11 Causes of Dead Hair – Treatment

Basically, the hair that grows in our heads is a dead cell. Under the scalp, there are living cells or tissues called follicles.

The roots of the hair get the nutrients from the blood vessels located below the follicle, where the hair cells are produced.

The hair cells that are in the roots are then hardened and pushed by new hair cells. That is what we call ‘growth’. Hair follicles will continue to change through various phases of birth, death and resting as part of the natural hair growth process.

A hair will grow half-inch per month for several years. Then it will slow and stop and fall out. When one hair dies temporarily, another hair will rebirth to replace. However, for one reason or another, there is also a follicle that remains empty and can not grow hair anymore. This condition is often referred to as dead hair. Nevertheless, there are ways to prevent shrinkage on natural hair.

The Causes of Dead Hair

Dead hair is one of the factors that causes hair thinning. Once the hair entering the dead phase, the follicles also stop producing new hair. The strength of follicles can also decrease along with the age so that it becomes hard to maintain the hair growth cycle. Several factors can be the causes of dead hair.

1. Hair Damaged

When a hair reaches a certain length, it will naturally stop growing. However, hair can also stop growing when its follicle is damaged. It is usually caused by inadequate daily care. In addition, the use of chemicals for bleaching, rubbing too hard and exposed to hot temperatures can be the cause of dead hair as well.

2. Unhealthy Scalp

Unhealthy scalp can be triggered by the closing of the scalp pores by chemical residues, oils, impurities or dead skin cells.
That way, the scalp does not get enough oxygen so that the hair growth is disturbed.

3. Branched Hair

Long hair usually lack of moisture. It is because the nutrients from the scalp is not distributed up to the end of the hair. Dry hair will easily split and turn to red. To overcome this you should routinely cut the tip of the hair every two or three months.

4. Aging

The cause of dead hair can also come from the body’s aging process. Naturally, the aging process will weaken our body including the hair. Thus the production of oil on the scalp will decrease causing dry hair.

5. Stress

Stress inarguably will affect the body and make it fragile. Stress will induce the follicles to enter the resting phase so that the hair appears to fall out quickly. A weakened immune system will trigger hair loss as well.

6. Hairstyling

The use of high temperatures for hairstyling can cause damage to the hair shaft that eventually affects the hair growth. To minimize the risk, you should apply a hair protective serum. Binding or braiding hair has the possibility to make the hair fragile. Smoothing or straightening the hair may cause the hair become stiff and rough, not to mention damaging roots and hair follicles.

7. Heredity

Hair is influenced by genetic. Therefore everyone has their own hair cycle. The growth of hair will vary from one person to another. The time limit of hair growth depends greatly on gene factors.

8. Lack of Nutrient

Hair needs nutrients to stay alive and grow. The nutrients can be obtained through daily food and drink. Lack of nutrient can disturb the growth of hair. Because of that, you should always watch what you eat and drink.

9. Medicine

Someone who is on medication can experience problems related to dead hair. The chemical content of the medicine may have side effect on hair growth.

10. Hair Dye

Most women do not aware of the danger of hair dye. Too much exposure to hair dye can damage the hair follicles. Its chemical content can destroy hair follicles and inhibit hair growth. If you love coloring your hair, you’d better choose a hair dye that is made from natural ingredients.

11. Lack of Sleep

Last but not least, one of causes of dead hair is lack of sleep. The recommended sleep duration is 7 to 8 hours a day. If less than that, the body will feel tired. When you sleep the body will regenerate cells. Thus sleep deprivation will make the body unable to regenerate cells, skin tissue as well as hair.

Improving Hair Follicle

Hair follicles can be reactivated. There are hair treatments that you can try to take care of your scalp and restore branched and damaged hair.

  • Make salt solution by mixing salt into warm water. Then apply the solution on the scalp and massage gently for a few moments. Use your fingertips to massage your scalp and make sure to do a thorough massage on the scalp. This massage will improve blood circulation in the head to facilitate the flow of nutrients to the hair. In addition Magnesium in the solution can restore and nourish the hair.
  • Use shampoos containing essential oils, biotin supplements and conditioners that have avocado oil or coconut oil. (Read benefits of coconut oil for hair)
  • Wash your hair using essential oil-containing shampoo (such as avocado oil or coconut oil). Rub gently and clean all the dirt that is attached to the scalp. In addition consume Biotin supplements regularly. Biotin can help repair the follicles and maintain the health of the hair.
  • After that you can use a conditioner that contains avocado oil or coconut oil. Apply throughout the scalp. Let a few minutes then rinse with water.
  • Let the hair dry naturally in the open air.
  • You can also try to consume certain foods for healthy hair.

Detecting Damaged Hair

Damaged hair can be seen easily. Below are the features you can find in damaged hair.

    • Pull out your hair when it’s wet. If the pulled hair becomes elastic, then it is healthy. Conversely, if it loses or is broken, then your hair is in trouble.
    • Unhealthy hair can be seen from its tip. If the tip of your hair looks branched, then you have one of the damaged hair marks.
    • Every time you comb your hair there is more hair falling out than before.
    • Dull and rough hair indicates damaged hair. In addition, the hair is easily broken and stiff. Fortunately, there are natural treatment to soothe rough hair.

The follicle hair has sebaceous glands that produce oils to lubricate the scalp. If the follicle does not get enough nutrients, it will die. The hair then will become thinner and fall off. To find out if your hair follicle is still alive, observe the scalp. If the scalp still has hair, it means the follicles are still active.

Categories: Hair Health