16 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Lips #Proven

Ever thinking about going a day without putting on your lipstick? Are you not confident because the color complexion of your lips is not even? Do you even notice dark spots there?

Don’t let dark spots on your lips stop you. In this article, you will find various easy and effective ways to get rid of dark spots on your lips.

But before we get to that, identifying the cause of your dark spots is important as it will help you to find the most suitable treatment for you. So, here are natural ways to get rid of dark spots on lips.

Dark Spots Causes

  1. Hyperpigmentation due to long sun exposure
  2. Allergy or infection
  3. Dehydration
  4. Coffee or tea
  5. Hot and spicy food
  6. Smoking

After you identify the cause for your dark spots on lips, it is time to get rid of them. These are 16 easy ways to get rid of dark spots:

1. Almond oil

Almond can be utilized as a remedy to get rid of dark spots on your lips. Almond oil is an effective agent to hydrate your skin, and it works just the same for your lips. Many times, dark spots noticed on the lips are caused by dry and patchy skin.

Almond oil will help to remove the dark skin cells and dry patches to leave your lips with new healthy looking texture. In addition, a little content of bleaching properties is also present in it will help you to get brighter lips complexion especially if you are suffering from dark lines on the outer part of your lips.

Follow these simple steps regularly every night before bed to get rid dark spots on your lips:

  • Rub 2 to 3 drops of almond oil onto your lips
  • Massage gently with cotton ball or your fingertip
  • Do it for about 2 minutes
  • Leave almond oil on your lips overnight
  • Wash off in the morning

Indeed, this the best natural ways to get rid of dark spots on lips.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil works with the same principle as almond oil. It will remove dark spots with its fatty acid that will hydrate your lips.

Follow these simple steps for every time you need it:

  • Use coconut oil as a lip balm during the day
  • Apply thin layer of it on your lips
  • Apply it on the night as well before going to bed

Indeed, there is also natural ways on How to Treat Infected Belly Button Piercing at Home.

3. Lemon

Lemon juice contains excellent bleaching properties that helps to reduce dark spots on your lips. Follow these simple steps once in a day and you will notice the difference on your lips after few weeks of application:

  • Dab few drops of lemon juice to your lips
  • Massage your lips gently with cotton ball or your fingertips
  • Do it for no longer than 4 minutes

Indeed, there is also natural ways on Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Dark Armpits

4. Glycerin

This ingredient is the correct one for your if your dark spot are due to dryness. Glycerin will retain moisture to prevent dry skin on your lips, and thus helps to get rid of dark spots.

Follow steps every night before bed until you notice some improvement:

  • Apply glycerin on to your lips
  • Rub it with cotton swab or your fingertips
  • Leave it on overnight 

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has aloesin present in it which help to restrain skin pigmentation. The compound agent will lighten up the skin. In addition, aloe vera also rejuvinates and provides the skin with healthy nutrient.

Follow these steps every once in a day for the best result:

  • Rub a thin layer of aloe vera gel on to your lips
  • Be careful because it tastes bitter
  • Let dry
  • Cleanse off with lukewarm water
  • Apply lip balm

Indeed, there is also natural ways on How to Cure Chapped Lips in 5 Minutes with Home Remedies

6. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been commonly used for many aesthetic purposes. This natural ingredient is also a good remedy to brighten up dark spots on your lips due to bleaching properties present in it. Follow these simple steps every night before bed to wake up with brighter lips in the morning:

  • Before going to bed, rub a few drops of apple cider vinegar on your lips
  • Leave it on overnight
  • Wash it off in the morning

Meanwhile, it’s proven natural ways to get rid of dark spots on lips. 

7. Baking soda

For this remedy, baking soda will work as an exfoliant. The ingredient will help to remove dead skin cells accumulated on your lips to reveal new lips to the surface. As a result, your lips will look healthy and more pinkish. However, since exfoliation often dries out the skin, you will need other supporting ingredients to keep your lips hydrated.

Follow these simple steps

  • Mix together baking soda and few drops of water until you get the consistency of a paste
  • Apply on your lips and scrub gently with your fingertip or toothbrush
  • Do it for 2 to 3 minutes
  • Cleanse off, pat dry and apply olive oil or lip balm

Indeed, there is also natural ways on 25 Natural Homemade Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads on Nose

8. Beetroot

Beetroot juice will remove the tan on your lips and give the color to it. It is also able to make your lips supple.

