid places that can cause a decrease in body temperature. Take the necessary precautions. For example, before swimming check the water first. Put some of your hand in the water and see if there is an allergic reaction. Severe reactions can occur if large areas of skin are exposed to cold.

3. Avoid Cold Foods and Drinks

Cold foods and drinks will cause swelling of the tongue and throat. Therefore, no matter how tempting an ice cream, ice tea, ice juice, ice pudding and so on, you should not consume it. Prevention is better than cure, and easier and cheaper as well.

4. Inhale Hot Steam

It is the simplest method of how to overcome cold allergies in the skin. The hot steam will raise the body temperature to stop allergic reactions.

5. Sunbathe

Sunlight will make your body warmer. In addition, sunlight also has many health benefits. One of them is to keep bones healthy. It’s also a good idea to bring sunlight into the house to keep the rooms from getting damp.

6. Soak in Warm Water

Soaking in warm water will raise and restore the stability of body temperature. If you do not have a bath tub, you can simply soak your feet in warm water. This method can also be applied to the baby.

7. Eat Nutritious Food

Nutrient-rich foods will boost your immune system and keep your body healthy. Try to meet the recommended nutritional intake. Eat fruits more often because fruits contain vitamins that are good for the body. Foods high in zinc are also beneficial to the body.

8. Drink Coconut Water

Coconut water is believed to neutralize toxins in the body, including eliminating allergic reactions. In addition coconut water is also beneficial to rehydrate the body, overcome dyspepsia, maintain digestive health and help kidney function.

9. Apply a Powder or Lotion

If taking the swallowed drugs makes you uncomfortable, you can use a powder or lotion. There are many antihistamine drugs in the form of powders or lotions sold in drug stores. They are easy to use. You simply apply it on an allergic skin.

10. Epinephrine

The worst effect of allergies is anaphylactic reactions. Therefore, if your doctor has prescribed you an epinephrine autoinjector, you should always carry it. Make sure the people closest to you know how to use it if an anaphylactic reaction takes place.

11. Consult Your Doctor

Until now, the exact cause of cold allergies is unknown. There are certain people who seem to have sensitive skin. If you experience red, itchy welts or breathing difficulties after cold exposure, consult your doctor immediately. Although it does not look severe, your doctor will perform tests to ascertain the cause of the symptoms.

All right, you have seen a review of how to overcome cold allergies in the skin. Basically, cold allergies will subside by itself as time passes. The red, itchy welts will disappear once the skin warms up again. But if it is related to underlying health condition, treatment requires patience.

Categories: Body Health