10 Dangers of Cassava Leaves for Body Health #Need to Know!

Cassava leaves are vegetables that are easy to find around us. Cassava leaves have a high nutritional content and many health benefits for the body. In addition, cassava leaves can be used as one alternative vegetables substitute other vegetables that have the same nutrition as spinach, kale or katuk.

But did you know that consuming excessive cassava leaves will harm your health? Before discussing the dangers of cassava leaves for the body, let us refer to the nutrients contained in the leaves of cassava.

Nutritional Content in Cassava Leaves

  • Contains high fiber, which is useful for digestion and avoid constipation
  • High protein, which is useful for improving children’s intelligence
  • Iron and calories can prevent anemia attacks and as a producer of energy for our activities
  • Vitamins A and B17 are useful for maintaining healthy eye and skin tissue
  • Phosphorus and calcium can be useful for the formation of bone mass and bone strengthening. Read also Functions Collagen For Our Body

But cassava leaves that too much consume, can be dangerous for our body. Dangers of excessive cassava leaves can lead to the emergence of several complaints of diseases such as:

Dangers of Cassava Leaves

Here are all the dangers of cassava leaves that you need to consider of:

1. Poisoning

Cassava leaves contain linamarin and lotaustralin compounds. This compound has the potential to become a cyaninda poison that if settles in the body. Cyanide can irritate the body tissues and can lead to poisoning. Symptoms of this poisoning usually vomit.

2. Stomach Ache

Consuming too many cassava leaves can make stomach acid increase. The walls of the stomach will get pressure and injury. This is because the compounds that exist in cassava leaves are cyanide that can disrupt the body system. This will lead to abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

3. Headache

Linamarin and lotaustralin compounds that exist on cassava leaves can act as a toxin that inhibits the smooth blood circulation around the head. In addition, it triggers the muscle tension of the head nerves. This gives rise to periodic headaches. Also read about: How to Treat Post Traumatic Headaches

4. Asthma

Cyanide compounds present in cassava leaves have the potential to cause constriction and blockage of the respiratory tract. This can cause shortness of breath, chest pain and feels like being pressed against a heavy object. 


5. Increase Cholesterol Levels

For someone who has high cholesterol levels in the blood, you should avoid consuming cassava leaves. Cassava leaves can increase cholesterol levels that can cause blockage in the blood vessels. Of course it can hinder the performance of the heart. 

6. Increase uric acid

Cassava leaves are not suitable for people with uric acid. Especially consumed in excess. This is because it contains purine substances that can cause increased uric acid. Also read about: Causes of Increased Gastric Acid

7. Increase blood pressure

Someone who suffer from high blood is actually still allowed to consume cassava leaves. But in a reasonable dose. It is recommended not to add coconut milk in the processing. Fat in coconut milk can affect blood pressure and disrupt blood flow.

Cassava leaves are more dangerous when combined with certain types of food. Especially in people with high blood, uric acid and vertigo patients. Whats foods dangerous when combined with cassava leaves?

Foods That Can Be Dangers Combined With Cassava Leaves

Here are more about  dangers of cassava leaves that you need to consider of

1. Cassava leaves with meat

For people with uric acid and high blood should avoid taking this. Vegetable cassava leaves added coconut milk and mixed with meat harmful to you. Meat may increase blood pressure but the amount of purine does not increase. Also read about: Dangers of Spicy Food For Pregnant Women


2. Cassava leaves processed with coconut oil

Cassava leaves are processed using coconut oil potentially increase levels of linamarin and lotaustralin compounds. Cyanide-containing cassava leaves become more active and harmful if consumed in excess. Especially by people with high blood, uric acid and vertigo patients. This is because it will accelerate the increase in blood pressure. In addition it can increase uric acid quickly. This can trigger the emergence of headaches in patients with vertigo. 

3. Cassava leaves combined with spinach and kale

Cassava leaf combined with spinach and kale are very delicious if processed into URAP (a type of food menu typical of Java). Cassava leaves have cyanide compounds, spinach leaves have a very high iron and kale have a high purine content. For people with high blood, uric acid and vertigo should stay away from these three combined vegetables. Because it can make the disease a relapse and will be difficult to cure quickly. Also read about: List of Foods to Eat for Healthy Skin!

Vegetable alternative to cassava leaf that proved safe for patients with high blood pressure, uric acid and vertigo.

Basically consuming cassava leaves is highly recommended for people who do not have high blood disease, uric acid and vertigo. If cassava leaves are consumed in a reasonable amount in healthy people, the nutrients in them can be beneficial to the health of the body. Including can prevent anemia, can improve breastfeeding quality in breastfeeding mothers. It is also able to prevent constipation attacks and more. 

For people with high blood, uric acid and vertigo better consumption of cassava leaves replaced with lettuce, squash, carrots or beans. This is because it is proven safe not to contain purine or cyanide. Vegetables are able to meet the needs of vitamins and fiber as in the cassava leaves.

Categories: Vegetables