Rules for Bathing When a Fever Occurred

The question that is often asked by many people is “Is bathing when a fever occurred allowed? Many people are hesitant to take a bath during fever because they worry it will worsen the condition of fever. Then, how about the answers from the doctors and how are the rules for bathing when a fever occurs? See the full answer below.

Body Conditions during Fever

Hot fever is actually not a disease but is a common symptom of so many causes of fever. Symptoms of fever can be seen from body temperature that increases beyond normal human body temperature, headache, body weakness, shivering, and accompanied by joint or muscle pain.

Symptoms of fever are the result of an inflammatory process that occurs in the body when the immune system struggles to fight infection. The inflammatory process which then releases special chemical compounds will then be taken to the hypothalamus through the bloodstream. The hypothalamus itself is a structure in the brain that is useful for regulating body temperature.

In the hypothalamus, chemical compounds will increase body temperature hotter or higher. Because of these compounds, the body is mistaken and thinks if normal body temperature is a hot temperature so that eventually causes someone to get a fever.

For babies and children, fever generally occurs when the body temperature has exceeded 37 degrees Celsius while adults can be said to have a fever when the body temperature has reached 38 or 39 degrees Celsius.

Rules for Bathing When a Fever Occurred

Actually, someone who is experiencing symptoms of fever is still allowed to take a shower because bathing is not related to the fever process that occurs. Even if it is possible, fever sufferers are advised to take a bath twice a day so that the cleanliness of the body can be maintained properly. In addition, bathing while having a fever is recommended to avoid sufferers from other infections.

However, the thing that must be considered more is the temperature of the water. You might assume if the cold water temperature can provide comfort because the body is in hot conditions. But actually, doctors and health workers all over the world have never advised someone to take bath using cold water either when the body is healthy or not because it can worsen a person’s condition.

A hot body during a fever is a natural thing that the body needs to defend itself. So that when a person bathes in cold water, the body will assume it is a threat to the process of fighting infection. Finally, the body temperature will increase and the more common fever that occurs is more chronic because cold water works by closing the pore which inhibits the transfer of body temperature. In addition, a cold shower can also increase the risk of a sudden drop in body temperature which then causes the body to become shivering.

Self-Care during Fever

If after a shower you feel uncomfortable or your body temperature increases more than the normal temperature of the human body, then you can take painkillers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin in the appropriate dosage. You should also be more careful not to use more than one drug that contains acetaminophen such as a cure for coughs and colds.

Immediately call your doctor if your fever does not improve over three days and your body temperature has reached 39 degrees Celsius or more so you can immediately get expert treatment as soon as possible.

From the above review, it can be seen if bathing when the body is having a fever is actually allowed because there is actually no connection between bathing and the occurrence of fever and is actually highly recommended to maintain the cleanliness of the patient’s body so that it does not cause other illnesses due to unclean conditions.

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