Causes of Dark Pigmentation on Lips and How to Get Rid of It

It must be definitely sucks if you have a black lips. Your appearance would be not beautiful, not elegant, and lose your confidence. Read also: Factors Causing White Spots on Your Upper Lips.

Many women dream of red lips because it can attract men. Therefore, we often see there are a lot of people who use and even collect various kind of lipstick with different color tone to glow up their lips appearance.

Lips that becomes black sure will disturb you. Below this we will explain several causes of dark pigmentation on lips and how to get rid of it. These are:


  • The heat of the sun

Getting too much sun light excessively opens a big possibility for your lips to become black. That’s why using lip balm that contains high SPF is strongly recommended to prevent dark colored lips to occur.

  • Using lipstick too often

Using lipstick for a long term can trigger you lips to become black. The content of paraffin and metal in lipstick are dangerous for your lips health. To prevent it, you have to remove lipstick on your lips before going to bed.

  • Smoking

Smoking considered as a bad habit that can reduce your lips color or in other words, makes your lips becomes black and even cracked. You may also like to read effects of smoking for skin.

  • Dry lips

Lips that is not moist or dry opens a big possibility for your lips to become cracked which later changes its color to black.

  • Biting lips

Stress is one of causes on why many people like to bit their lips. If you like to bit your lips, please stop that behavior because it can trigger the lips to become dark and black.

  • Consuming tea and coffee

Consuming tea and coffee excessively is indeed not good for your lips health because these two contains of high caffeine especially coffee which can lead your lips to experiencing color change.

  • Lack of consuming fruit

Fruit contains a lot of vitamin that beneficial for your body include your lips health. Lack of consuming fruit will open a big possibility for lips to lose its health. Dark pigmentation on lips, for example.

  • Allergy

Those who claim allergy to cosmetic usually found their lips becomes black. Some ingredients that contain in cosmetic products may damage your lips that can trigger allergy to occur. Read also: 10 Effective Ways to Treat Dust Allergies

  • Lack of nutrition

Lack of nutrition often experienced by those who in diet program because daily vitamin that should be consumed is reduced. Therefore, it will lead their lips to become unhealthy. For example, its color changes to black. 

  • Body that becomes old

Aging has been one of important factor that can lead someone to experience dark lips because your skin unable to regenerate once you are getting old.

  • Consumption of drugs

Someone who consumes drugs excessively opens a big possibility for their lips to become black. This condition will get worse if the drugs are not suitable for their body.

  • Genetic

Apart from several causes above, dark pigmentation on lips also caused by genetic factor.

  • Consumption of alcohol

Alcohol has dangerous impacts for your body including lips. Lips will become black if you consume alcohol excessively.

  • Consumption of narcotics

Consuming various kind of narcotics not only dangerous for your organs but also your lips appearance. Your lips may experienced color change due to consumption of narcotics.

  • Anemia

Lack of blood or well-known as anemia also cause someone to experience dark pigmentation on lips. It is important for you to eat food that can boost your blood in order to change black lips to its normal color.

Read also: 10 Dangers of Anemia If Not Treated in A Proper Way

Treatments of Dark Pigmentation on Lips
  • Lemon and honey

The components include in lemon and honey are effective to eliminate dead skin cells in lips so your lips will become pink afterwards.

  • Use Glyserin

Lips that cracks, becomes black caused by pigmentation. You can try to use glyserin to keep your lips moisture.

  • Drink a lot of water

Water has a lot of benefits for our body including our lips health. Ensure to drink 8 glass of water to make you lips color become beautiful. You may also like to read effects on skin from drinking not enough water.

  • Cucumber juice

Drink cucumber juice regularly has proven beneficial for you who want to get rid of dark pigmentation on lips.

  • Almond oil

Black lips can be healed by using almond oil. You can smear it on your lips before going to bed.

  • Use lip balm with SPF 30

Using lip balm that has SPF is a must thing to do to protect your lips from the dangerous effects of sun that can make your lips become black.

These are several causes of dark pigmentation on lips and how to get rid of it you can try to do in order to make your lips become more beautiful. Stay Healthy, Good People.

Categories: Lips Health