12 Ways to Overcome a Restless Soul

Do you feel stressed or unhappy? Do you want to calm down? It is not difficult to practice soothing your mind. It will help you feel better and ready anytime. If you find a suitable way, do it and practice it often. The following are some ideas that are worth a try so you can feel calm or relax more quickly and easily.

  1. Do Deep Breathing Exercises

Although this idea might sound cliché, deep breathing practice has a very good effect to calm your mind. Practice every day and do it in times of stress to help calm your anxiety.

  1. Practice Meditation

This meditation is the process of emptying your mind by focusing on something specific, place, sentence, color, etc. Start by sitting (kneeling or lying down) in a comfortable position and focus your mind (or praying) about something specific. Maybe you will need more than ten minutes to completely empty your mind, but that is normal.

  1. Try Visualizing

It is almost the same as guided imagination in meditation where you imagine a peaceful atmosphere. Imagine that atmosphere in your mind as long as you like it, but focus all your mind and energy on visualizing this place in your mind.

  1. Perform Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This process is done by tense first and then relax all the muscles in your body. Relaxing muscles after stressing can change your psychological state and help your mind and body feel calm.

  1. Practice Yoga
  • Yoga is a type of muscle stretching exercise with a low risk that helps calm the muscles in your body. Because you have to focus on each yoga position, there will be no room to reflect on the stressors and ‘force’ your thoughts into calm.
  • It would be better if you start yoga by attending one of the classes. Yoga classes are formed to create a calm environment, although there may be many individuals present. Look for a local instructor or yoga class at a nearby gym.
  • Hatha yoga is the most basic type of yoga and is great for relaxation. Look for hatha yoga positions that you can try yourself at home.
  • Avoid yoga if you have physical problems such as hernias, osteoporosis, or if you are at risk of tingling.
  1. Drink Lots of Water

Water is important to maintain your body’s fluid needs and cleanse toxins which help your mind focus better. To help with other relaxation exercises, drink plenty of water.

  1. Eat Foods that Support Relaxation
  • Certain foods help reduce the associated hormones that cause anxiety and simultaneously increase hormones which function to produce “the feelings of happy and calm”.
  • Foods high in selenium help reduce anxiety and depression, for example, nuts (especially Brazil nuts), shitake mushrooms, tuna, fish oil, or salmon.
  • Eat foods that have high iron levels, such as spinach, pumpkin seeds, and halibut.
  • Look for foods with high tryptophan levels because they can help produce serotonin which increases “happiness”. Try black chocolate, beans, and red meat.
  1. Exercise Enough
  • Exercise is useful in releasing endorphins which can produce “happiness”. Try doing small exercises every day to help calm your mind after dealing with a very dense and stressful schedule.
  • Exercise in a quiet place and be alone. If you practice at the gym, look for the quietest area or room, so you are not bothered by thoughts or things around you. Also, read 8 Functions of Aerobics to Form the Ideal Body.
  • Try taking a regular exercise that does not take your mind. For example, swimming or running.
  1. Participate in Your Favorite Activities

If you like to cook, read, or exercise, do it! Doing something that you like helps you cleanse anxiety in your mind and simultaneously release more endorphins that give rise to happiness.

  1. Fill In Your Activities With Routine Activities that Do Not Take Your Mind.
  • By working on an activity without the need to focus, it can help calm your mind.
  • Try drawing any picture or drawing an abstract image. You will be “forced” to focus on painting, so you do not think about the stressors in your life.
  • Doing homework (with repetitive movements) can affect relaxation. Try to cut leaves, sweep the floor, or fold clothes.
  • You can also do activities such as making necklaces or knitting.
  • Avoid activities that require a lot of movement or are troublesome because it can affect the increase in stress.
  1. Listen to Soothing Music
  • Even though you may like rock, hardcore or rap, look for one that is rather soft/calm. A calm rhythm helps calm your mind. Also, read 5 Reasons Why Going to Concert Is Good For Your Health According to Studies!
  • Avoid music with instruments that are heavy/strong or with loud vocals because it will make it difficult for you to calm down when listening to it. Sometimes, it is better to listen to music without vocals.
  • Besides music, you can also listen to natural sounds and ‘white noise’ designed to help individuals relax. Look for “the sound of the sea or forest”, or look for an example of “white noise” for you to try.
  • ‘Binaural beats’ are special types of music or sounds that produce higher levels of alpha waves in your brain which help you calm down. Look for a free version of ‘binaural beats’ on the internet or through your favorite music streaming site.
  • Try listening to music with frequent repetitions in it and there are not too many vocals. Many types of music like this are like house, trance, trap, and trip-hop.
  • Classical music can always be a choice. Some classical music may sound intense especially symphonic music made in the 20th century like Shostakovitch. Meanwhile, to relax, you should listen to the rhythms of a single musical instrument or smaller musical ensembles such as music from the Baroque and Classical periods (e.g. Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi).
  1. Make Time for Yourself
  • Often the individuals around us are the cause of anxiety/stress that we experience so that it can be a reason to spend time with just your own friend.
  • Find time out of work to rest and be alone. Try to spend the weekend in a nearby town or a natural tourist spot where you can have time to think.
  • Cancel plans with friends if you are too overwhelmed with a schedule that is too crowded. It is important to spend time with yourself before sharing with others.
  • Find time to “get away” from the family. No matter how much you love them, every individual needs a little time to “get away” from the family so they can keep a healthy mind.

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