14 Ways to Treat Molluscum Contagiosum with Essential Oils

Molluscum Contagiosum is a viral skin infection. It results in tiny, raised bumps on the skin. These painless bumps can be of different sizes. Common locations for the Molluscum contagiosum papules are different between children and adults. The children tend to get the papules on the face, trunk, and limbs of children, while the adults get them on the genitals, abdomens, and inner thighs.

Molluscum contagiosum is caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus which is a member of the pox virus family. This virus spreads through direct contact and is more common in children. However, sexual contact can also spread the virus. The infection occurs in people with compromised immune systems. Molluscum contagiosum can spread on the other parts of the individual’s body through scratching and rubbing.

These are 10 Ways to Treat Molluscum Contagiosum with Essential Oils that can help you get the benefits of essential oils. See also: Natural Ways to Get Rid of Small Skin Tags

1. Tea tree oil

The first way to treat molluscum contagiosum with essential oils is using tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is one of the most effective natural remedies for molluscum contagiosum. It has antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic properties that can combat the infection and fight it effectively.

Here is how to treat molluscum contagiosum with tea tree essential oil.

  • Step 1: Clean the affected skin area with water and let it air dry. Make sure you don’t scratch the affected area.
  • Step 2: Dip a cotton or cotton ball in the tea tree oil and apply it on the affected area. Make sure you do not double dip the cotton ball in the oil to avoid the oil getting contaminated. Just take a fresh cotton ball for the next dips.
  • Step 3: Do this process for all the bumps. You can repeat this treatment 3-4 times a day regularly too get the result. Keep doing the procedure until the bump decreases in size, shrinks and finally goes away.

To prevent the infection from spreading to the other body parts, you can also add few drops of tea tree oil in your bath water.

2. Oregano oil

Oregano oil owns antioxidant compounds, including thymol, terpenes, carvacrol, and rosmarinic acid. These components help to minimize the inflammation of the infected areas and also boost the immune system to combat the Molluscum contagiosum virus.

To use oregano oil, you may need a steaming pot of water in the air or in a lotion for your skin. This is a very natural solution as it doesn’t use lots of chemicals which the pharmaceutical companies are selling.

3. Clove oil

The next best way to treat Molluscum contagiosum with essential oil is using clove oil. Clove oil is as effective as oil of oregano for curing Molluscum contagiosum.

Ways to treat molluscum contagiosum with essential oils:

  • You can simply apply it directly to the skin after diluting it with some virgin olive oil or coconut oil.
  • Make sure to massage the affected skin gently.
  • Another way to use clove oil is by putting a few drops in a glass of water and drink it twice in a week.

4. Neem oil

Neem oil can help heal inflamed, swollen skin. It contains high levels of antioxidants that can protect the skin from environmental damage. It also contains carotenoids, which provide high antioxidant compounds, to fight free radical damage in the skin.

Ways to treat molluscum contagiosum with essential oils:

  • Simply mix about a half ounce of pure organic neem oil with 8 ounces of organic jojoba oil and place the ingredients in a small jar or bottle.
  • Mix well and apply it to the affected area about two or three times a day.  

5. Eucalyptus oil

Three main antiviral compounds that make Eucalyptus oil one of the best antiviral essential oils are tannic acid, quercetin, and hyperoside. You can simply use Eucalyptus essential oil as a bath oil or for a skin massage by diluting it with suitable carrier oils. See also: How to Prevent Skin Cancer from Tanning

6. Lemon oil

Lemon oil is one of the best of all essential oils that have antiviral properties because it can be taken internally. Many studies have shown that applying lemon essential oil to the rash can prevent them from spreading. Instead of internal and topical use, this antiviral oil can also be diffused.

7. Garlic oil

Garlic essential oil contains antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is readily available everywhere and you can also use either the fresh herb or its capsules when suffering from a viral infection like Molluscum contagiosum. When using it topically, make sure you don’t leave it on your skin for more than 10 minutes as it may cause a stinging sensation.

8. Lavender oil

Another way to treat Molluscum contagiosum with essential oil is using lavender oil. Mix lavender essential oil with a half ounce of neem oil and 8 ounces of jojoba oil to further help provide relief from itching and promote skin healing. You can also apply lavender on your skin as a lotion after the bumps are gone to reduce discoloration. You may also read about How to Treat Anxiety with Aromatherapy

9. Thyme oil

Thyme oil is one of the strongest antioxidants known as it supports the immune, respiratory, digestive, nervous and other body systems.

Ways to treat molluscum contagiosum with essential oils:

To use thyme oil, these are the ingredients to mix: 10 drops Basil, 10 drops Clove, 20 drops Eucalyptus Globulus, 8 drops Helichrysum, 10 drops Myrrh, 5 drops Oregano oil, 10 drops Peppermint oil, 5 drops Thyme oil, 10 drops Thieves and 30 drops Tea Tree oil. 

10. Cinnamon oil

Cinnamon has been used widely in medicine and treating many kinds of illnesses and ailments. It contains antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal properties are an effective way to fight infection, including Molluscum contagiosum. You can mix cinnamon essential oil with a carrier oil, like coconut oil, and apply it to the skin.

See also: Natural Ways to Get Rid of Small Skin Tags

Those are Ways to Treat Molluscum Contagiosum with Essential Oils that you need to know. These following tips will help you prevent the infection:

  • Maintain good hygiene – Wash your hands often, do not share towels or clothing, and avoid sharing hairbrushes and bar soap with others.
  • Prevent the spread of Molluscum Contagiosum – Keep the lesions covered, avoid contact sports and swimming, and do not have sexual intercourse until the lesions are treated.
  • Identify Molluscum contagiosum – Looking for bumps that are raised, round, and flesh-colored, and noting if the bumps are itchy and inflamed.
  • Increase Immune Function – Eating a nutrient-dense diet, avoiding inflammatory foods, getting enough sleep, limiting stress, getting enough physical activity.

See also: Natural Ways to Lighten Skin with Lemon
