50 Ways on How to Treat Anxiety with Aromatherapy

According to research, aromatherapy such as Lavender oil and Chamomile oil are good for treating anxiety. Aromatherapy treatments are preferable by some people suffering from anxiety disorder because of its practicality and economy friendliness. It does not cost much money and you can do it practically at home as simply as watching TV. Aromatherapy treatments for anxiety disorder have been trusted to be effective and widely used by people around the world.

What is Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety is the feeling of uneasiness and uncertainties. It is different with anxiety disorder as the frequency and the intensity of the anxiety are greater. If you are suffering anxiety disorder, anxiety will be disturbing your normal lifestyle.

Abigail Powers Lott, PhD and Anais Stenson, PhD stated that there are several types of anxiety disorders. Here they are:

  • Separation anxiety disorder
  • Phobia
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder

Causes of Anxiety Disorder

Besides, there are some causes of anxiety disorder as stated below:

1. Genetic factors

Many studies have indicated that specific factors of genetic increase someone’s risk of getting anxiety disorder. There are some genes that are critical and associated for the risk of anxiety.

2. Environmental factors

This includes parents’ behavior. Parents who control their children too strictly will increase the possibility of the children getting anxiety disorder. The anxious behavior of the parents and rejection of their children will also boost the higher risk of the presence of anxiety disorder in their children’s personality. Trauma is also one of the causes of anxiety disorder.

What are the Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder?

Different types of anxiety disorder show different symptoms. However, there are some similar and general symptoms of anxiety disorder that you can see. They are:

  • Worrying too much
  • Having problems of sleeping
  • Abnormal fears
  • Tension in some parts of the body, such as neck
  • Weakens legs
  • Problems in digestions: stomachache
  • Panic attacks
  • Self-doubt

Meanwhile, having a cracked lips and blackheads and nose can also lead you to anxiety. Thus, you may also want to read about Ways to Cure Chapped Lips in 5 Minutes with Home Remedies and 25 Natural Homemade Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads on Nose

Aromatherapy Treatments for Anxiety Disorder

Aromatherapy is the activity of breathing in the scent of essential oils to enhance your well-being.

There is a theory on how they work. It says that by stimulating the receptors of smell in your nose, they can transmit messages to your nervous system.

Because of this, aromatherapy is commonly used as a remedy to relieve anxiety and stress in a natural way.  

How to Treat Anxiety with Aromatherapy

There are many types of essential oils that you can use for treating anxiety, such as lavender, chamomile and rose. Many people believed that they are effective in treating anxiety disorder.

1. Lavender

Lavender has been the most widely used essential oil for treating anxiety disorder. It is also the most gentle essential oil and you can apply the oil to the skin directly. It has the ability to calm and relax and is often used for personal care things, such as shampoo, massage oil and lotions.

How to Use it:

Just simply put some drops of lavender oil on your wrist or on a cotton ball and slip it into your pillow.

2. Chamomile

There was a study in 2016, several researchers from Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found the use of chamomile for long term use to treat anxiety disorder. That is why most doctors prefer using chamomile for healing their patients with anxiety disorder. Moreover, chamomile is confirmed has no known adverse side effects and it is non-addictive.

How to Use it:

You can easily find chamomile in tea and drinking it will make you relieving stress and anxiety. Besides, you can spray your room with chamomile essential oil as aromatherapy. 

3. Cedarwood 

Cedarwood has the great effect to calm your mind that makes it perfect as an aromatherapy treatment for treating anxiety disorder.

How to Use it:

You can simply put 2 drops of cedarwood essential oil to your palm and inhale it directly. Or you can simply rub 2 drops of cedarwood oil to your eyebrow to relieve your tension.

4. Lime essential oil

Lime essential oil smells just like the real and fresh lime. It works perfectly to refresh your mind. It will be perfect for you who suffer from anxiety disorder.

How to Use it:

You can directly inhale the aroma of the lime essential oil directly from the bottle to get the relief sensation. Another way is by mixing the other types of essential oils, such as orange and lavender essential oils.

5. Eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus oil has the cooling sensation with the strong mint aroma. It is great for relieving stress, increasing your energy and relieving mental fatigue. If you are feeling too much anxious, then you can start using this essential oil to treat your anxiety disorder.

How to Use it:

You can do adding this essential oil to your shower and inhale it deeply. Or in other way, you can add 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the air freshener. You can feel relaxed and you will be able to sleep all night long and wake up on the following morning without any exaggerated anxiety!

More Aromatherapy to Relieve Your Feeling

Here are more ways on how to treat anxiety with aromatherapy:

  1. Basil – Helps your nervous tension to get chill
  2. Bergamot – Relives your feeling from anxiety, for insomnia, for depression
  3. Cedarwood – As your natural sedative
  4. Chamomile – Can help you to deal with insomnia and depression
  5. Clary Sage – Warms and relaxes you
  6. Geranium – Makes you feel calm
  7. Grapefruit – for depression
  8. Helichrysum – Best to relieve depression
  9. Frankincense – Anxiety will get off when you smell it
  10. Jasmine – Boosts self-esteem and makes you feel good
  11. Lemongrass – It boosts your mood and cures depression
  12. Mandarin – Relieves depression
  13. Marjoram – Best sedative
  14. Neroli – Can relieve depression, insomnia, and bad feeling
  15. Orange – People use is as aromatherapy
  16. Patchouli – Kills depression
  17. Peppermint – Warm nervine
  18. Petitgrain – Gets rid of panic and depression
  19. Rose – It’s so delicate
  20. Rosemary – It’s for depression
  21. Rosewood – for stress and depression
  22. Sage – Boosts your warm feeling
  23. Sandalwood – Warm cure for depression
  24. Thyme – Makes you calm
  25. Vetiver – Makes you feel relax
  26. Ylang Ylang – It’s for depression, stress, and bad feeling

Recommendation Intake to Use Aromatherapy to Treat Anxiety

Indeed, you already know how to treat anxiety with aromatherapy but check out these tips:

  1. Buy your favorite flavor of aromatherapy
  2. You can use it as natural air freshener in home or office
  3. Also, you can be the aromatherapy oil and drop it with warm water
  4. Relax yourself by bathing with aromatherapy
  5. Or even you can use it as perfume

Other Remedies for Treating Anxiety

Besides using aromatherapy, you can do the following to treat your anxiety disorder.

  1. Exercise regularly
  2. Learn mindfulness
  3. Get outside and obtain natural sunlight for at least 15 minutes
  4. Go on holiday
  5. Taking a hot bath
  6. Get massage
  7. Involved in groups
  8. Get enough sleep
  9. Avoid caffeine, alcoholic drinks and drugs

How to Prevent Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder can be prevented. All people around the world might experience anxiety and it is part of life. There are some strategies you can do to manage the normal anxiety and not to make it become disorder.

  1. Learning to do relaxation
  2. Practicing mindfulness, meditation and yoga
  3. Having healthy lifestyle
  4. Obtaining support from family, friends and relatives

The main point about aromatherapy treatments for anxiety disorder is you have to stay thinking positive about these treatments. All disorders can be cured and treated by self-assurance that everything you have done will be successful. Any disorder can be cured for sure!

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