17 Best Ways to Prevent Muscle Soreness after a Workout

It’s important to workout or do some exercises regularly. It helps to keep the body healthy and improve your strength. The benefit does come at a cost though. You might feel soreness afterwards. The intensity can vary due to different factors.

However, that sore should not discourage you from continuing your workout routine. There are different ways to treat it. Here are the 17 Best Way to Prevent Muscle Soreness after a Workout. You can choose to do one of them or turn them into a combination that work for you.

But first, let’s know all the causes and the effects from the sore you feel after a workout. This way, you could prevent future sore from happening even more.

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Causes of Soreness after a Workout

  • Heavy exercises
  • Unprepared muscles
  • Wrong method of exercising
  • Tiredness
  • Lack of exercising

Effects from the Soreness

  • Discomfort
  • Pain
  • Disrupted activities
  • Swelling
  • Tightness

Prevention for Muscle Soreness

Here are some effective ways to take care of that soreness you’ll feel after a workout:

1. Stretch Out

Once you’re done working out, settle down and stretch out. Spend a good amount of time to stretch out properly. By doing this, you are stretching the muscles you’ve contracted during your workout. You need to relax them so they won’t hurt you so much.

Also read: Risks of Swimming without Stretching

2. Rest

You need to give your body some rest so that your muscles can recover. Give your body a small break where you’re not doing anything. This way, you won’t add any restraints or stress on your muscles. You just need to leave them alone for a couple of minutes.

3. Warming Up

One of the best preventions start before you even workout. Don’t leave out warm ups. They’re crucial as they prepare your muscles for some intense exercise. Warm ups will also reduce the risk of pulling muscles which will cause a lot of pain and days of sore. A simple warm up can go a long way.

Read more: How to Relieve Tension in Your Body

4. Cool Down Exercises

Never underestimate cool down exercises. When you exercise, you’re building up heat in your body. Your muscles are at hard work. You need to decrease all that heat gradually to minimise soreness. You can try to walk or jog slowly when you’re done working out.

5. Ice

You can use some ice to prevent muscle sore. Either use ice blocks or any frozen thing that you currently have. Wrap it up inside a cloth and apply carefully on your body parts. Focus on the ones that you’ve been working on or the ones that experience soreness the most on a frequent basis.

6. Drink Water

Supply your body with a lot of water. Ensure that your muscles are hydrated so they won’t hurt so much. Muscles that are dehydrated can get tight easily so you’ll risk the chance of getting injured. Water can also get rid of any toxins that stick to your muscles.

Also read: Effects of Drinking Cold Water after Exercise

7. Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt contains magnesium. It’s a mineral that induces relaxation to the muscles. Consider taking an epsom salt bath after working out. It’s a great way to wind down and you’ll also be treating your tired body. As you’re soaking in the bath water, your body will gladly absorb all the minerals which will improve your muscles.

8. Massage

Massaging your body can also work. You can do the massage by yourself but for a more thorough treatment, go to a professional. According to studies, a massage after a work out can help to quicken the recovery process. By slowly massaging your body parts, you help to loosen up the intense muscles.

9. Rolling Foam

Use a rolling foam to further eliminate the tense in your muscles. You just need to place it on the floor and allow your body to roll along with it. It’s some sort of a massage for your muscle. The rolling foam promotes blood flow around your muscles so that they can recover faster.

Also see: How to Treat Sore Knee from Running

10. Workout in Correct Form

Pay a very close attention to the form or your posture when you workout. Doing an exercise in the wrong way will cause more damage to your muscles. You’ll make them more stressed and tired. Learn how to carry out exercises properly so you won’t have to deal with the sore later on.

11. Eat Pineapples

Apparently, pineapples contain a helpful enzyme called Bromelain that can recover tired muscles. The enzyme reduces inflammation caused by heavy workouts. Snack on some pineapples or drink the juice after you’re done exercising. Your muscles won’t be in too much pain anymore.

Read more: How to Relieve Soreness in Your Body

12. Ice Bath

If you’re really determined on dodging away from muscle soreness then take an ice bath. Keep it brief though so you won’t get frostbite. 10 minutes should be the maximum time to spend in an ice bath. This is the prevention method that many professional athletes do.

13. Steam Room

Consider visiting a steam room that is close to your home. By spending a few minutes in the room, you will give your muscles some heat to recover. Your blood circulation gets better so you won’t have to experience sore or swollen body parts. Other than that, it’s also a relaxing thing to do to relieve stress.

14. Eat Proteins

Feed yourself with food containing high proteins. Fish, meats and nuts are the right kind of food to fill yourself up with. Your muscles need to be fed after being so worked up. Proteins provide your body with energy. Most importantly, they will help your muscles to recover.

Also read: Foods High in Zinc

15. Heat Pads

Get a heat pad and apply to your body parts. Ensure that the heat pad is not too hot so you won’t burn yourself. Give longer application to areas that experience exercise intensity the most. They require more attention as soreness is likely to appear there.

16. Warm Bath

Make yourself comfortable in a warm bath. It’s a great way to provide your body with the right temperature of heat. While you’re in the bath, you can also massage your body. Relieve the muscle stress before it turns into uncomfortable sore.

17. Light Activity

Never keep your body to stay still for a long time. Do some light activity to keep your muscles moving. The key thing here is that what you’re doing should not be too stressful for your muscles. Just carry on with your daily activities but with extra care for your body.

Read more: Disadvantages of Not Exercising

Things to Consider

In case you suspect that your soreness is something more, immediately go check with a doctor. You might have pulled a muscle or caused it some damage. Never wait too long to treat a sore that doesn’t seem to go away. It could worsen an existing condition. It might even cause serious problems that would turn into something permanent.

It’s important to remember not to cause too much strain on your body when you workout. That would put a lot of stress on your muscles which will cause painful sore. Know your body and know your limit when you exercise.

Categories: Muscle
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