25 Ways to Get Rid of Foot Odor in Shoes Naturally

Are you one of the people who spend most of your daily time wearing shoes? Have you ever experienced trouble foot odor after taking off your shoes? It must be embarrassing to know that the bad smell comes from your foot.

You must be questioning whether you can get rid of foot odor in your shoes. The answer is absolutely yes! You can continue reading the following explanation about the causes of foot odor, how to get rid of it with home remedy and how to prevent foot odor getting into your life again!

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Causes of foot odor in your shoes

You might have a friend who is wearing shoes for almost the whole day but she or he does not get any foot odor in her or his shoes.

How can it be? Not everybody can experience foot odor in his or her shoes, while most of the people have that kind of problem. Then, what cause foot odor? Here are the causes.

1. Too much production of sweat glands

According to Dr. Erika M. Schwartz, DPM, FASCFAS, the famous American Podiatric Medical Association stated that there are million of sweat glands in your feet that can lead to the production of sweat. Thus, bacteria and fungus love to spend their time in the warm, moist and it can lead to odor.

However, it is not the fault of the sweat, since the sweat gives moisture to your foot. Indeed, it is the bacteria’s fault because it is fond to stay in the sweaty area.

2. No time for the shoes to rest

It is recommended for you to give time for your shoes to rest. It is not only your foot that needs rest, your shoes need it too. When you do not let your shoes rest, it will be moist and warm that make them become comfortable for the bacteria (again) to stay inside.

3. Hormones

Hormones play an important role in any body condition. Hormones is one of the “decision maker” of how much sweat will be produced. This is why mostly teenagers and pregnant women are prone to sweat that leads to the presence of foot odor.

Ways to get rid of foot odor in your shoes

There are some ways of getting rid of foot odor in your shoes. Some of them are as easy as turning your hands’ palm. You can simply do it at home. Here are the ways to get rid of foot odor in shoes. Check these out! 

1. Mixture of bicarbonate of soda and corn flour

Pour some bicarbonate of soda mixed with corn flour to your foot. Bicarbonate of soda is trusted to neutralize odor and corn flour is useful for absorbing moisture in your foot. For more effective way, you can add some essential oil to the powder. You can also check the other uses of essential oil in How to Treat Anxiety with Aromatherapy

2. Use of Epsom salt

Epsom salt is very advantageous in reducing sweating and killing bacteria in your foot. Just simply mix around 400 g of Epsom salt with 4 liters of warm water. Then, let your foot soak in the mixture for 15 minutes every day. You can find another use of Epsom salt in Best Ways to Relieve Leg Cramps fast with home remedy.It’s amazing to know that Epsom salt has lots of benefits in your life.

3. Lavender oil

It doesn’t only act as a good smell aromatherapy, but is also well-known for killing bacteria causing odor. Just simply rub few drops of lavender oil and massage it on your foot. You can do it before going to bed. Then, cover your feet with socks.  You may also read about Ways to Get Rid of Feet Swelling with Home Remedies

Caution: You had better checked whether your skin is sensitive to this oil by rubbing one drop on the small area of your skin. Lavender oil might irritate your skin. 

4. Doing foot bath using black tea

What’s the best ways to get rid of foot odor in shoes? Black tea has tannic acid that is helpful to kill the bacteria and close the pores in your foot to help reducing the production of the sweat. Prepare 2 tea bags and 500 ml of water and simmer them for 15 minutes. Throw the bag and mix the tea with 2 liter of water. Soak your feet for around 30 minutes and repeat it daily.

5. Awesome use of vinegar

You can simply mix a cup of vinegar with a bucket of warm water. It is easy, simple and fast. For more effective fight of odor, you can add a few drops of essential oil (thyme) or Listerine mouthwash as it is containing antiseptic that helps to kill the bacteria causing foot odor. Vinegar is also useful to treat some other health problems like stated in Best Ways to Get Rid of a Foot Blister with Home Remedies 

Other treatments to get rid of foot odor in your shoes

Here are more ways to get rid of foot odor in shoes:

  1. Frequent changes of shoes and socks – it will reduce the presence of bacteria and fungus to grow on your foot area.
  2. Get your feet dusted regularly – use Tinactin that is useful to kill fungus and bacteria that cause odor.
  3. Pay attention to what you eat – reduce eating spicy and hot food will be helpful to reduce sweat in your foot.
  4. Domeboro – one of the remedies that is effective in getting rid of foot odor. Mix it with water and bath your foot in a foot bath 2 times a week.
  5. Use of synthetic socks – synthetic socks are much better than cotton socks. So, you can consider using synthetic socks as they are more absorbent and less moisture.
  6. Cedar – it helps the shoes stay fresh and you can place it while your shoes are not worn.
  7. Antiperspirant – use this spray on your feet after you finish showering.
  8. Baking soda – simply sprinkle baking soda to get rid of foot odors.
  9. Scrub your feet – by doing this, you can get rid of the bacteria and dead skin cells that become the main cause of foot odor.
  10. Use bleach – mix two tablespoons of bleach to a bucket of warm water and simply soak your foot for 15 minutes.
  11. Baby powder – put baby powder in your shoes to dry out odors.
  12. Sugar scrub – it is effective in removing dead cells that is useful to get rid of foot odor. You can simply mix sugar, water and isopropyl alcohol to make a thick mixture and scrub it for 10 minutes.
  13. Ginger root – it is preventing the growth of bacteria and removing toxins. Simply make a puree of a ginger and steep it with hot water for 15 minutes. Take the solution and apply on your foot before going to bed.
  14. Antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin – it is helpful to kill the bacteria causing foot odor.Apply it on your foot before going to bed and cover it with socks. The bacteria will be gone in the following morning.
  15. Dark chocolate – adding this to your diet will be helpful to eliminate foot odor.
  16. Mint scrub – it will help to cool down your foot
  17. Tea tree oil – it is effective in getting rid of foot odor caused by fungus infections.
  18. Radish – it is rich in phosphorus, zinc, vitamin C and acts as disinfectant to prevent the growth of bacteria in your foot.
  19. Sage leaves – its tannic acid is beneficial for reducing the production of sweat and killing the bacteria with its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  20. Alum powder – it has antiseptic and astringent properties that block the bacterial growth.

Preventing foot odor in your shoes

There are several ways of preventing foot odor from coming back into your shoes. Here are the ways to prevent it.

  • Keep your feet dry and clean
  • Reduce stress
  • Clip your toenails regularly
  • Avoid drinking alcohols and smoking
  • Avoid eating food that has powerful aroma, such as garlic, onions, scallions, etc
  • Change your socks and shoes regularly
  • Use shoes that are breathable and made of leather or synthetic material
  • Use medicated soles that have deodorizing action inside your shoes

Having smelly foot is disturbing and annoying. It can effect down your confidence. Meanwhile, you can try these best ways to get rid of foot odor in shoes effectively.

Categories: Foot Health