15 Natural Ways to Lighten Skin with Lemon #1 Works

Skin is like our jewelry as beautiful skin makes your appearance beautiful and pretty. Healthy and light skin mostly signals that you are healthy. Everybody would like to have glowing and healthy skin. However, sometimes environment and your healthy lifestyle darken and destroy your skin.

Lemon is sour but it is one of the precious and beneficial fruits for most of health problems. Skin, digestive and some more health problems can be cured easily by using this amazing fruit. You can read 25 Natural Ways to Boost Immune System Against Flu and 19 Ways to Naturally Relieve Mosquito Bites Easy and Fast.

Let’s read more about dark skin problems and how lemons help to lighten your skin.

Causes of Dark Skin

Darker skin can happen because of several reasons. Pollution, dietary and other factors might cause your skin to look darker. Dark skin can happen on some areas of the body, such as your face, your inner thighs and underarms. What causes those areas having darker skin? Let’s check these following out.

Darker skin happens because:

  • Shaving – when your hair is darker than the color of your skin, you might have a dark stain on your skin.
  • Dead skin cells – dead skin cells that are trapped on your skin might make it darker.
  • Use of deodorant – some ingredients in the deodorants might have reaction with your skin that results in discoloration.
  • Fungal infection

Why should you use lemons?

Lemons has become the best remedy for lighten dark skin as it is rich in vitamin C that can reduce the appearance of dark spots on your skin. It also has citric acid, which plays role as chemical exfoliator and removes the dead cells that will remove the dark appearance of the skin.

Lemons also help to remove dead cells and stimulate the reproduction of new cells. Besides, lemons also minimize large pores, can do deep cleansing of the pores and refresh the skin so it will look fresh and light.

There are several ways of using lemons to lighten dark skin:

1. Spray it 

Cut a lemon and squeeze it until you get the juice. Prepare an old spray bottle and put the lemon juice into it. Spray the juice on your skin, but you have to be careful not to spray it to the skin that has injury or cuts.

2. Direct rub on your skin

Cut a lemon into halves and rub the directly on the dark skin. Rubbing lemon onto your skin would help to clean the skin and lighten it for some time.

3. Combine it with potato

Potato is also known for its benefits on skin bleaching. It will be more effective if you combine lemons with potato.

Natural ways to lighten skin with lemon and potato:

  • Grate one potato and squeeze its juice.
  • Put equal amounts of potato and lemon juice.
  • Apply this mixture on your skin and let it be absorbed for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse with water.
  • You can apply this method 2-3 times a week until you get the desired result. 

4. Adding on some essential oils

Essential oils have given lots of benefits for solving health problems such as stated in Ways to Stop Bleeding Gums After Deep Cleaning and How to Heal Cracked Heels with Home Remedies.

Essential oils also give great advantage on lightening your skin. Essential oils, such as lemon oil and lavender oil give moisture to your skin.

Method 1:

  • Add some drops of lemon oil and water and mix them well.
  • Apply the mixture to your skin and repeat this once a week.

Method 2:

  • Mix few drops of lemon grass oil with tea tree oil or lavender oil.
  • Apply the mixture to your skin and use this method once a week.

5. Tomato is a great companion

Tomato is a great combination for lightening your skin if it is working with lemon as tomato will soften and brighten your skin. This perfect combination will give you a white and glowing skin.

Natural ways to lighten skin with lemon and tomato:

Method 1:

  • Juice a tomato and take 2 tbsp of tomato juice and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Mix them well.
  • Apply the mixture to your skin and let it be absorbed for around 10 minutes.
  • Wash off with clear water.

Method 2:

  • Juice one tomato until you get the form of paste.
  • Crush some mint leaves and add some drops of water.
  • Mix tomato paste, mint leaves and 2 tsp of lemon juice well and apply the mixture to the skin.
  • Let it be there for 30 minutes.
  • Wash it using water and apply some moisturizer after that. 

6. Mask made of lemon juice, green gram flour and rose water

Rose water has astringent properties that helps to lighten your skin and green gram powder will remove the dead skin cells.

How to lighten your skin using lemon, rose water and green gram flour:

  • Mix 1 tsp of green gram flour and lemon juice and some drops of rose water.
  • Apply the paste on the skin and let it dry for around 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with water.

7. Lemon and rice flour

Rice flour is a perfect companion as it has anti-aging, blemishing and helps to produce new skin cells.

Natural ways to lighten skin with lemon and rice flour:

  • Mix 4 tbsp of rice powder and 3 tbsp of lemon juice, stir until you get the paste form.
  • Apply the paste to your skin and let it dry for around 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with water using circular motion.

8. Lemon peels

Even the peels can be used to treat your dark skin. Just simply peel the lemon skin and let it dry under the sun. Grind the skin until you get the powder form. Mix the powder with a few drops of milk until you get a paste. Then, apply the mixture to your skin and let it dry for around 15 minutes. Wash it using water.

9. Papaya

Papaya is rich in vitamin A that has anti-oxidant properties that help to remove the dead skin cells.

Natural ways to lighten skin with lemon and papaya:

  • Blend 1 papaya and mix it using few drops of lemon juice.
  • Apply it on your skin and massage for around 5 minutes.
  • Let it dry for around 30 minutes and after that rinse with cold water.

10. Oatmeal and yogurt

They do not only make your skin lighten, but they also hydrate and moisturize your skin.

How to lighten skin using oatmeal, lemons and yogurt:

  • Mix 2 tbsp of plain yogurt, 3 tbsp of oatmeal and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Mix the well.
  • Apply the mixture to your skin and let it rest for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with water.

Some of the ingredients are also used in solving skin problems such as elaborated in How to Exfoliate Skin before Tanning and 17 Best Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite Above Knees #2 Works! 

Some tips of using lemons to lighten your skin

You all know that lemons are very beneficial for lightening your skin, but there are some tips and things you need to pay attention if you are using lemons. Here are the tips and tricks!

  1. Lemon makes your skin dry. So make sure you apply some moisturizer after the use of lemon.
  2. If you are planning to go out, never apply lemon on your face as it will lead to discoloration of the skin.
  3. Never apply lemons to the cut or wounded skin.
  4. Lemon juice are best absorbed during nights as the skin experiences recovery circle.
  5. Always do testing first before using it directly and stop if you find any negative effect of it.

It is proven that lemon has become one of the best remedies for lightening darken skin. If you think lemon is not working for your skin, then you had better find another home remedies as there are some other useful ingredients you can use to lighten your skin. If you want more trusted way, you might contact your dermatologists. Overall, it is worth trying!

Categories: Skin Health