20 Ways How to Treat Thalassemia during Pregnancy (It Works!)

Thalassemia is a type of Anemia. It’s a condition where the genes cause the body to have a disorder. The body is unable to produce a healthy amount of haemoglobin. Red blood cells are important in distributing oxygen to every part of the body. Thalassemia makes that particular function very hard for the body to do.

As for pregnant women, there are a lot of things that need to be prepared during the pregnancy period. It is all done to make sure that expecting mothers will have a strong body to deliver a healthy baby. To know more, here are the 20 Ways How to Treat Thalassemia during Pregnancy. Note the causes and the effects as they will help you understand the condition better.

Causes of Thalassemia

  • Inherited from parents
  • Mutation in genetics

Effects in Pregnancy

  • Heart Problems
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dizziness
  • Infections

Treating Thalassemia during Pregnancy

The following are some of the ways to help expecting mothers to treat Thalassemia:

1. Discuss with Doctor

It’s important to make appointments with your doctor while planning for a pregnancy. Your doctor will help you get your body healthy enough to have a baby. Since there are many types of Thalassaemia, you may need guidance during and after your pregnancy too. It’s a crucial part in ensuring the safety of you and your baby.

2. Blood Transfusion

When you have Thalassemia and pregnant, you may need some blood transfusion. Getting enough supply of red blood cells will help your baby to grow in good health. You need to discuss this with your doctor as it all depends on your condition. Some women may need frequent blood transfusion than others.

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3. Frequent Monitoring

Women with Thalassemia have a higher chance of having a miscarriage. Request a frequent monitoring with your doctor. By knowing how your baby is doing each month, you will be able to prepare yourself to have a successful pregnancy. Monitoring also helps to ensure your body is doing well.

4. Stay Away from Cigarettes

In case you’re an active smoker, you should stop before getting into pregnancy. Smoking cigarettes will mess up your menstrual cycle and affect your fertility. While you’re pregnant, avoid secondhand smoking at all costs. The smoke will affect your fetus and weaken your immune system.

5. Avoid Alcohol

You should not drink alcohol at all when you’re pregnant. Alcohol will also affect the immune system of pregnant women with Thalassemia. It will cause defects to the fetus too. Although some people may say that a little bit is okay, it’s better to not consume it at all. It’s just not worth taking any risks for your fetus.

6. Take Folic Acid

Women with Thalassemia are lacking in folic acid. While you’re pregnant, you may take folic acid every day. Take the ones with 5 mg of the folic acid. The supplement will make you produce more red blood cells. Your fetus will have stronger immunity against developing any defects.

7. Consume Vitamin D

You may need to consume additional vitamin D too. Even before you are pregnant, you need to fill up your body with it. It helps the bones to become stronger. Some women with Thalassemia needs extra vitamin D so they can avoid osteoporosis. Healthy bones in the body ensure a good pregnancy. You may want to read the Benefits of Vitamin D3.

8. Set Up a Cardiology Appointment

Thalassemia affects the heart as well. Set up a schedule for a cardiology check-up before and during pregnancy. It will help in monitoring on how your body is doing. The check-up should still continue even after you have undergone labor. There could be chances of heart complications.

9. Iron Tablets

Iron depletion is related to Thalassemia. Before taking any iron tablets, consult with your doctor first. After knowing the full condition of your body then you can take the adequate amount of iron that is needed. Some people who have undergone transfusion don’t need additional iron at all.

10. Drinking Tea

Drinking tea with your meals will help in balancing the iron level in your body. Tea will cause the body to have less ability in absorbing excessive amount of iron. Besides tea, you may also choose to drink milk. It has the same effect and will be beneficial by providing nutrients.

11. Exercises

Pregnant mothers are allowed to exercise. Regular exercise is encouraged to keep the body fit. It doesn’t have to be intense and last for a long period of time. Mothers may walk around the neighbourhood or join a pregnancy workouts group. Exercising with other expecting mothers will motivate you.

12. Breathing Exercises

Expecting mothers should really focus on their breathing too. You need to have a regular breathing exercise which will benefit you in the long run. It keeps your body full of oxygen and prevent any numb feelings. The exercise will also help you prepare for labour.

13. Balanced Diet

Always maintain a balanced diet. Eat fruits and vegetables that are colourful. The more colourful they are, the richer the vitamin content. Also they contain a huge amount of antioxidant. Antioxidant is crucial in protecting your body from an imbalance of iron level.

14. Staying Hydrated

Drink a lot of water to ensure that your body is well hydrated. Thalassemia tends to cause the body to dehydrate. Water will help replenish your body for all the lost fluids. It will also help in distributing oxygen to all of your organs.

15. Avoid Infections

Take good care of your health. Frequently wash hands with warm water and soap. It will help you to avoid germs infecting your body. Thalassemia makes you more vulnerable to illness and infections. Also read the Natural Ways to Get Rid of Fungal Infections in case you get one.

More Treatments (16-20)

Here are some more treatments you can do:

  • Vaccinations: Make sure you’ve done all the necessary vaccinations.
  • Stay Away from Sick People: Reduce your chances of getting sick too.
  • Clean House: Remove pollen or any allergens that will weaken your immune system.
  • Chelation: Only needed when there is excess iron in the body.
  • Vitamin E: Contains antioxidant needed for the body.

Things to Consider

It is advised for pregnant women with Thalassemia to give birth at the hospital. Haemorrhage and other kinds of complications may arise during labour. Doctors and nurses will help the women to have safe and successful labour. Also, always consult with your doctor frequently. Your body might undergo changes so treatments will often vary.

Expecting a baby is a wonderful thing. The end goal should be keeping the mother and the baby healthy at all times. Mothers should not give up because of Thalassemia as there are experts out there ready to help.

Categories: Anemia
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