Follow these steps regularly once in a day:

  • Slice a beetroot and keep it in refrigerator
  • Scrub your lips with the beetroot slice for couple of minutes
  • Wash it off after 10 to 15 minutes

9. Cucumber juice

Cucumber  helps to soothe and nourish your skin. The ingredient will promote rejuvination and lighten up the color of your lips.

Follow these simple steps daily or once every day. You will notice the improvement in 15 to 20 days.

  • Blend cucumber and cool the juice in refrigerator
  • Dip cotton ball in the cool juice
  • Take it out and apply on the lips
  • Leave it on for about 20 o 30 minutes
  • Rinse off


Rosewater helps to brighten up the color of your lips and nourish it at the same time. The ingredient also promotes cell renewal and stimulates blood circulation.

Follow these simple steps every night before bed until you notice some improvements:

  • Cool rosewater in refrigerator
  • Dip cotton ball in the rosewater
  • Apply it on to your lips
  • Rub gently for couple of minutes
  • Leave it overnight

11. Turmeric

The Asian must have herbs is an excellent natural ingredients that has many benefits for your skin. Turmeric has rich contents of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties that will help to brighten dark spots on the lips. Turmeric is the correct remedy for you especially if your dark spots is due to infection.

Follow these simple steps once a day to get your desired result:

  • Mix together a pinch of turmeric powder, nutmeg powder and few drops of water until you get the consistency of a paste
  • Apply the mixture on the lips
  • Wait until it dries
  • Rinse off your lips and apply lip balm

12. Sugar

Sugar will be used as an exfoliant in this remedy. Exfoliation is the key process to remove dark, dull and dead skin cells. This process will help to increase blood circulation and renew the cells which is mainly the reason why you will be left with fresh and smoother texture on your lips. Follow this simple steps to make your own exfoliator.

  • Mix together one teaspoon of brown sugar and 5 drops of lemon juice
  • Apply the mixture onto your lips
  • Rub it gently with your fingertips for a minute
  • Wash off gently with clean water
  • Apply lip balm to moisturize the lips

13. Apply Lip Balm

Many times dry skins is one of the causes of dark spots. Hence, to heal the dark spots, you will want to take care of the root problem beforehand. Use lip balm to moisturize your lips. Apply it on your lips for everytime you need it. As an alternative, you can also use Vaseline Petroleum Jelly as an alternative.

14. Avoid UV Rays

Exposure to sun will increase the production of melanin, your dark spots agent. Your face area has the most exposure to sun as it is not covered. If it is not quite necessary, try to have less outdoor activity and long exposure to sun. Always use sunscreen to protect your face, and the same rule goes to your lips.

Use lip product (lip balm or lipstick) that has SPF. Remember that the number claimed by one product (SPF 15, 30, 50, so on) defines the longevity of exposure to sun. The bigger the number, the longer it protects you from the sun.

15. Choose the right products

Use only trusted, safety and reliable products for your lips. Make sure that the product is harmless, safe for your skin and does not cause irritation or infection as it also provokes the forming of dark spots. Be picky when it comes to your skin and most importantly, do not use expired products. 


16. Dermatotologist

If all the above remedies fail, you are advised to consult with a dermatologist. The dermatologist will identify the cause for your dark spots and find the right treatment to get rid of them. Meanwhile, you can use those natural ways to get rid of dark spots on lips.

You may also read:

How to Prevent Dark Spots on Your Lips

After you get rid of the dark spots, you want to prevent them from coming again. Consider to apply these to your day-to-day activity:

  1. Avoid excessive sun exposure
  2. Do not bite or lick dry lips as it may bleed and cause infection which leads to dark spots
  3. Remove lipstick before sleeping
  4. Keep yourself hydrated

With home remedies, dark spots on your lips can be removed. However, keep in mind that although easy and effective, natural remedies tend to take more time, you need to be patient and keep the application regularly until you notice the improvement. Stay healthy!

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Kategori : Lips Health