Disadvantages of Plucking Armpits Hair for Your Skin Health

Beauty is one of the main weapons for women. Many women assume that beauty can be seen through their physical or body condition. In fact, many women willing to do many things to beautify themselves and do various ways to make a beautiful and attractive body.

One thing that matter, which is considered to be important in adding charm and attractiveness of a woman’s body is the smoothness of the skin parts of fine hairs. The fine hairs on the skin, especially the legs and feet are very natural thing that grow not only in men, but also in women. Therefore, many women do treatment by removing this hair by waxing.

One type of the waxing or removal target is the hairs that found in armpit. The growth of hairs on the armpits will greatly reduce appearance, especially when wearing clothes with open arms. Therefore, many women routinely pull the armpit hair. This is done so that the armpit looks smooth and more attractive, especially when wearing an open arms clothes.

However, a case emerges. Is removing or waxing armpit hair is safe for the body health? It turns out that several studies have shown that the habit of plucking armpit hair, especially to the root, has a health hazard. What are disadvantages of plucking armpit hair? Let’s discuss about it.

Disadvantages of Plucking Armpit Hair

However, a case emerges. Is removing or waxing armpit hair is safe for the body health? It turns out that several studies have shown that the habit of plucking armpit hair, especially to the root, has a health hazard. What are disadvantages of plucking armpit hair? Let’s discuss about it:

  1. Removing Armpit’s Hairs will Cause an Invisible Wound

An invisible wound will occur when you plucking out the armpit’s hair. This wound may not be a problem if it occurs on the legs. But keep in mind, the armpit are a part that often produce the sweat. Sweat on the body must definitely contains germs and bacteria that will cause an infection

With presence of germs and bacteria in armpit that experiencing an invisible wound. The possibility of infection will be higher, where the infection can cause bigger wounds and make your armpit become sick and sore.

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  1. Removing Armpit’s Hairs Means Wider The Entrance of Toxins or Poisons to the Body

How can this happen? Apparently, when you pluck your armpit hair down to the roots, it’ll react to enlargement of the pores in the area around your armpit. With enlarged pores in the armpit area, it’ll become an entrance for toxins and poisons into the body become wider.

This can cause the following things:

  • Swelling of the armpit due to infections
  • Armpits infection
  • Irritation of cells in the area around armpit.
  • Bring through a bleeding

These four effects occur only when poisons are still in the armpits. You need to know that in the area around the armpit, there are many lymph nodes. It means of transportation for toxins or poisons to spread throughout the body.

It’ll easily transport and spread to all organ of the body, and cause infection in vital parts, such as:

  • Heart
  • Lungs
  • Brain

You may also read about:

  1. Armpit hair removal has a risk of breast cancer.

How can this happen? It turns out that poisons and toxins that enter through the armpit will settle and piles up in the breast, which is located adjacent to the armpit. This will occur especially in the use of deodorants that make poison or toxins survive and settle, so they will cause breast cancer.

  1. Swelling and cancer of the lymph nodes

As explained earlier, in the area around the armpit there are many lymph nodes. Besides it’ll able to transport poisons or toxins that enter the body, lymph nodes can also experience swelling and appearance of cancer cells.

When the lymph nodes have been infected with the cancer cells, the cancer cells can easily move and spread, they even develop in other organs. You may also read about Ways on How to Whiten Buttocks Naturally at Home

Tips for Treating Armpit’s Hairs

Letting the armpit grow and become thick will be very disturbing and uncomfortable. Besides, it’ll also reduce the confidence on you. Now, if the armpit hairs grown and made yourself uncomfortable, What is should to be done?

  • The first thing to do is, never pluck out the armpit hair, and don’t do the waxing process on your armpit hair.
  • Use small scissor, or special armpit scissors to cut it. REMEMBER, just cut the armpit’s hair, don’t trim it to the roots.
  • If you have already extracted to its root. Avoid using deodorants excessively so that the deodorant doesn’t become a poison that enters the body.
  • Always pay more attention to your armpit when bathing, wash it with soap until clean.

Those are the disadvantages of plucking armpits hair. Maybe by removing it, it’ll greatly increase your confidence. But it turns out is very dangerous and not good for your body. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

Categories: Skin Health