10 Effective Ways on How To Overcome Dry Foot Skin

A smooth, smooth leg will definitely be one of the hallmarks of a woman’s physical appearance. With a well-groomed leg, no need to cover the foot with stockings if wearing clothes that show the legs.

Maintaining the health of the foot skin is a way to maintain the appearance of women. But what happens if the feet look dry and scaly? Certainly will feel uncomfortable to show dry and scaly feet if out of the house. Read more about  Ways to Get Rid of Foot Odor in Shoes Naturally

One of the factors that cause the skin of the foot becomes dry easily is because there is no oil glands in the skin of the foot. The skin of dry feet not only looks uncomfortable, but also feels uncomfortable.

Sometimes it can even be itchy, and the dangers of scratching the itchy part can cause a skin infection because the bacteria enter from the wound caused by scratching.

How to Overcome Dry Skin Foot with Natural Material

The herb made from natural ingredients is very good to be a way of overcoming dry and scaly skin naturally as well. Before doing the treatment with this natural ingredients, be sure to wash feet first. Read more about  Best Ways to Get Rid of a Foot Blister with Home Remedies

Treatment will not be effective if the foot is dirty. Also provide a place of relief and the floor with a cloth to keep the room clean and tidy, so the materials used in the treatment does not contaminate the house or furniture. Some natural ingredients that can be used to treat dry skin of the foot are:

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Cucumber

Benefits cucumber for the eyes and face is often used to treat eye bags and made into a face mask. Cucumber can be useful as a way to smooth the skin of the foot is rough and dry. How to use it is to smooth the cucumber to taste, then use a soft cucumber for dry foot massage. Leave for a few minutes, then wash your feet with water.

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Lime

Lime can be one of the best natural ingredients to treat dry skin and also be a way to remove black spots on the feet. How to use it is by mengosokkan lemon that is a bit old on the soles of the feet or other dry legs. Leave for a few minutes then wipe your feet with water. For hair care, try how to remove dandruff with lime. Read more ab0ut Effects of Using Lime Mask Every Day

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Banana

The skin of dry feet can be overcome by using the benefits of bananas for body skin. Bananas of any kind can be used to treat dry skin of the foot. The trick is very easy, destroy the bananas to taste until the pulverized. Then apply to the dry legs, allow a few minutes then rinse thoroughly.

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Avocado

Benefits of avocado for the skin is very useful if used to treat skin beauty, either our facial skin or body. Avocados can help provide moisture to dry skin, including the skin of the feet. How to use avocado for the feet is very simple, just to destroy the fruit flesh that has been peeled. Then apply to the dry legs, tunbbu a few minutes then rinse thoroughly with water.

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Pineapple

Pineapple juice can be one ingredient in skin care that uses a way to remove moles. This exotic fruit also has benefits for dry skin of the foot. How to use that is first shredded pineapple, then rub on dry feet. Then wash your feet thoroughly after a few minutes.

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Milk

Benefits of milk for the skin is to provide moisture for the skin experiencing drought. If you feel the skin begins to dry the feet, take a little milk at home. If anything, it’s better to use cold milk. Pour into a clean basin or container. Dip a washcloth or a soft cloth. Then rub the milk into the dry leg for five minutes. Milk has anti inflammatory properties that can relieve itching due to dry skin. Read more about  Benefits of Drinking Milk Before Sleeping For Adults

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Oatmeal

Oatmeal is not only useful as a healthy food to prevent heart disease and cholesterol, but also can be used as one of the ingredients in how to whiten the body naturally and how to remove natural underarm hair. Dry skin of the foot can be overcome using oatmeal.

The trick must be done when you take a bath and use the bath tub, because to use oatmeal the foot should be soaked entirely. Mix two cups full of oatmeal or more into the bath tub that has been filled with warm water, adjust to the needs. Then soak your feet into the water, if you want also can soak the whole body. Soak for 20-30 minutes. Do this treatment about twice a week.

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Sugar and Salt

Benefits of salt for the skin and the benefits of sugar for the skin that can give the effect of exfoliation of dead skin by using coarse grains. How to use it is to prepare sugar or salt to taste, vegetable oils of choice commonly used also in moderation. and water. Mix all ingredients then rub on dry feet for a few minutes.

Once it is enough, clean the feet with water, use warm water so that the pores open. Sugar can also talk out of stripes on the face.

