9 Proven Ways How to Relieve Chronic Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatica, also known as pain due to irritation and pressure on the sciatic nerves that cause numbness or tingling that spread from the lower back through the buttocks to the sole of the foot.

This pain can occur in all locations along the nerve, and the pain can be quite intense, depending on what compresses the nerves, such as muscle spasm, abnormal discs, or other causes, and the location of your pain. Pain from sciatica generally begins in the lower back that extends through the buttocks and bottom of the legs and down to the feet.

Noteworthy is the sharp pain coming from behind through the buttocks and down to one of the legs which can be one of the symptoms of pelvic pain. This is a common place for the injury of a sciatic nerve injury after an incident. For some people, the pain of sciatica can be severe and debilitating. You may want to read about  Effective Ways How to Relieve Chronic Upper Back Pain

For others, the pain of sciatica may be rare and irritating, but it has the potential to get worse. The range of motion is limited when the symptoms of pelvic pain occur. Individuals who suffer from these symptoms find it impossible to get a pleasant position. There is pain in every little movement either in sitting, standing, or lying down.

Causes of sciatic

Common causes of sciatica include:

  1. Lumbar spine stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back)
  2. Degenerative disc disease (damage to the disc, which acts as a pillow between the spine)
  3. Spondylolisthesis (a condition in which one vertebra slips forward over each other)
  4. Pregnancy. You may want to read about Effective Home Remedies for Stress During Pregnancy
  5. Piriformis syndrome. Piriformis is one of the muscles in the buttock that connects the lower spine to the upper thigh bone, then runs into the sciatic nerve.
  6. The pinched nerve or nerve root pressure is squeezed from the wound.
  7. Other things that can make severe back pain include being overweight, lack of exercising regularly, wearing high heels, or sleeping on too soft mattresses. Read more about  Helpful Ways How to Get Good Sleep When Stressed

Other causes of scatica, though rare, include spinal tumor growth, narrowing of the spinal nerve (spinal stenosis), spinal cord release from spondylolisthesis, spinal injury or infection, and spinal cord nerve disorders ( cauda equine syndrome).

Symptoms of sciatic

Symptoms of sciatica are characterized by pain and discomfort along the pelvic nerve pathway. The pain can be mild, hot, or electrically stung. Pain usually increases when the patient sits long, sneezes, or coughs. More than that, some other symptoms that can also be felt by people with skiathic such as:

  1. Tingles that spread from back to toe.
  2. Limb muscles and legs become weak.
  3. Numbness.

Risk factors of sciatic

  1. Sitting in a long time. People who sit for too long have a greater risk of suffering from sciatica than an active person.
  2. This condition is at risk of triggering the occurrence of nerve damage. You may want to read about How to Relieve Soreness in Your Body
  3. Work hard. People who often lift heavy loads or drive for long periods of time have the potential to suffer from sciatica.
  4. Gaining weight can increase the pressure on the spine thereby triggering skeletics.
  5. Growing age can cause a person susceptible to spinal disorders, such as a pinched nerve or the growth of bone spurs on the spine.

Proven treatment to relieve chronic sciatic nerve pain

  1. Take a rest

Rest your back. For the first day or two since the sciatica pain, you should start to rest. This is intended to relieve pain so your muscles can relax and avoid the agitation of sciatic nerves due to too much activity. However, you should not rest in bed for more than a day or two. Excessive inactivity will weaken the muscles that support the bone in your back so that the irritation of the sciatic nerve becomes easier and over time the pain will increase.

  1. Stretching

Stretch your lower back. Stretch your legs, buttocks, and lower back gently to reduce the tension so that sciatic nerve irritation is reduced. We recommend that you consult your physician or physical therapist for safe and effective stretching guidelines. While many variations are available, the simplest and most popular stretch to relieve sciatica pain is by stretching the knee to the chest

  1. Anti-inflammatory medicine

Use anti-inflammatory drugs. Sciatic nerve irritation may progress to inflammation, which may worsen and prolong the pain of sciatica. Many commercial anti-inflammatory drugs are available and help relieve sciatica pain. Ibuprofen and naproxen are the two most popular choices. Make sure you follow the dose instructions on the packaging. You may want to read about How to Treat a Torn Ligaments in Your Shoulder

  1. Cold pack

Relieve pain with cold compresses. Most patients recognize that cold therapy is most effective in relieving sciatica pain when the pain is most acute (usually 2-7 days after the onset of sciatica pain). Give an ice pack (or alternatively, for example a bag of ice, or a bag of frozen peanuts, etc.) to a pain location for 20 minutes at a time and repeat for two hours.

  1. Hot compress

Use heat to relieve dull pain. Many patients who feel of sciatica pain subsided 3-7 days since the pain appeared. Heat (compared to cold) may be more effective in relieving pain during this phase. Give heat to the location of your pain using hot water bottles, electric heating pad or microwave, or warm bath. Give the heat for 20 minutes each time, repeat per two hours.

  1. Consult a doctor

Consult your doctor. Stiatic pain can be caused by many conditions on your lower back and spine. The doctor will know how to test these conditions. The type of test and examination your doctor chooses depends on your symptoms and health condition, but may include a simple physical examination as well as imaging techniques such as X or MRI rays. Describe your symptoms as much as possible to the doctor to help determine the tests to be given.

  1. Steroid injections

Get steroid injections for more severe or disabling pain. Steroid injections work similar to oral steroid drugs, reducing inflammation and irritation around the sciatic nerve for a while. Injections are usually more invasive than ordinary drugs, but are also more effective. Your doctor may suggest steroid injections if your pain is very severe. You may want to read about How to Treat Skin Fungus on Face

  1. Surgery

If the pain of sciatica lasts for at least six weeks despite treatment, you may be referred to a specialist. At that time, surgery may be an option. The goal for surgery is to correct the cause of sciatica. For example, if a herniated disc is putting pressure on the nerve, then surgery to correct the problem can reduce the pain of sciatica.

  1. Physical therapist

Consult a physical therapist. After your doctor suggests treatment, and a potential surgical solution for your sciatica pain, you may also be advised to visit a physical therapist. Physical therapists will help you learn the exercise routine and stretch to strengthen the core, and support your backbone. Improving the strength and stability of the lower spine is the first step to permanently relieve the pain.

Beside what I explained above, here the proven information from an expert called doctor berg who will make you more understand about how to relieve chronic sciatic nerve pain. Check this ou.

Finally, those are complete explanation about some proven and effective ways how to relieve chronic sciatic nerve pain fast. Hope this article can help you. Thank you.

Categories: Nerves
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