9 Facts of Deadly Encephalitic Fever

Encephalitic fever has slowly become an epidemic in several countries and has killed more than 700 people in the past month in eastern India. Encephalitis is a type of fever that affects the brain. Swelling of the brain accompanied by fever and also some flu-like symptoms is a characteristic of this disease. Sometimes, encephalitis can also occur together with meningitis that develops in complex situations. As for the symptoms themselves, it is very difficult to explain. Some of the common symptoms of encephalitic fever include headaches, flu, neck stiffness, confusion, irritability, and decreased appetite.

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As explained above, the symptoms of encephalitic fever look similar to other types of diseases. This encephalitis can occur in children in general but strains of encephalitic mutations are also seen in adults. This disease can spread through mosquito bites and some cases of encephalitic fever are a deadly disease. Following this, we will provide some important reasons that make encephalitic fever a very life-threatening disease.

  1. A Brain Fever

Encephalitis is a viral infection that will later cause swelling in the lining of the brain. This is what later causes sufferers to experience fever accompanied by headaches and need to know if all types of fever associated with the brain are very dangerous and fatal.

  1. Difficulty to Detect the Symptoms

The symptoms caused by encephalitic fever are not easy to detect. Patients will later experience a fever and also stiffness in the neck area. But sometimes it can also be accompanied by bleeding and experience other symptoms of this particular fever.

  1. Fever is Not Too High

Generally, the fever experienced by sufferers is not too high. Early symptoms of mild flu will occur which are then followed by delirium, confusion, and febrile seizures.

  1. No Technique to Detect

The only way to prove if someone has an encephalitic fever is to do a tassel puncture in the brain and also test the fluid that will later be collected so that there is no traditional technique to detect this disease. Later, if the liquid has too many white blood cells and also protein, then someone is likely to be diagnosed with a dangerous disease, encephalitic fever.

  1. CT Scan Cannot Detect

Unlike other types of diseases that can be detected by CT scans, encephalitic fever cannot even be detected by a CT scan because it is very difficult to prove by looking at a CT scan plate to find out if a person’s brain has been infected.

  1. Often Afflicts Babies

Babies who most often experience encephalitic fever are increasingly difficult to detect because they are unable to tell if something is wrong with them as the symptoms of ordinary fever. This is the cause of encephalitic fever that is very difficult to detect in infants until it is too late to get help.

  1. Occurs in Children

In addition to babies, children under the age of 15 are also very vulnerable to this type of fever. Encephalitis in children can be fatal because the child’s immune system is still weak compared to adults.

  1. Vector Borne’s Disease

This disease is very difficult to control because it spreads through mosquito brokers such as dengue fever which is also transmitted through mosquitoes. Only one bite of an infected mosquito can make someone with encephalitic fever very life-threatening.

  1. No Vaccinations

Worse yet, vaccinations for encephalitic fever are actually available but are not given regularly for children. For this reason, vaccines cannot be included in the integrated vaccination schedule for children unless you specifically request it.

Encephalitis is a disease that is very dangerous and can be very deadly. The best preventive step that can be taken is to just avoid bites from mosquitoes and try to always keep the environment clean so as not to become a nest of mosquitoes to breed.

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