13 Miraculous Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair

Coconut oil has long been known as a natural ingredient commonly used to treat and maintain hair health by the princesses of the kingdom.

This oil contains a good content that is very powerful when used as a natural herb treating hair. There are a number of benefits of coconut oil for hair that you can get as below.

  1. Protecting Hair from Sun Damage

If you want to protect your hair from the crisp and dullness and damage caused by UV exposure, make coconut oil a natural sunscreen for your hair. Usage can be done every morning when going to move in a simple way.

  • How: Prepare a hair comb first and 2 different sized bowls, one bigger and the other smaller with organic virgin coconut oil. Take a small amount of coconut oil or a smaller bowl. Put a smaller bowl in a larger bowl, then a large bowl you can fill with hot water but not to a small floating bowl. Wait and let the coconut oil melt properly then take enough to be smeared all over the hair while combed to evenly. After that, you can hair your hair as usual.
  1. Enrich Hair

It’s no secret that the benefits of coconut oil for thick eyebrows is very unusual, so no one if you use this natural ingredient as fertilizer hair. Inside this coconut oil, there are natural essential fatty acids and vitamins that can make the scalp more healthy. From there, hair follicles can then wake up. Read more about Causes of Baby Hair Loss

  • How: Each before bed at night, make coconut oil as a natural shampoo, and wash hair as often as possible with this material. Also, provide a comb and shower cap or a towel to comb hair while polishing it evenly, then you can cover it with a shower cap overnight. Doing it every day regularly for several months will show the best results.
  1. As a Conditioner

You can also make coconut oil a natural conditioner because coconut oil can sink deeper and even faster when compared to other conditioners. To do the treatment by making coconut oil as a conditioner was not so difficult.

  • Make sure you use coconut oil conditioner after you wash and hair is dry. Warm and melt coconut oil, then with your fingers can pick it up and then rub and massage the scalp and your hair. Comb it because it will be better articulated, then cover the hair with a shower cap or towel, wait a half hour more. You can continue by brushing your hair back.
  1. Eliminate Dandruff

In the benefits of coconut oil for hair, there is a lauric acid content that is very efficacious in improving blood circulation and air on the scalp. So when you do coconut oil treatment regularly, it will be a natural way to get rid of dandruff.

  • How: Every night before bed you can take care of your hair by applying coconut oil to the scalp and hair thoroughly. But do not forget to warm it up before use. Use a comb when the process of greasing to be more flat to the whole hair. Wrap the hair with a towel to keep it all overnight and the next day you can apply the Epsom salt as an exfoliator, then rinse with plain water. Read more about  Tips to Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss
  1. As the Basic of Hair Dyes

Another benefit of organic and pure coconut oil is that it can be a mixture of natural hair dyes that you use. Because the coconut oil absorption is fast and deeper than other oils, it will help to keep your hair color even more alive. Even hair color will be more durable than usual by using this material.

  • How: Warm first coconut oil that you have prepared, then afterward then you mix with natural hair dye you want to wear. Once applied to the hair thoroughly, you can wait a while for more color to be absorbed, then warmed with warm water so that excess oil and dye can be removed. Cover with a shower cap for some time (if you can leave the night) with the aim that the color will be more perfect.
  1. Overcoming Curly Hair

Hair that is too kinky will be more easily tangled and this will be very annoying every time you want to arrange or arrange. So, this pure organic coconut oil you can use in the long run for the sake of styling the hair and make it easier to regulate without tangles again.

  • How: Warm first coconut oil to be used, then after that, you can take enough with your fingers to be smeared with your curly hair. Do not forget to also apply it to the root and after that, you can comb so that hair will be far from tangles. Allow some time for the oil to sink in, do not wash the water or be washed.
  1. Eliminating Lice

Coconut oil can also be used as a natural remedy for flea remover or prevent hair lice from attacking your scalp and hair. Precisely this coconut oil has proven to be more powerful and effective in overcoming the problem of hair lice than hair mite.

  • How: You can use coconut oil as much as 3 tablespoons mixed with ylang oil as much as a teaspoon of tea along with tea tree oil and anise are the same. This recipe can be made double if your hair is very long because the previous recipe is just enough for long-shoulder length hair. Read more about Benefits of Drinking Olive Oil Every Day
  1. Overcoming Hair Branched

Most women will have branched hair due to being too often styled in the salon or using products or hairdressers. Tools and hair styling products can trigger hair damage, ie in the form of branched hair. This is what women want to always avoid and the solution most often done is with the tip of the hair cut regularly. But there is actually a way of treating other branched hair that you can consider, that is with coconut oil.

  • How: Take a few drops of coconut oil to taste and adjusted to the short length and a little amount of your hair. You can apply it only at the end of the hair or on all the hair plus the scalp. Good content of coconut oil is what will provide protection for the hair so that the risk of hair branching may decrease.
  1. Healthy Scalp

Excessive oily scalp or even very dry so it can easily experience inflammation or dandruff can be handled with coconut oil. There are antibacterial and antifungal properties offered by coconut oil that will keep your scalp healthy. Even the disturbing acne on your scalp can also be overcome using this oil.

Because in the coconut oil there is a content of capric acid is high enough that not only will keep away from dandruff but will always keep moisture and scalp health. When the scalp is always in good health, this will automatically make the hair grow well.

  1. Reduce Risk of Protein Deficiency in Hair

Everyone needs to know the total composition of protein in the hair because there is a potential for protein loss from hair. Because of the lack or loss of the protein some people experience brittle and unhealthy hair. Coconut oil is a reliable solution that can be relied upon to treat hair and stabilize the protein composition the hair needs to stay healthy and away from the fragility.

The fragility indicates that the hair will break easily and fall off, it will trigger on other hair problems, namely baldness. Because it has been through research, it has been proven that only the oil coconut useful to reduce the potential for reduction or loss of hair protein. Wearing it simply by applying to the scalp and hair until thorough every day will give satisfactory results.

  1. Prevent Uban

Regular maintenance using coconut oil will be very helpful for hair is not easy and fast gray. This will automatically inhibit the growth of white hair that is feared by many people who are already at the age of 30 and almost entering the age of 40. Even this oil is also believed to be very effective in removing gray hair, so please try to prove it yourself.

  1. Moisturize Hair

Because it can be used as a conditioner, coconut oil is very effective in making hair moister. Especially for the hair is often limp and looks dull due to excess oil production or a very dry to look tangled and unruly, the benefits of coconut oil for hair can make hair moisture levels increase. Wet hair and scalp signify a healthy state.

  1. Soften Hair

Coconut oil is also useful in making the texture of hair more tidy and smooth. So for those who have this type of scalp and dry hair that makes it crumpled and looks like straw, coconut oil that is applied every day to the hair as a treatment will make it easy to manage. Read more about How To Treat Back Pain With Exercises

  • How: Take a few drops of coconut oil to taste that has been warmed, then spread to hair and scalp while gently massaging. Doing it every day on a regular basis, especially in the morning, will make the hair always soft. After smeared, wait 30 minutes before washing using water as usual.

Thus the benefits of coconut oil for hair that can convince you to use this material as soon as possible. Instead of taking care of the salon, you have the opportunity to do it yourself at home with easy-to-get and natural ingredients, organic coconut oil.

Categories: Hair Health
Kezia Marcellova: