How to Overcome Lower Back Pain with Fruit Juice – Easy and Delicious!

Fruit juice for lower back pain is the juice that made by certain kind of fruit has an ability to overcome the pain on lower back. The pain on lower back is the condition where your lower back hurts that commonly happens to anyone and usually occurs because of these various factors below:

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How to Overcome Lower Back Pain with Fruit Juice

The pain on lower back that mostly happens at night can disturb and destroy your sleep quality because of its hurt effect. One solution that you can make is to use the benefit of fruit as daily juice. Below this, we summarize certain kind of fruit that can help you to overcome it.

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  • Sprain – When sprain hits the lower back while doing activities, it can cause pressure on either tendon or muscle, that’s why lower back will get hurt afterwards. you might unconscious with this in the first place because the pain is not always happen anytime.
  • Spinal disk become thin – Spinal disk will repeatedly be pressured and become thin afterwards whenever we routinely doing activities like holding, pulling, carrying, etc or in other words, requiring spinal disk for it.
  • The Problem with Bone Structure – Bone structure in our body changes after years so its ability slowly gets decreased and loses its proper function unlike in the first place.
  • The problem with Radiculopathy – Radiculopathy is the moment where spinal cord gets pressured repeteadly. When spinal disk hurts, the structure of radiculopathy changes and causes a deep pain on lower back.
  • Appearance of stenosis spinal’s problem – Pressure on bore marrow nerve because of infection and then leads to narrowed bone nerves on the back bone
  • The problem with Spondylolisthesis – one to even more than two spine vertebrae happens to form changement and movement that leads to a huge pain on lower back.
  • Too Long Sitting – Sitting for hours can possibly lead to lower back pain if you don’t drink enough amount of water as well. Sitting also has various effects you have to consider.

How to Overcome The Pain

The pain on lower back that mostly happens at night can disturb and destroy your sleep quality because of its hurt effect. One solution that you can make to overcome the pain is to use the benefit of fruit as daily juice. Below this, we summarize certain kind of fruit that can help you to overcome it.

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  • Mangosteen Juice – You can consume mangosteen juice because it contains fiber, vitamin, and mineral that helps to avoid lower back pain. Add honey into it for a better taste and drink it 1 to 2 a per-day.
  • Pineapple Juice – Pineapple contains anti-inflammation so it’s capable to overcome the pain. Pineapple is one among all we recommend the most beside its freshness. There is no way to avoid from pineapple
  • Lemon Juice – Vitamin C that included in lemon can fastened the healing of the pain. You can add honey and palm sugar to get tastier flavor. Drink it 1 to 2 times per-day for a good result. If you have left-over honey, you can use it to get rid of bald spot on your forehead.
  • Apple Juice – The high amount of anti-inflammatories in apple supports the progressment to heal the pain. You can drink it 2 times per-day with no doubt because it has no side effect at all. Besides body health, apple has an ability to repair your skin.
  • Blueberry Juice – Blueberry rich in pythonutrien,sodium, and potassium as antioxidant that suits with all age. Drink it plainly with no sugar, milk, or honey 2 times per-day regularly.
  • Red Grape Juice – Beside contains alcohol, it also known for its speciality to overcome lower back pain. the antioxidant inside it helps blood to be delivered to all parts of body. Be careful and don’t be too addictive with the amount of grape you consume to avoid from its danger. You can drink it 1 to 2 times per-day .
  • Red Bengal Pepper Juice – its look similar to tomato with several of beautiful colors. Vitamin C, vitamin A, acid folate, and fiber that contains inside it, is good enough to help the healing. Drink 2 times per-day.
  • Papaya juice– Papaya is common fruit many people absolutely like. No need use another ingredient anymore, you can go simply and straightly eat it or blend it as a juice. It contains fine vitamin and mineral that good for you health.
  • Noni juice – Despite it looks not interesting at all, you can add lime and honey to decrease its strong smell. to avoid you from dangerous possibility that caused by noni, it’s no need to blend the fruit more than one.
  • Beetroot juice – As same as papaya, you can eat it straightly 2 times per-day. No need to add anything. It perfectly suits with all ages. Fine for children and adult. You can actually use beet as ingredient for your healthy diet salad.
  • Pomegranate juice – is heavily favored juice to overcome lower back pain due to its fresh and delicious taste. You can consume it in the morning before breakfast and afternoon. Although the taste is pretty good, don’t consume it too much to avoid the danger of pomegranate.
  • Watermelon – Watermelon is one of the most healthiest fruit that contains a lot of water. The reason why it suits for the healing is because of the amount of water it has that can temporarily replace body fluids so our kidney be able to work properly.

Well, that’s how to overcome lower back pain with fruit juice! Try it! Stay Healthy!

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