8 Causes of Frequent Vomiting After Eating – Remedies

As a living being, certainly we need foods. Foods have many benefits for our health and organs. In addition, the right food intake becomes the source of energy for our bodies. Furthermore, foods are so various so that we have a lot of options which foods we would like to eat.

However, when we want to consume foods, we should really pay attention to:

  • Choose the foods with complete nutrients.
  • Do not include too many combinations of foods which contain carbohydrate, fat, and sugar.
  • Consume foods which contain fiber, vitamin, and mineral frequently.
  • Consume foods at least 3 times a day, and do not skip breakfast.
  • Drink water before and after meals
  • Eat your foods slowly
  • Reduce consuming fast food or junk food
  • Do not sleep right after eating
  • Recognize types of foods that cause allergies to your body
  • Do not eat too much, especially when you feel so hungry or when you break from fasting.

Those are all the important things you should pay attention to maintain your food intake.

Sometimes while we are eating, we feel the symptoms of nausea and bloated like we want to vomit. This is actually a symptom of some diseases and can also be caused by any factors. What are the causes which trigger nausea after eating, and how to handle it?

Below are the causes of frequent vomiting after eating:

  1. Allergic to certain foods

The first cause of nausea after eating is an allergy to a particular food type. Normally, when the body cannot tolerate a food, it shows up a particular body’s response, such as the skin becomes itchy and flushed or nausea. Some foods that may cause an allergy are seafood, nuts, animal protein, and many more.

To prevent an allergy, you have to know and avoid foods that make you allergic. Also read: Home Remedies for Food Allergies

  1. Food poisoning

Besides allergies, nausea can also be caused by poisoning to particular foods. The poisoning food is caused by to the condition of foods that is not feasible to consume, such as stale foods, raw foods, or long stored foods which make it possible to be infected by various animal feces or flies.

Food poisoning can be caused by:

  • Raw eggs
  • Formalin
  • Cigarette smokes

Also read: Treatments of Food Poisoning from Fish

  1. Psychosomatic

Psychosomatic is a psychological condition involves stress and depression that has an effect on a physical response such as nausea. When we eat foods, the brain will think about the stress so that triggers disorders in our body, one of them is nausea.  

  1. Eating too much and too fast

One of nausea and bloated causes which mostly experienced is eating too much and too fast. Surely we need to eat, but regularly with good intake. When we eat too much and too fast our stomachs and digestive organs become shocked so it is not strong enough to accommodate the foods. Moreover, this also causesnausea.

Eating too much can also cause:

  • Hiccup
  • Symptoms of gastric acid
  1. Talking while eating

It is not only eating too much and too fast, but also talking while eating can also lead to nausea. While we are eating, we should really concentrate on the activity of chewing foods. Talking at the time of chewing foods will cause the process of softening foods does not go well, so when the food has entered the stomach, it will release too much gas which trigger nausea. Also read: Causes of Shaking When Hungry

Talking while eating will initiate:

  • Belch
  • Hiccup 

  1. Gastric Acid

Nausea which comes after eating can also be caused by the condition of the body which cause gastric acid. This condition is not only causing nausea but also inducing sore throat. It can be prevented by:

  • Avoiding high acid foods
  • Avoiding eat too fast
  • Consuming healthy foods frequently
  • Eating regularly
  1. Pregnancy Factors

Pregnancy is also one of the causes of nausea after eating. This is one of the normal body responses and often occurs in a pregnant woman. Therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women to consume foods which do not contain high acid, and increase the consumption of fiber-rich foods.

Avoid the following things to prevent nausea during the pregnancy:

  • Eating spicy foods
  • Analgesic drugs
  • Tramadol drugs
  1. Symptoms of digestive system disorder

Another possible disease that can cause nausea after eating is the symptoms of digestive system disorder. Normally, this disorder appears on the organ of the gastric and intestine. The disorders that frequently appear are:

  • Intestine and gastric infections
  • Appendix
  • Ulcer
  • Gastric acid
  • Colon cancer and gastric cancer

Those are some causes of nausea after eating. It is recommended for you to always maintain your own health by consuming healthy and rich-fiber foods to prevent nausea. Also read: Negative Effects of Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach

How to Overcome Vomiting After Eating

There are some causes of frequent vomiting after eating, but here is the recommendation remedy to cure it:

  • Instead of eating three big meals a day, it’s better for you to eat in small portions, but more often.
  • If nausea is caused by food allergies, avoid these foods then.
  • Eat slowly, don’t be rush.
  • Avoid drinking while eating, having to drink before and after meals with enough time.
  • After eating, you should not move or drive. Rest in a sitting position. Let the food digested at first.
  • Avoid drink and food triggers GERD, such as fatty foods or fried foods, coffee, chocolate, spicy food, mint, sour fruit or juice, and soft drinks.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption or stop everything.
  • Quit smoking. Think positive and reduce stress.
  • You can eat ginger drink as a natural way to overcome nausea. However, you should ask your doctor first, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
  • Also avoid foods that are hard to digest, such as fiber, especially if you have stomach flu. This is because these foods can make the digestive system work harder. As a result, you can get sicker.
  • You can also take drugs nausea and stomach acid, such as antacids. But for pregnant women, consult your doctor first, especially at the age of first trimester.

It is also recommended to not eat too fast and too much foods. Thus, if the condition is getting worse, please call your doctor! Hopefully this article will be useful for you, thank you!

Categories: Symptoms F