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Olive Oil

Any type of essential oil is actually good for moisture on dry skin, but olive oil is the easiest option. Wear olive oil on dry legs at night before bed. Give a little massage for your feet, then wrap it with socks and use trousers for sleeping, as well as cover the sheets so as not to be stained with oil. Olive oil can be a way of dealing with skin peeling in the hands and how to smooth the palm of the hand. Read more about Benefits of Drinking Olive Oil Every Day

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Coconut Oil

Pure coconut oil or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil can be used to remove scars. In addition, coconut oil can also be used to treat dry skin of the foot. How to use it with olive oil, which is applied to the dry feet before bed and given a little massage. Then wrap your feet with socks and use trousers and a bedspread to keep them from getting dirty by oil.

Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Skin Care Products

The skin of dry feet can be overcome in many ways. Among them, using skin care products that are already available on the market. Some of the products that can be used include:

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot Using Moisturizers Containing AHA

Dry skin can be treated using skin care products containing AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid). One of the AHA functions for the skin is to treat dry skin causes effectively. AHA-containing moisturizers can remove dry, hard, scaly skin while keeping moisture in the skin. The best way to wear a moisturizer is when after bathing, when the skin is still slightly wet. Apply a moisturizer on the skin and then dry the body with a pat – pat using a towel.

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot Using Moisturizer Containing Lanolin

Lanolin is one of the few products that can provide long lasting moisture for the skin. Lanolin is a cream-shaped product made from fat produced from sheepskin. The benefits can overcome dry skin, rough and cracked. Lanolin is only used for external products and not for consumption. Apply lanolin cream to dry feet daily for the first week, then continue every three or four days. (Read Also: How To Overcome Dry Skin On Face, How To Overcome Dry Facial Skin)

  1. Overcoming Dry Skin Foot with Petroleum Jelly

To remove dry skin, you can not use a moisturizer for dry and dull skin that is water-based or perfumed. Instead, what is needed is a lotion thick and solid content, such as petroleum jelly that is able to soften dry skin. For some people, petroleum jelly may be too oily and difficult to trim on the skin.

To fix this, how to use petroleum jelly by rubbing it first on both palms. Then just apply to the skin of dry feet. Wear at night before bed and leave overnight.

Chemical In The Skin Care Products To Be Avoided

If you are experiencing dry foot skin problems, you need to pay attention to what ingredients are contained in your beauty care product. Some of the substances contained in skin care products should be avoided as they can cause the skin to dry out.

  1. Retinoids

Although retinoids are widely recognized as powerful chemicals to treat acne in adults, wrinkled skin, psoriasis and warts, and can be a way of removing white comedones in the nose, but these substances also have side effects. Retinoids can be substances that are too harsh for dry skin, as they can make them dry, which will irritate the skin.

  1. Benzoyl Peroxide

This is one of the chemicals other than retinoids commonly used to treat acne. Benzoyl Peroxide is also not suitable for dry skin because it can cause irritation, can also cause skin peeling, itching and flushing. [Adsense-B]

  1. Alcohol

Most skin care products contain alcohol, because alcohol can help the absorption of products into the skin. Gel and lotion contain higher alcohol than other products. Replace your skin gel or lotion containing alcohol with a cream that is more viscous and non-alcoholic. If you want to use alcohol for beauty treatments, try using the benefits of alcohol for hair. Read more about How to Get Sleep during Alcohol Withdrawal

  1. Salicylic Acid

When used properly, Salicylic Acid can be a material to soften the skin. However, if purchased free without a doctor’s prescription and used on very dry skin, the result can be dangerous. It is advisable to consult a doctor before attempting to use Salicylic Acid on the skin, ask for the right dose to use.

  1. Fragrance and Preservatives

Fragrance and preservative ingredients in beauty products are usually the cause of allergies on the skin, for example the cause of skin allergies. However, not only facial skin, whole body skin can also experience allergies due to products containing both materials, including the skin on the feet.

In addition to allergies, fragrances and preservatives can cause irritation to the skin and become dry and peeling. Choose products that do not contain fragrances or preservatives to be more secure.

It is no less important to avoid too much exposure to sunlight and hot water baths, as these things also contribute to dry skin. You can try some of the mentioned ways to treat the skin of your feet dry. If you have not shown significant results after a while trying routine maintenance, it is worthwhile to consider consulting a dermatologist to be able to ascertain the cause and treatment.

Categories: Skin Health
Kezia Marcellova: