Tips For Hair Growth in One Week – Best Natural Remedies

Hello people, lets talk about hair growth nowadays. For some reason, growth hair is totally difficult to get because of unhealthy food reason and pollution reason, isn’t it true? Well, we have some Tips For Hair Growth In A Week ! Lets scroll down to know more!

Have a Healthy And Balance Diet

Healthy and balanced diet may come first of this tips. Why? Because some researchers says that, if you completed all of nutrients that your body need, not only healthy, but you would get your hair growth faster than before.

Balancing diet we mention on this have a meaning that, balance healthy food, healthy lifestyle also do some routine exercises. See also 7 Healthy Benefits of Corn Rice for Diets

Give Your Scalp A Massage

Massage your scalp would add an extra relaxing feeling, so your scalp don’t stress. You can give your head a massage scalp on salon or by yourself at home. Creambath would make your hair growth faster too

You can get both scalp massage and creambath mask for your hair. This is protip for you. After you had your treatment scalp or creambath, just have a little nap for 15 minutes only. It would be so much relaxing after you wake up. Try this if you don’t believe it.

Trim Your Hair Regularly

Trim your hair would make your hair growth faster too. Trim edge of your hair would make your hair healthy too. Because edge of hair were the oldest one of the hair. Oldest hair usually break out. So best way for you to have a trim regularly. Once a month, or the ideal one is each of 40 days you have to trim your hair enough.

Don’t Wash Your Hair Too Often

This is myth that everybody believe on it. Washing your hair everyday would make your hair growth faster than ever. This myth was totally wrong. Why?

Because, if you had shampoo your head everyday, which is means that your hair had contamination with chemical everyday, it would make your scalp in danger. Your scalp would break out, then dandruff would appear, then hairfall would be the worst of it. See also 14 Causes Oily Hair After Washing and Ways to Fix It

So, what’s the protips for hair growth? Wash your hair with enough nutrients shampoo for three times a week, or once in two days. This protip would make your scalp take a rest for a day from chemical contamination.

Don’t Brush Too Often

Brushing over and over again would make your hairfall over and over again. Brushing your hair especially while in wet hair, this would make your hair thin than before.

Brushing your hair once a day is enough. Okay. Enough. Too often would make your hairfall more than usually.

Lower Your Stress Levels

Stress levels would take a big role too in hair growth. How much hairfall down because of our stress level? Do you ever feel, even when you do not brush your hair, but your hair fall down apart more than you brushing it? What’s causes of it? Is it cancer? No. It call stress level.

When you’re in higher stress level, your hair would fall down more than usually. Lower your stress level would reduce your hairfall down. But, how the way to lower your stress levels? See Also Tips On Stress Relievers – 100% Works!

Switch Your Pillow

Switching your pillow may help you growth hair. Why? Because of some pillow would make yur hair fall apart again. Have you ever feel, when you’re wakeup you see your hair left on your pillow? That would disturb you fromhair growth in a week. So switch your pillow.

Use Supplement

There are many supplement for hair growth, outside and inside. Such as hair spa, hairmask, hair spray, hair tonic, hair perfume, conditioner, vitamin for growth hair, vitamin for strengthen your hair, special shampoo for thicken your hair and some pills for hair gowth form inside.

You can choose from all of the product, but dont forget to see the ingridients of it, also remember nutrients that your hair need the most for hair growth.

Protect Your Hair

Protect your hair from UV rays may help your hair growth. UV rays can change your natural black hair into brunette one, isn’t it danger? So protect your hair from now on. Wear hat or cap if you want to go out. See also Is It Safe To Wash Hair During Periods?

Another way to protect your hair is use some extra vitamin on it. There are so many product of vitamin that your hair need the most. Use it once a week. And see the results after that.

Forget Towel Wrap

Do you have ever did this? Wrapping your wet hair with thick towel? Well, from now on, don’t do it anymore, okay? Towel wrap may damage your hair also your scalp. Towel wrap could make your hair can’t breathe for a long time.

So, what’s the protip for drying our wet haor after had a shower? You can change towel wrap into T-shirt wrap. Change towel into T-shirt would be the best way for both drying your wet hair also let your hair breathe again. You have to try this at home !

Drinking Water Plenty

Drinking water is sounds like simple. But, it works. Because our body is 80% need water, do not let your body less water, okay? Drink enough water to help your body and your hair growth in a week. See also 6 Side Effects of Drinking Warm Water – You Absolutely Want to Know

Try A Natural Hairmask

Natural hairmask for growth hair in a week. This is the recipe.

  • Rub an egg whites all over your hair. Let it set for 15 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water. Egg whites may help your hair strengthen and thicken in a week.
  • Rub a coconut milk all over your hair. Then leave it overnight. You can see the results when you’re wake up and wash it off. Coconut milk may help your hair thicken than usually.
  • Rub an aloe vera on your scalp. Massage it until you had relax. Then leave it for 15 minutes. Then rinse it off.

We had done explaining to you about some Tips For Hair Growth In A Week. May this content would help you to find the better way for hair growth. Hope you enjoy this article.

Categories: Hair Health
Fajrina Putry: