12 Treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder is one type of depressions that has to do with changing seasons. This type of depression is mild and the occurrence is every year at the same exact time, usually in certain season.

Now, the question is, is there a seasonal affective disorder treatment that most appropriate and effective? Find out the answers below.

  1. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is one of the tips to treat seasonal affective disorder that is also often used as a way of dealing with stress. Many people say that this kind of treatment is quiet effective. Because it is anxiolytic and soothing naturally, it is not wrong if aromatherapy is chosen to ease the tension that occurs when the season has changed. Aromatherapy is also believed to reduce depressive thoughts and also disturbing and stressful feelings.

Not only that, aromatherapy can be counted on to keep the body healthy to stay fit and healthy even when through the most bad season of the year. You may want to read about How to Treat Anxiety with Aromatherapy

  1. Cognitive Activity

Perhaps you are a less artful person or even an artist, but the way to relieve the stress that then becomes a sign that you are experiencing seasonal affective disorder can actually be overcome by increasing cognitive activity. One of the best things to do is to do artistic things, such as writing in journals, painting, playing instruments, singing, drawing or doing other things that can help you to manage the feeling of depress or stress that suit you the most.

  1. Limiting Alcohol Consumption

Consuming alcohol is considered as a way out for people who are experiencing stress or depression. For some people, alcohol is their cure or medication because it can make the feeling of depression decreases and makes them feel much better.

However, is it true that alcohol is good for people who are experiencing deep sadness, depression, stress, or anxiety? Alcohol will only provide temporary relief effects and as most people know, alcohol can be harmful to your body and health if it consumed in excessive amount. Hence, if you usually consume alcohol without paying attention to the amount of it, try to be more aware of how many shots you’ve taken and try to put limitation on consuming alcohol to avoid the risks of the bad effects of alcohol.

You might want to read: How to Get Sleep during Alcohol Withdrawal

  1. Getting Exposed to Sunlight

Lack of exposure to sunlight is known to be one of the causes of seasonal affective disorder. That being said please do make sure that you are getting enough exposure to sunlight every day. Standing outside of your house, on the balcony, or any other places that can make you be in touch with the sunlight for about 15-20 minutes is very good for your body and mind.

Do remember to do this tip in the morning, because standing under the sun on the bright day light or during 12 p.m. above for too long might be dangerous for health instead.

  1. Getting Morning Fresh Air

In addition to the morning sun, fresh air in the morning is also important to refresh your mind and mood. So, getting up early can be beneficial for both physical and mental health at the same time. Fresh air as well as the morning sun will increase energy levels in the body which will also make you feel less depress, stress, or anxious.

  1. Light Therapy

Your vitamin D intake which is derived from sunlight will likely be less when you are rarely going out of your house or exposed to the sun. When natural sunlight cannot be obtained by the body, you can try to get light therapy.

Simple light can help you to balance your mood. Light sources from light therapy will help you in supporting and maintaining the circadian cycle in your body in the right track. Personal light boxes can be relied upon by those with seasonal affective disorder to help you feel much better and less susceptible to moodiness and depression.

  1. Finding a New Hobby

As winter comes, the mood will change for the worse in people with seasonal affective disorder. Boredom will often strike so that sufferers will feel the loneliness and sadness. In order to minimalize those negative feelings, try to find a fun and new hobby. This action will help you to cope with behavioral and mental changes when winter arrives.

  1. Vacation

To keep your mental health fresh and not easily overwhelmed by loneliness and sorrow, then a holiday is one of the ways you might consider to treat your seasonal affective disorder. While struggling against summer and winter season, try to take a few days off while also improving your social side and creativity.

In this manner, the result of going on vacation can be felt during and after you go to vacation, your body and mind will be healed and automatically feel much better.

  1. Exercise

It is important to keep your body stay in good condition during certain seasons which might cause you to have seasonal affective disorder. Physical endurance exercises like Pilates or yoga are a wise choice because both types of exercise will make you feel calmer and prevent you from thinking bad thoughts. That being said, do not be afraid to be more active to keep yourself in a good mood and feel happy. Read more about Disadvantages of Not Exercising For Body Health

  1. Change Your Diet

Another trick for this matter is, add more high-vitamin D-containing foods when winter comes, as this season’s seasonal affective disorder begins to loom back. If it is difficult to get sunlight, you can try to eat food which contained a lot of vitamin D. Fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, and orange juice are examples of the right foods for you.

  1. Talking to Friends

Sometimes, having friends to talk to and share with can be a good way to boost your mood. In order to have a better mood during a particular season, try to get along with the people you trust the most or closest with. Chatting and spending fun time with them will certainly minimize your bad mood.

  1. Establish a Daily Activity Schedule

There is nothing wrong in making a schedule for daily activities, including making a schedule to have a meal, to exercise, and even up to bed time. Try as best as you can to keep yourself busy and productive in order not to drown in bad thoughts and anxiety that will make your mood bad.

Treatment of seasonal affective disorder can be done alone or also with the help of others. Hence, do not be afraid to fight and get off of this type of depressions. Mood swings in seasonal affective disorder can cause a person to think of suicide, so it should be necessary to look for simple but powerful ways to reduce the symptoms.

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